Homemade Wind Turbine

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Team Members

• Ankit Shrestha (062/BIE/05)

• Deepak Rana (062/BIE/11)
• Gopal Chaudhary (062/BIE/12)
• Prakash Acharya (062/BIE/25)
• Rojesh Man Bajracharya (062/BIE/33)
• Sangeet Lal Karna (062/BIE/36)
• Shalabh Poudyal (062/BIE/39)
• Spandan Sharma Mishra (062/BIE/42)
• Since 2005, global wind installations more
than doubled.

• All wind turbines installed worldwide are

generating 260 Tega Watts hour (TWh) per
annum, equaling more than 1.5 % of the
global electricity consumption.
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC)
estimated that the gross potential of 3000 MW of
electricity can be generated from wind energy in

DANGRID, a Danish firm reported that 200 MW of

potential electrical output with an annual energy
production of 500 GWh can be produced between
Kagbeni and Chusang in Mustang district alone.
Wind energy is a form of solar energy

Generation of air currents is a direct affect of

the combination of two phenomena:
circulation of hot air and earth rotation.

A wind turbine is a rotating machine which

converts the kinetic energy of wind into
mechanical energy
Types of turbine:
Horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT)
 Horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT) have the main
rotor shaft and electrical generator at the top of a
tower, and must be pointed into the wind.

Vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT)

 VAWT have the main rotor shaft arranged vertically
and turbine does not need to be pointed into the
wind to be effective.
Advantages of HAWT
Variable blade pitch, which gives the turbine
blades the optimum angle of attack.

Tall tower base allows access to stronger wind

in sites with wind shear & consistent lateral
wind loading
Disadvantages of HWAT
The tall towers and blades up to 90 meters long
are difficult to transport.

Tall HAWTs are difficult to install.

HAWTs require an additional yaw control

mechanism to turn the blades toward the wind
Advantages of VAWT
A massive tower structure is less frequently

Designs without yaw mechanisms are

possible with fixed pitch rotor designs

VAWTs have lower wind startup speeds than

Disadvantages of VAWT
Likelihood of blade failure by fatigue.

VAWTs may not produce as much energy at a

given site as a HAWT .

Changing out parts nearly impossible without

dismantling the structure if not designed
Power in wind
The output from the wind machine depends upon
following factors:
 Wind velocity
 The cross-sectional area swept by the rotor
 Overall efficiency of the wind power unit.

The power available in wind= 1/8*ῤ*π*d2*v3.

 ῤ=densityof air.
 d=diameter of the rotor.
 v=velocity of air.

Overall efficiency of the wind power

unit (η 0) = Useful output power
Wind power
Working Principle of wind
Working Principle of our
blade design

A rotating fan hits the air with its tilted wings

at an angle and if it is reversed, that’s the

principle in our design. The flowing air strikes

the blades in our turbine rotating the blades.

Step I: Designing the turbine after accessing the available

Step II: Short listing and collecting the required materials.

The materials are:
V belt ( A type)
Pulley ( A type)
Automobile alternator (12 Volts, 60 Amperes)
Car battery (12 Volts)
Circular cross section metallic parts
Rectangular cross section hollow metallic units
Shaft ( 19 mm)
Tail vane

Step III: Fabrication of rotor blades & hub

Step IV: Fabricating the frame

Step V: All the parts were assembled and a

wind turbine was obtained

Step VI: A 12 Volts battery was employed to

excite the stator coil of the alternator. A 21

Watts bulb was lighted.

The maximum output generated in the lab

was 14.45 Volts, 1.6 Ampere electrical current

which was enough to light a 21 Watt electric

However the output was considerably less ie.
8.65 volts and 0.96 ampere in actual field due
to reasons below:

 Owing to heavy weight and improper alignment of

flywheel and pulley of the alternator

 Due to eccentric rotation of the flywheel.

 Due to high tension in the V-belt.

Future potential of wind
technology of the world
& Nepal:
The wind industry internationally is able to
provide at least 12% of the world’s future
electricity needs by 2020.

In Nepal, Alternative Energy Promotion Centre

(AEPC) estimated that the gross potential of
3000 MW of electricity can be generated from
wind energy.
DANGRID, a Danish consulting firm working in
Nepal reported that 200 MW of potential
electrical output with an annual energy
production of 500 GWh.

This can be produced from the wind resources

between Kagbeni and Chusang in Mustang
district alone.
Conclusion &

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