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SA TAONG 1301-1400
Inihanda nina:

Samonte Lyca D.

Bagnes Jerwin M.

Salapare Trisha E.

Mendoza Dexter R.

De Castro Joseph R.

English poet eo!!rey Cha"cer
writes The Canter#"ry Tales$ a
collection o! stories told #y
pilgrims en ro"te to Canter#"ry
Cathedral. % literary classic$ the
wor&'s geni"s lies in the
interaction #etween the tales
and the !raming story.
Geoffrey Chaucer

(talian poet Dante %lighieri
writes The Di)ine Comedy$ a
great masterpiece o! world
literat"re. (n it Dante passes
thro"gh hell$ p"rgatory$ and
hea)en to "nderstand the role o!
lo)e and reason in sal)ation.
Dante Alighieri

(talian poet *etrarch writes his
Sonnets$ in which he ele)ates
h"man lo)e to a spirit"al
dimension. *etrarch #ecomes one
o! the !irst h"manists o! the
Renaissance and a highly
in!l"ential poet in E"ropean
Francesco Petrarch

Card games$ li&ely introd"ced into
E"rope #y the Cr"saders in the
+,th cent"ry$ soon replace dice as
a pop"lar gaming acti)ity in
ermany. -sed #oth !or
entertainment and gam#ling$ card
games are played #y commoners
and elite ali&e.
Card Games

Mechanical cloc&s$ dri)en #y
ad."sta#le weights$ appear in
E"rope. The cloc&s ha)e an
escapement that prod"ces
cyclic motion and ha)e only
one hand$ which indicates the
nearest /"arter ho"r.
Mechanical Clocks

The &ingdom o! Benin 0+1th
cent"ry to +2th cent"ry3$ in what
is now 4igeria$ prod"ced some
o! %!rica's !inest artwor&. %
#ronze pla/"e !rom the &ingdom
shows military !ig"res in high
Benin Bronze Plaque

Death of Wat Tyler

Spreading of Bubonic Plague

England and France Wage the Hundred Years


5at Tyler led a re#ellion against
6ing Richard (( o! England in
+,7+. The "prising led to the
a#olition o! the poll tax and
t"rned Tyler into a hero. 8ere$
Tyler is a#o"t to #e slain #y
5illiam 5alworth$ the mayor o!
London$ while Richard ((
Death of Wat Tyler

Spreading along trade ro"tes !rom
%sia$ %!rica$ and E"rope$ the Blac&
Death se)erely disr"pts trade and
local economies. Cities seem the !irst
targets !or the )ir"lent disease$ and
"r#an trade centers and maritime
trade ro"tes s"!!er greatly.
!reading of Bu"onic Plague

9rance str"ggles to "ntwine its !ate
!rom England as the two #ecome
ri)als. English &ings claim 9rench
royal lineage and lands in the
9rench pro)inces o! ascony and
%/"itaine. The war ends with the
Battle o! Castillon.
#ngland and France Wage the
$undred %ears& War

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