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Hady Fathanuary
Iqbal Nugroho
A cooling tower is an equipment used to reduce the
temperature of a water stream by extracting heat from
water and emitting it to the atmosphere.
Schematic Diagram
Frame and Casing
Most towers have structural frames that support the exterior enclosures
(casings), motors, fans, and other components. With some smaller
designs, such as some glass fiber units, the casing may essentially be
the frame.
Most towers employ fills (made of plastic or wood) to facilitate heat
transfer by maximizing water and air contact.
Cold-water Basin
The cold-water basin is located at or near the bottom of the tower, and
it receives the cooled water that flows down through the tower and fill.
The basin usually has a sump or low point for the cold-water discharge
Drift Eliminators
These capture water droplets entrapped in the air stream that otherwise
would be lost to the atmosphere.
Air Inlet
This is the point of entry for the air entering a tower. The inlet may take
up an entire side of a tower (cross-flow design) or be located low on the
side or the bottom of the tower (counter-flow design).
Generally, cross-flow towers have inlet louvers. The purpose of louvers
is to equalize air flow into the fill and retain the water within the tower.
Many counter flow tower designs do not require louvers.
These spray water to wet the fill. Uniform water distribution at the top of
the fill is essential to achieve proper wetting of the entire fill surface.
Both axial (propeller type) and centrifugal fans are used in towers.
Generally, propeller fans are used in induced draft towers and both
propeller and centrifugal fans are found in forced draft towers.
Natural Draft Cooling Tower
* Cross-flow Tower
Air is drawn across the falling water and the fill is located
outside the tower.
* Counter-flow Tower
Air is drawn up through the falling water and the fill is therefore
located inside the tower, although design depends on specific site

Mechanical Draft Cooling Tower
* Forced Draft Cooling Tower
Air is blown through the tower by a fan located in the air inlet.
* Induced Draft Cross-flow Cooling Tower
Water enters at top and passes over fill
Air enters on one side (single-flow tower) or opposite sides
(double-flow tower)
An induced draft fan draws air across fill towards exit at top of

Mechanical Draft Cooling Tower
* Induced Draft Counter-flow Cooling Tower
Hot water enters at the top
Air enters bottom and exits at the top
Uses forced and induced draft fans
* Air Conditioning
* Manufacturing
* Electric Power Generation
o Range CT (C) = [suhu masuk CW (C) suhu keluar CW (C)]
o Approach CT (C) = [suhu keluar CW (C) suhu wet bulb (C)]
o Evaporation loss We (m/jam) = 0,00085 x 1,8 x laju sirkulasi
(m/jam) x (T1-T2)
T1 - T2 = perbedaan suhu antara air masuk dan keluar
o Blow down Wb = Kehilangan penguapan / (C.O.C. 1)
o Drift loss Wd = 0,2 % x Jumlah air yang bersirkulasi
o Make-up water (Wm) = We + Wb + Wd
Dalam pengoperasian menara pendingin dimungkinkan terjadi
kehilangan air sehingga diperlukan penambahan air untuk menjaga
kestabilan jumlah air yang bersirkulas. Kehilangan air yang diakibatkan
oleh : Evaporation loss (We), Drift loss (Wd), Blow down (Wb).
Hitunglah kebutuhan air tambahan (make-up water), jika diketahui T1 =
43C, T2 = 32C, harga C.O.C antara 3 s/d 5 dan laju sirkulasi airnya
adalah 6.84 m/jam.

We = 0,00085 x laju sirkulasi (T1-T2) x 1,8
We = 0,00085 x 6,84 m/jam x (43 32) x 1,8
= 0,11512 m/jam

Drift loss (Wd)
Wd = 0,2 % x Jumlah air yang bersirkulasi
Wd = 0,002 x 6,84 m/jam = 0,01368 m/jam
Blow down (Wb)
s = C.O.C (harga s = 3 s/d, 5 )

Wm = We + Wb + Wd
= 0,11512 m/jam + 0,01368 m/jam +
0,02827 m/jam
= 0,15707 m/jam 0,16 m/jam
Kebutuhan air akibat kehilangan pada saat bersirkulasi dan terjadnya
penguapan karena pemanasan serta akibat berputarnya fan dan
lainnya, dari hasil perhitungan jumlah air yang hilang tersebut sebesar
sebesar 0,16 m/jam perlu diantisipasi untuk menjaga kestabilan air
yang beirkulasi, jika tidak dipehitungkan berkurangnya air kemungkinan
akan habis dan mengganggu pendinginan pada kompresor.
Sources Ahmad%20Paid.pdf
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