Design of Transit Network

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Transit Network design Methods

transit network design problem is one of the most significant problems
faced by transit operators in the world if involving more than one mode
and diverse vehicle fleets.
For that transit network design we are opting for many Computerised
models which have been developed for this purpose are often highly
specialised but very expensive
Discussing actual transit network design + Bee Optimisation Approach
In this paper all the main constraints are considered
1. maximize the number of satisfied passengers
2. minimize the total number of transfers and
3. minimize the total travel time of all served passengers
Why we have to go for transit design??
Urban Road Consequences resulted in development of Park and Ride, HOV
facilities, Congestion pricing etc.. But still raising of traffic is needed to be
concentrated seriously
A part from the above approaches even a Improperly designed public
transit network can significantly increase public transport mode share like
long waiting times of passengers where as for shorter times we require
more public vehicles (Un economical)
Public transit network design problem is almost faced by all authorities
Method1: Practical Transit Network Design
adaptation of the Emme/2 transport network model
In the 1
Part - basic inputs to the Emme/2 model are the general
transport network, and the auto and transit demand matrices
we give Auto Assignment Option in Emme/2 -Prevaling Traffic
modified volume delay functions (VDFs) are used to
"focus" transit demand onto routes with sufficient
demand volume
initially a "free," or "user optimal" assignment of transit trips, is
increasingly constrained in subsequent iterations

Requirement of the Model is the network model for the planning of
a transit system must reflect all possible transit facilities like for
example railway station as a node
For an Instance it is assumed that all roads and dedicated transit
facilities in the modelled network are available to transit then
For more in detail
1. Vehicle occupancy
2. Volume Delay Functions
3. Generalized costs
4. Other modes

Vehicle Occupancy:
The travel time on a network link is a function of the link
capacity and the number of vehicles using the link.
The number of vehicles is dependent on the number of
people travelling and the average vehicle occupancy rate.
For the roads VolumeDelay functions Vehicle Occupancy is
considered- Note: More Occupancy vehicles create more
Volume Delay Function
If transit only route design we no need to consider this
volume delay
Calibrated from parameters Possible trravel time,No of

Generalised costs
Sum of costs due to waiting/travel time + Toll and other direct costs
Function on link length and speed limit
Transit vehicles choose shorter routes

Method-2 Bee Optimisation Technique
Problem Statement
Let us consider the road network shown in the fig We denote this network
by G = (N,A),
where, N is the set of nodes represent potential bus stops ,
A is links (street segments).
Any path used by transit passengers is defined by a sequence of nodes,
and links

Main Intention is In the given Network transit we will select R links from
the total A links and bring these links into fixed transit routes by using a
Indicator we use is Total travel time spent by the users of transit service T

Note: Since Transfers make back passengers to come close transfers may be
reduced by optimizing the transit route
Solution of finding best transit route is by Bee Colony Optimization

Bee Optimization Technique:
In this bees behavior is collected during the nectar collection process. Artificial bees utilize
the principles utilized by bees
1. Artificial bees explore through the search space looking for the feasible solution (i.e
2. During the Search Every bee by accepting and improving solutions
3. Finally after getting solutions they will go back to the nest
4. During their return all the bees collaborate and exchange the information and decide
whether to abandon the created solution and become the follower(based on the
5. Every follower choose a new search operation and this process goes on iteratively

BCO approach to the transit Network design Problem
1. We will generate initial feasible solution (old route / less distance)
2. Artificial bees try to investigate the solution space in the neighbourhood
of current solution and try to improve the solution

Step1: Initial Solution

Bus line could be used by passengers that enjoy direct service as well
as passengers with two transfers
Passengers who enjoy direct service is given by ds
Initial Solution can be generated using certain algorithm .
Process 1:Prescribe the total number of bus lines NBL in the network.
Process 2:Find the pair of nodes that has the highest ds
value. Let
this pair is the pair of nodes (a,b). The nodes aand b are the terminals
of the new bus line. Find the shortest path between these two nodes

Step2: Checking Alternate Solutions

We solve the transit network design problem by using two sets of
artificial bees. type 1 and type 2.
The type 1 artificial bees differ from the type 2 artificial bees only in
the way in which they modify the solutions.
When making decisions about the loyalty, as well as decisions to join
some of the recruiters both bees of type1, and bees of type 2 behave
in the same way.

2.1 Solution modification by Bee1
Type 1 bee chooses one line from the set of bus lines according to
Probability of taking line l can be calculated as:

for example,
Step(a) type1 bee chose line whose terminals are i and j.
Step(b) In the next step, type 1 bee chooses one among two
terminals. Suppose i selected. Type 1 bee destroys selected bus line.
New bus line will be created between terminal i and new terminal k,
which could be chosen with the probability

2.2 Solution modification by Bee2
Type 2 bee chooses one bus line in the same manner as the type 1
bee and then in random selects one of the node for example j
In the next step, bee decides to destroy this terminal and creates a
new route as shown in fig

Analysis of Solutions generated by the bees
Let Tb (b = 1, 2, , B) the total travel time of bth bee.
Ob =normalized value of the total travel time Tb, i.e.:
Pb= probability that bth bee (at the beginning of the new forward pass) is
loyal to the previously generated solution

where Tmin and Tmax are respectively the smallest and the largest
total travel time in all transit networks generated by all bees.
d0 the percentage of demand satisfied without any transfers,
d1 the percentage of demand satisfied with one transfer,
d2 the percentage of demand satisfied with two transfers,
dun the percentage of demand unsatisfied,
ATT average travel time in minutes per transit user (mpu).
Transit Network design is large combinational
problem which can be optimally solved by this
New approach effectively
In this BCO method author tried to maximize
the number of served passengers, to minimize
the total in-vehicle time of all served
passengers, and to minimize the total number
of transfers in the network
In BCO author has not considered about any
other non-transit vehicles and
he has not showed how effectively this
technique works in reality
Author also not considered the practical
facilities and mainly design of approach roads
to the transit network
Transit network design by Bee Colony
Optimization by Milo Nikolic , Duan
Teodorovic (Volume 40, Issue 15, 1 November
2013, Pages 59455955)
Feeder transit Network by Ashish Verma
A Practical Transit Network Design Method by
W R Duff-Riddell
Thank you..

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