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Greenstone belts
Archaean greenstone belts are the oldest
major goup of well preserved volcano-
sedimentary basins and can therefore give us
information on early crustal evolution.
They occur in many shield areas and have ages
ranging from 3500 to 2500 Ma.
Greenstone belts
In Tanzania, six greenstone belts have been
identified in the Nyanzian Supergroup, namely,
Sukumaland, Kilimafedha, Musoma-Mara,
Shinyanga-Malita, Nzega and Iramba-Sekenke.
Greenstone belts are very important source of
mineralization. They are one of the main
depositaries for Au, Ag, Cr, Ni, Cu and Zn.
High grade terranes
High (metamorphic) grade granulite-gneiss belts
are another imporant Archaean crustal province.
The high grade terranes comprise of gneissic
complexes and batholiths which are dominantly
tonalite, trondhjemite, and granodiorite, the so
called TTG suite.
In Tanzania, the Dodoman comprises an Archaean
high grade terrane.
High grade terranes
Most gneissic complexes (TTG) in high grade terranes
yield ages of between 3.8 - 2.5 Ga with a significant
cluster between 2.7 - 3.1 Ga.
Most Archaean high grade terranes experienced high-
grade metamorphism reaching up to granulite facies.
Unlike Archaean greenstone belts, the high grade
terranes are not particularly endowed in mineral
High grade terranes
Recent Geochronological evidence shows that
Dodoman rocks records episodes of
magmatism that date as far back as 3.6 4.0
Ga whereas greenstones in Lake Victoria are
dated at 2.8 2.67 Ga
General stratigraphy
Geology of Tanzania can generally be subdivided
into FOUR tectono-stratigraphic units:
Archaean Tanzania Craton (central Tanzania high
grade terrane and northern Tanzania low grade
granite greenstone terrane)
General stratigraphy
Paleo- to Neo-proterozoic mobile belts surrounding the
Archaean Tanzania Craton (Ubendian Usagaran,
Karagwe Ankolean, Bukoban, Pan African Mozambique
Paleozoic to Mesozoic sedimentary basins (e.g. Karoo)
Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic formations (e.g.
Neogene volcanics of northern and southern Tanzania).
General stratigraphy
The greenstone sequence has been traditionally
assigned into the Nyanzian Supergroup; with the
Nyanzian itself being subdivided into lower and
upper units.
Lower Nyanzian = predominatly comprised of
mafic volcanics, gabbros, subordinate felsic flows
General stratigraphy
Upper Nyanzian = composed of BIF, chert, felsic
pyroclastics, carbonaceous shales, sandstones,
siltstones and greywacke.
The Nyanzian is unconformably overlain by the
coarse clastic sedimentary rocks of the Kavirondian
Supergroup (basal conglomerate, sandstones, grits
and are interbedded with thin horizons of volcanic
Mineralization and styles of
Greenstone belts are the major source of metallic
ore deposits including Au, Ag, Cu, Ni, Co, and Cr).
About 90% of Au production in Tanzania comes
from the greenstone belts of lake Victoria.
Styles of Au mineralization in the lake Victoria
greenstone belts include:
Mineralization and styles of
Quartz vein hosted mineralization associated
with shear zones (Bulyankulu, Tulawaka,
Busolwa Mawemeru). Mineralization in this
category is hosted in metavolcanic and
volcano-sedimentary rocks.
Mineralization and styles of
Banded Iron Formation (BIF) hosted
mineralization associated with shear zones
(Geita, Golden Ridge). Mineralization in this
category can also be categorised as strata-
bound as is the case with that of Golden
Mineralization and styles of
Granitic intrusives hosted mineralization
associated with shear zones (Nyabirama -
North Mara, Buzwagi)
Clastic sedimentary rocks (sandstones,
siltstones) hosted mineralization associated
with shear zones (Golden Pride, Nyanzaga).
Karagwe - Ankolean Supergroup
K-A is best developed in the 3 NW districts of Karagwe,
Biharamulo and Ngara.
An outlier outcrops as the Kigoma quartzite on the western
shores of Lake Tanganyika.
Characterized by a basal sequence of conglomerate and
sandstone with some amygdaloidal basaltic rocks passing
up into several siliciclastic cycles:Each cycle consists of
shales and arenites at its base
The Bukoban Group
It comprises of sediments traditionally regarded as
Bukoban sandstone group.
These sediments are cross-cut by the gabbro intrusives
which yielded Ar-Ar ages of 1379 10 Ma and 1355 10
Similar ages (1360 20 Ma and 1340 9 Ma) are
reported for gabbro intrusives that cross-cut the Nkoma-
Kavumwe group sandstones of SE Burundi.
Bukoban Supergroup
Typical Bukoban succession is characterized by
shales, siltstones, sandstones, arkoses, ortho-
quartzites, dolomitic limestones with cherts,
stromatoliths and occassional ooliths.
These sediments are associated with
amygladoidal flood basalts and flood andesites.
Bukoban Supergroup
Occurrence in Tanzania
Northwestern to western Tanzania between Ngara district
and Kigoma (Busondo Masontwa, Kigonero Flags and
Uha groups).
Southwestern Tanzania in the Uwanji sub-district of
Njombe better exposed at Chimala (Buanji group).
Northeast Tanzania in the Serengeti district (Ikorongo
Pan African Mozambique Belt
The Mozambique Belt is a Neoproterozoic orogen that
stretches from southern Mozambique through East Africa
to the Arabian Peninsula(Arabian-Nubian Shield, ANS).
Mozambique belt towards the south in Kenya, Tanzania,
Malawi and Mozambique is characterized by higher grade
of metamorphism (amphibolite to granulite facies), less
juvenile material and increased reworking of older crustal
Pan African Mozambique Belt
The type area of the MB orogenic belt is in
northern Mozambique and the major rock types
are multiply deformed biotite-hornblende
gneisses and migmatities largely derived from
granitoid precursors, marbles, amphibolites, and
post-kinematic granitoids and pegmatites.
Pan African Mozambique Belt
The Mozambique belt in Tanzania has
traditionally been termed a gemstone belt
because of the abundance of a variety of
gemstones found in this belt.
Recent exploration efforts by the companies,
however, shows that the MB is also prospective
for gold mineralization.

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