Jaringan Hewan (Animal Tissue)

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Tissue, group of similarly structured cells that
perform specialized functions for the survival
of the organism
Tissue in vertebrates is divided into five kinds
1. Meristematic tissue
This tissue is found in embryo development
phase and in the end of young pipe bone,
backbone marrow
2. Epithelia tissue (jaringan epitel)
Function of this tissue is for covering (body or
part of body organ) and protecting another
Epithelia tissue consists of cells arranged
a. Based on the number of cell layers:
- single layer (simple) epithelia
- multilayer (complex) epithelia

b. Based on the shaped of its cells:
flat epithelia (squamosa): in kidney, lungs, blood
vessels, skin
cubic (cuboid) epithelia: in surface of ovarium,
eye lens, retina
long (columnar) epithelia: in respiration organ,
digestion channels

Simple squamous epithelia tissue on
the skin
Columnar epithelia tissue on the
inner layer of human intestine
3. Bonding (supporting) Tissue (Jaringan
The functions of bonding tissue as follows:
a. to bond one tissue to another tissue
b. to wrap organs
c. to fill cavity between organs
d. to transport oxygen and food substances to another
e. to transport metabolism waste to secretion organs
f. to produce immunity
g. to replace broken tissue
h. to neutralize poison
i. to form supporting skeleton
Bonding tissue consists of four kinds
a. Ordinary bonding tissue (jaringan ikat biasa);
Example: tissue in muscle tendon
b. Specific bonding tissue (jaringan ikat khusus);
Example the lipid tissue under the skin
c. Supporting bonding tissue (jaringan ikat
penyokong); Cartilage tissue and real bone
d. Connecting bonding tissue (jaringan ikat
penghubung) : Blood tissue and lymph tissue

Lipid tissue (adipose tissue)
1. Cartilage tissue (jaringan tulang rawan):
Dense matrix (condrite)
Yellow and white fibres (collagen)
Chondrosite (cell of cartilage tissue) which occupies a
chamber (lacuna)
2. Real bone tissue (jaringan tulang sejati):
Its matrix has no elastic property, because contains
organic salt: calc salt
Lamela (layers)
Osteocyte cells
Lacuna (small hollow)

Real bone tissue
1. Blood tissue (jaringan darah)
Blood tissue consists of :
Blood plasma (plasma darah)
Blood grains (butiran darah):
- Red blood cell / erythrocyte (sel darah merah)
- white blood cell / leucocyte (sel darah putih)
- blood disk / thrombocyte (keping darah)
2. Lymph tissue
Lymph tissue consist of lymph liquid which
circulates lymph vessels. Lymph liquid functions
to transport lipid
Red and white blood cells
Blood disk (Thrombocyte)
Process of coagulation
4. Muscle tissue (jaringan otot) consists;
Cells (fiber in shape)
No intercellular matrix
Its cytoplasm contains contractile fiber
This tissue is divided into 3 kinds:
a. skeletal muscle tissue (striped muscle)
b. smooth muscle tissue
c. cardiac muscle tissue

Skeletal muscle tissue
Its fibers has dark and light lines (striped muscle)
Many nuclei
Work under instruction
Found in skeletal

Smooth muscle tissue
No dark and light lines
Its cell has one nuclei
Its does not work under instruction
Found in inner organs: intestine and blood vessel

Cardiac muscle tissue
Its fibers has dark and light lines
Its cell has nuclei placed centrally
Branching and interconnecting fibers
It does not work under instruction
It is found in the heart
Striated/stripe muscle tissue
Smooth muscle tissue
Cardiac muscle tissue
5. Nerve Tissue (jaringan saraf) consists of nerve
cells (neurons) and nerve fibres
Function: as conductor of stimulation

This tissue is divided into three kinds:
a. sensoric nerve tissue (jaringan saraf sensoris)
b. Motoric nerve tissue (jaringan saraf motorik)
c. Connector nerve tissue (jaringan saraf

Nerve cells (neurons)
Nerve cell (neuron)
Answer the questions below correctly
1. What is tissue
2. Mention the kind of animal tissue
3. Complete the table bellow

Animal Tissue Function
Epithelia Tissue .
Bonding Tissue .
Muscle Tissue .
Nerve Tissue .
4. Complete the table below
Kind of Muscle Tissue Characteristic
Skeletal muscle 1.
Smoot muscle 1.
Cardiac muscle 1.

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