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Women Trafficking &

Forced Prostitution-
Women are No Objects of

Trafficking is an organized crime which violates all
tenets of human dignity and rights.
Poverty, illiteracy, lack of livelihood options makes
females vulnerable to trafficking.
India as a Gateway to Prostitution: It has both in-
country and Cross border trafficking.

The Victim
Believe that any debts
are their obligation to
repay some may sign
View their situation as
temporary, surviving on
the hope that once their
debt is paid off or a
certain amount of time
has passed, they shall be

Advent of the System of
Commercial Sex:
- Prostitution
- Stripping
- Pornography
- Live-sex shows
- Brothels
- Massage parlours
Domestic Servitude:
- Housekeeping
- Child Rearing

While the venues
and locations
may change, the
remains the
Prostitution Vs. Trafficking
The offense of trafficking involves "the recruitment,
harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a
person for labor or services, through the use of force,
fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to
involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or
Sex trafficking is the process that delivers victims into
Prostitution and trafficking begin with the demand for
victims to be used in prostitution.
The Horrifying Statistics
20.9 million victims of modern slavery- As per Trafficking in
Persons Report, 2012 by the US Govt.
In India close to three million women work as prostitutes, of
which1.2 million are below 18. The number of
prostitutes rose by 50% between 1997 and 2004
Increasing STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and
health related problems due to prostitution.
India has an HIV/AIDS population of approximately 1.4-1.6
million people making it the world's third-largest population
suffering from HIV/AIDS & Asias largest sex industry
Increase in the rate of Child trafficking over the years
Prohibition of Trafficking
& Prostitution in India
Article 23 (1) of the Indian Constitution:
Traffic in human beings and begar and other similar forms of
forced labour are prohibited and any contravention of this
provision shall be an offence punishable in accordance with law.
Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1956 (amended)
Indian Penal Code
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000
Child Marriage Prohibition Act, 2006
Suggestions to combat
Sensitization programmes for the Govt. officials, NGOs, Judicial
Officers, Public Prosecutors, media, et all.
Increase in Education programmes about reproductive health to
reduce risks of deception of young girls from sexual abuse.
Creating Livelihood Opportunities and bringing about adequate
relief and welfare measures for victims.
To take on an approach which shall tackle-
- The men- The Ultimate Consumers
- The exploiters- The Traffickers, Brothel Owners, Corrupt Officials, etc.
- The State- Either it should stop tolerating or legalize it.
- The culture- The perceptions highlighted through wrong media
Law and Enforcement
Computerised database at Police stations on traffickers,
agents, victims, sources, routes, destinations, modus
operandi, missing children and women
A close vigil by the Police on major bus stands, railway
Introduction of community policing in source areas
Enforcement of compulsory marriage registration
Setting up of special benches in every District Court for
speedy trials
Penal steps against the production, publication, sale and
exhibition of any pornography
I freed a thousand
slaves, I could have freed
a thousand more if only
they knew they were
- Harriet Tubman

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