Atonement Talk

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The Atonement

Springfield 1 Sacrament Meeting

March 9, 2014
Penalty for Sin
Atone = suffer the penalty for sins
Removes effects of sin from the sinner
Allows reconciliation to God
Penalty (Alma 12:32 Alma speaking to Zeezrom)
Therefore God gave unto [men] commandments, after
having made known unto them the plan of redemption,
that they should not do evil, the penalty thereof being a
second death, which was an everlasting death as to
things pertaining unto righteousness
Everlasting death = separation from God
Compare with John 17:3 - and this is life eternal, that they
might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ,

2 areas of the atonement
Physical Death
Secondary to fall of Adam and Eve
Unconditional redemption for all all resurrected
Spiritual Death
Separation from the presence of God
Atonement creates way to overcome

Spiritual Death
Loose analogy for staining:
Ice cream white polo shirt 1 small drop I forgot to
take care of damage spread widely
Washed immediately returned to former whiteness
Isaiah 1:18
Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as
white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they
shall be as wool

How powerful is it?
Anthony Perkins (Nov 2006):
If you imagine that your prior sins, character flaws, and poor
decisions prevent you from receiving all of Gods blessings,
consider the experience of Alma the Elder. Referring to his
younger years as an immoral priest for the wicked King
Noah, Alma admitted, I myself was caught in a snare, and
did many things which were abominable in the sight of the
Lord, which caused me sore repentance.

Yet Almas
repentance was so complete and Christs Atonement so
infinite that Alma became a prophet and was promised
eternal life.

As you do your best to be obedient and
repentant, you too can receive a place in the celestial
kingdom through the Atonement and grace of Jesus Christ.

Also required
Atonement is great, but how to we get the full
Gift of the Holy Ghost
Confirmation: Receive the Holy Ghost
Its up to us to receive it in our lives
John 3:5 Except a man be born of water and of the spirit
Christs Perfect Love
D&C 19
I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not
suffer if they would repent;
But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;
Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all,
to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to
suffer both body and spiritand would that I might not drink the
bitter cup, and shrink
Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and
finished my preparations unto the children of men
Have you ever trembled with pain and suffering?

Stained with sin, cleansed by atoning blood
Holy ghost: receive

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