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The background for the

new regulations

Cooperation in health an safety to match the
development of society.

New types of enterprises have emerged.

The internal structure at the enterprises has changed.

New management styles and structures.

New OHS problems in focus.

The purpose of the new

A strengthening of health an safety so the enterprises
will be better to meet the new demands and challenges
that follow the changes that are at work and in the
working environment.

The detailed rules are replaced by the overall
framework of the enterprises attitude towards health
an safety problems, the choice of cooperation etc.

Strengthening of the cooperation at individual
enterprises to create better frameworks for a
proactive and forward-looking effort at OHS

Annual health an safety

Fixed rules for how many meetings OHS committees and
OHS groups must keep, including record duty.
All enterprises must once a year organize the health an
safety cooperation for the coming year. This means that
the enterprises themselves must organize how the
cooperation should be undertaken.

enterprises with 1-9 employees must also consider
whether they have the necessary knowledge about health
an safety.
Enterprises without an OHS
The work for health an safety is achieved by
continuous dialogue.

A new addition to the small enterprises is to hold
an annual debate on the organization of the
cooperation on health an safety, including which
necessary knowledge is needed.
Enterprises with an OHS
Detailed regulation and firm organization
For example OHS groups for each of the enterprises work
manager areas.
Establishment of a flexible OHS organization with at least two
levels, a group level and a committee level, if there are more
than 35 employees.
At 10-34 employees, there are requirements on OHS
organization at one level.
The company must decide the number of members and groups
based on the companys needs and OHS conditions.

The size of the OHS
New rules:

The employer shall, in cooperation with the employees and
supervisors, determine the final number of members in the
OHS organization.

The number is determined based on:
The enterprises size, management structure etc.
Occupational risks, the nature of work and degree of
The employees opportunity to have contact with their
OHS representatives.
Increased knowledge and
skills on the health an
The OHS organization shall implement a mandatory
health an safety training of 5 days duration. Within the
office and administration the training is for 30 hours.
The mandatory health an safety training is 3 days for all

Hereafter, the employer must provide ongoing, additional
training. The first year the training must correspond to 2
days and then equal to 1 days each year during the term of
The new rules impact on the
organization conclusions

OHS representatives
Represent the same number of employees
Has the same time for the tasks
Evaluate that they are available to those they represent in
the same degree as in the past.
The enterprises:
More than half of the enterprises surveyed have changed in
This has, for example, led to systematic, annual cycle etc.
Increased professionalization.
Increased involvement of management, both top and line
Increased centralization

The annual debate of health
an safety - conclusions
In small enterprises all employees and top leader are usually

In front-runner enterprises the management involvement increases
both top leader and line management.

health an safety debate contributes to increased systematic:
Establish goals
Develop action plans
Implement specific initiatives
Is perceived positively both for small enterprises and among the
front-runner enterprises.
The additional training
Strengthens the OHS representatives and the work of OHS
Contributes to new themes.
Contributes to new solutions.
Contributes to the new action plans.


About 70 % of OHS representatives are offered additional health
an safety training.

About 35 % of OHS representatives participate in additional

Main conclusion

More than half of the enterprises with OHS organization have
changed the organization.
The annual discussions are perceived as useful.
The discussions involve wide and particularly increase the
involvement by the management.
Increases systematic in the health an safety effort.
Only 2/3 of the enterprises without OHS organization conduct
The additional training strengthens the OHS representatives and
the OHS work.
Just over 1/3 complete the additional training.

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