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The Kingdom of God #7

The Laws of the Kingdom

Key Question:
What does it mean when we
obey Christs commands?
1 Corinthians 9:21
To those not having the law I
became like one not having the
law (though I am not free from
Gods law but am under Christs
law), so as to win those not having
the law.
I. We prove we truly love God
John 14:21, 23

Whoever has my commands and keeps
them is the one who loves me. The one who
loves me will be loved by my Father, and I
too will love them and show myself to
Jesus replied, Anyone who loves
me will obey my teaching. My Father will
love them, and we will come to them and
make our home with them.

I. We prove we truly love God
1 John 5:3

In fact, this is love for God: to keep his
commands. And his commands are
not burdensome
I. We prove we truly love God
1. The greatest proof that we truly love
Good is not our feelings but our
initiative to obey Him.
2. We therefore need to know he
commands of Christ.
3. How do we measure our love for
by our feelings
by what we choose to do for God
II. We prove that we are Gods
John 15:14
You are my friends if you do what I
II. We prove that we are Gods
1. The proof that we are Gods friends is
that we follow His commands.
2. Those who do evil are enemies of
Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us
in this: While we were still sinners, Christ
died for us.

III. We prove that Gods presence is
in us
1 John 3:24
The one who keeps Gods
commands lives in him, and he in
them. And this is how we know that he
lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he
gave us.
III. We prove that Gods presence is
in us
1. Every act of obedience is
accompanied by Gods presence.
It is Gods grace and presence that
enables us to do Gods will.
Doing Gods will is not always pleasing to
the eyes of unbelievers. You may be
criticized or persecuted for it.
IV. We prove that God is truly our
Luke 6:46-47
Why do you call me, Lord,
Lord, and do not do what I say?
for everyone who comes to me and
hears my words and puts them into
practice, I will show you what they are
IV. We prove that God is truly our
Matthew 7:12-23
So in everything, do to others what you
would have them do to you, for this sums up
the Law and the Prophets.
Enter through
the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and
broad is the road that leads to destruction,
and many enter through it.
But small is the
gate and narrow the road that leads to life,
and only a few find it.
Watch out for false
prophets. They come to you in sheeps
clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious
IV. We prove that God is truly our
Matthew 7:12-23
Not everyone who says to me, Lord,
Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but
only the one who does the will of my Father
who is in heaven.
Many will say to me on
that day,Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in
your name and in your name drive out
demons and in your name perform many
Then I will tell them plainly, I
never knew you. Away from me, you
IV. We prove that God is truly our
1. The practice of calling Jesus Lord is
not enough evidence of our
submission. He is convinced when we
obey His commands.
IV. We prove that God is truly our
2. Calling Jesus Lord yet not delighting in
putting His Word into practice offends
Remember, we were saved by confessing
Jesus is our Lord
Romans 10:9-10:
If you declare with your
mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the
dead, you will be saved.
For it is with
your heart that you believe and are
justified, and it is with your mouth that
you profess your faith and are saved.
V. Our prayers are answered
1 John 3:22
and receive from him anything we
ask, because we keep his
commands and do what pleases him.
V. Our prayers are answered
1. God answers our prayers instantly if
we are obedient.
He delights to hear the prayers of His
2. Satan will have no grounds to hinder the
answer to our prayer.
VI. God reveals Himself to us
John 14:21
Whoever has my commands and keeps them is
the one who loves me. The one who loves me will
be loved by my Father, and I too will love them
and show myself to them.

1 John 3:24
The one who keeps Gods commands lives in
him, and he in them. And this is how we know that
he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us.
VI. God reveals Himself to us
1. Every time we obey the Lord by His
word, He reveals more of Himself to us.
2. Signs accompany those who believe
Mark 16:17:
And these signs will
accompany those who believe: In my
name they will drive out demons; they
will speak in new tongues;
Obedience is a sign of faith. Through
faith, God can do great things.
VII. We truly have eternal life
John 12:50
I know that his command leads to
eternal life. So whatever I say is just
what the Father has told me to say.
VII. We truly have eternal life
1. Those who obey God prove the
reality of eternal life in them.
2. It is doubtful for a person to be a true
Christian who doesnt follow Gods
When we receive Christ as our Lord and
Savior, we received Gods Spirit. By the
Spirit, we can know, learn, and obey
Jesus commands. Obeying Christs
commands does not only bring Gods
blessings. It also protects us from the
attacks of Satan.
Are you learning Christs commands?
Do you delight in putting Christs
commands into practice?

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