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The Roth Prescription

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Functional Occlusion
Increasing awareness and fear

Roths interests
Belief that functional dynamics of occlusion imp. for
To prove that no harm was being done to his pts.
To disprove that PM extractions could cause TMD
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Functional Occlusion
Time consuming and difficult
Only possible if there are minor problems
Jaws had to have stable relation i.e.. after growth.
More important to straighten teeth better.
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Functional Occlusion
SIX KEYS of Occlusion, with the mandible in

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Functional Occlusion
The condyles should be seated superior and
anterior in the fossae against the articular disks
and the distal slope of the articular eminence,
and centered transversely.
Electromyographic study by Williamson

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Functional Occlusion
Incisors in Class I occlusion
4 mm overbite
2-3mm overjet at incisors
1mm overjet at canines
U Canine cusp tip below occl. plane at level of
contact point b/w L3 & 4/5
U canine, slightly mesial axial incliation, so that it
touches disto incisal slope of L canine
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Functional Occlusion
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Functional Occlusion
Signs that mand. is not in centric
Occlusal wear
Excessive tooth mobility
TMJ sounds
Limitation of mouth opening
Myofacial pain
Tightness of mandibular musculature
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Functional Occlusion
Important to diagnose a patient from centric
Guide mandible into centric, and check for first
tooth contact
Articulator mounting may be necessary.
Splint therapy may be needed.
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Functional Occlusion
Once mandible is stabilized in centric, R

planning can begin.
If large difference, ceph should be taken in
centric, or adjusted accodingly.
Jarabak ceph analysis and Ricketts VTO

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Functional Occlusion
Anatomic articulator mounting/SAM articulator
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Functional Occlusion
CR after equilibration of cast
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Functional Occlusion
Repositioning of the mandible on the tracing
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Gnathological Objectives
3 parts
1. On normal closure in centric relation
2. Protrusive movement
3. Lateral movement
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Gnathological Objectives
On closure in centric
Class I occlusion at centric
Simultaneous contact of all posterior teeth with
force directed down the long axis of the posterior
0.005 clearance of anteriors

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Gnathological Objectives
Protrusive movement.
Anteriors must gently
disocclude postriors
Sufficient overjet and bite
Occlusion U 6 ant with L
ant and 1
14 teeth bear the stress

Mutually protected
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Gnathological Objectives
On lateral excursions
Cuspids main guiding
U canine cusp tips ride
on disto-incisal incline of
L canine.
All other teeth lifted out of

Cuspid Guidance
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
The Roth Prescription
Too many brackets in Andrews prescription
Translation friction
Roth did not translate teeth
Wanted 1 prescription for all his patients.
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
The Roth Prescription
more torque in upper incisors,
Less torque in upper canines
more tip in canines
anti-rotation in canines and PMs
Upright posterior segments
Over-correction of U molar offset and torque

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
The Roth Prescription
Lower posteriors
distal tip
Distal rotation

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
The Roth Prescription
Also available
Molar tubes with no upper molar offset
Super torque anterior brackets
Canines with 0
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
The Roth Prescription
Tooth II molar I Molar II PM I PM Canine Lateral Central
Maxillary 5/-9


2/-7 2/-7 11/-7 9/8 5/12
Mand. 2/-35
2/-22 2/-17 5/-11 2/-1 2/-1
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
The Roth Prescription
Bracket placement as advocated by Andrews
Upper anteriors and lower incisors bonded more
Lower canines bonded slightly more gingivally

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
The Roth Prescription
Archform Tru Arch
Flatter anteriorly
Sharp curve in Canine PM
Gentle curve at post. legs.

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
The Roth Prescription
Roth Andrews
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
The Roth Prescription
Large amount of overcorrection because
1. Brackets do not express themselves play
2. Before complete expression force levels drop
3. Tendency of teeth to relapse
The Roth Prescription
Roths treatment mechanics
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Treatment Objectives
1. Correction of Crossbites
2. Correction of jaw relations
3. Eliminate severe crowding
4. Create space in the arch for severely
malposed/impaced teeth
5. Alignment of teeth in the individual arches
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Treatment Objectives
6. Begin space closure
7. Finish the lower arch
8. Achieve class I relationship of the buccal
9. Retract and intrude maxillary anterior teeth.
10. finishing and detailing

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Treatment Mechanics
3 phases
1. Unlocking phase
2. Working phase
3. Finishing phase
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Unlocking Phase
Major corrections
Cross bites
Severely malposed teeth
Use of RME, Quadhelix, Bimetric arches, Utility
Jarabak style loops in light wire
Braided wires
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Unlocking Phase
Jarabak light wire loops
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Unlocking Phase
Main objective
Gross corrections
Aligment with flexible wires so that heavier
wires can be used later

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Working phase
Closure of extraction site
Correct a-p jaw relation and
dental relation
Intrusion, if required

Space closure with double
keyhole loop
Usu 19x26 mil rounded edge
rectangular wire
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Working phase
Double keyhole loop
Space closure with 1 wire
Medium between tipping and translation
Permit either ant. retraction or post. protraction
Control of canine rotation
Used as elastic hooks.

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Working phase
Asher face bow for retracting anteriors en
masse. 12 15 oz of force for upper ant.

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Working phase
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Working phase
Upper wire with gable bend distal to canine and

To protract posteriors cinch back keyhole
loops discontinue Headgear

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Working phase
Some tipping occurs after space closure
18x25 blue Elgiloy - COS
0.018 steel
16 x 22 yellow Elgiloy 2 turn helix

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Working phase
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Working phase
After uprighting
21 x 25 ss wire with only archform and no COS
Occationally 22 x 28 ss wire
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Working phase
High angle cases
Avoid heavy wires max use of Nitinol and TMA and
braided wires
Space closure on 0.016 SS wire
Uprighting with 19x25 TMA/Nitinol/braided wire

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Working phase
Bimax cases
Initial space closure with 0.018 or 0.020 wire with
double keyhole loops
Once teeth are upright intrude with Utility arch
Continue space closure with 19x26 double keyhole
loops and Asher face bow

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Working phase
Maximum retraction and torque control
21 x 25 SS or Elgiloy double keyhole loops
Maximum torque control
Reduce posterior ends
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Finishing Phase
Place full sized wires and let brackets express
Drop to braided settling elastics
Short Class IIs - minimum extrusion.?
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Case report Bimax.
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
After Space Closure
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Post Treatment
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Post Treatment
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Anchorage considerations
Factors that result in mesial migration of molars
Heavy wires for leveling COS
Attempts to gain rapid alignment with heavy
Uprighting distally tipped canines
Lingual root torque of max. incisors
Arch expansion with labial archwire
Retracting extremely procumbent anterior teeth
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Anchorage considerations
Procumbent teeth offer a lot of anchorage
Once teeth are upright, they retract easily.

Space closure can be done on any wire, as long
as it is done slowly.
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Anchorage considerations
Initial alignment on light wires
0.015 Coaxial wire then 0.017/0.019 Coaxial wire
Heavier wires (esp with COS tend to procline teeth)

For leveling COS where do incisors need to be?
Intrusion with - 19 square Utility arch
Then go to continuous wire
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Minimal use of HG
1. Leveling on light wires usually Coaxial
2. If procumbent incisors upright with HG
6-8 weeks with HG then reciprocal space closure
3. Band 2
molars from the beginning
4. Intrude the incisors to level the COS

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Expansion with archwire
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Expansion with the Quadhelix
Quadhelix can be used to correct molar rotation
Mild buccal expansion
Buccinator mechanism and buccal musculature
retract the 1
molars ----- ???
Truncated cone effect - used in Crozat appliance

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Minimal use of HG
0.015 Coaxial
0.019 Coaxial
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Minimal use of HG
0.020 double keyhole loops
Extends up to 1
19x26 double keyhole loops
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Minimal use of HG
Deep COS by end of Space Closure
19 x 19 Utility arch
Incisor intrusion 3 months
Intrusion of canine
1 month
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Minimal use of HG
Braided wire for alignment
21x25 NiTi then SS
The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Upper arch
Upper arch treatment slightly behind the lower
When lower arch is in 21 x 25 SS and upper in
braided start short Class II elastics
Go to 21 x 25 SS in upper continue elastics
Settling with 21 x 25 braided wire.

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Mandible is in centric importance to TMJ
Incorporation of different mechanics
Use of HG to anterior teeth for minimal amount
of time
Light wires for initial alignment, to prevent
proclination of incisors

The Roth R
x Dr. Punit Thawani
Orthodontics Current Principles and
Graber and Swain
Orthodontics Current Principles and
Graber and Vanarsdall
The Straight-Wire Appliance - 17 Years Later
Roth JCO Sep 1987

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