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Group Member:-

Sushitra Nair
Abhay Kumar Singh
Jyotirmoy Chowdhury
Kamal Vora
Nitin Kr. Butolia
T.S. Gopinath

At the Jaguar car production plant in castle Bromwich,
Birmingham the production line has been designed using the
principles of lean production

Previously, Jaguar production took up much more factory space
because a lot of stocks and supplies were kept on the factory floor.

Now all stocks are kept in a separate storage area where they are
delivered just-in-time to feed the production process.

On the production line operatives work with the minimum
required quantity of stocks when more are needed, production line
workers use a kanban signaling system to inform the stores that they
need more supplies.
Process of eliminating waste in production

Maintain quality

Maximize efficiency

Standardization of work

Cut out waste.

Can be applied to all aspects of a business from design,
production to distribution
The most important aspects of lean production are as follows:
Just in time production (JIT)
Total Quality Management (TQM) and Zero Defect
Time based management
Simultaneous engineering
Cell production
Kaizen (Continuous improvement)
Quality Circles
Production add value to the production process
Process which do not add value can then be reduced or eliminated so
that labour and machinery can focus on add value activities
Established culture of quality
Continuous quality improvement
Cutting out waiting-time
Reducing conveyance
Eliminating over processing
Cutting inventory
Cutting down on wasteful movement
Eliminating the need for repair
Introducing CLIT (Cleaning, Lubricating, Inspection
and Tightening)
Just-in-time is a pull system of production, so actual
orders provide a signal for when a product should be manufactured.

Demand-pull enables a firm to produce only what is required, in
the correct quantity and at the correct time.

Just In Time cuts out waste in a number of ways
- Less floor space is required
- Cells are able to work in an uncluttered work area
- Walking (physically moving about between operations) is
- Fewer components are damaged from standing around in
batches on the workplace floor.
Means to go see

Managers are encouraged to gemba i.e. to go see to
understand, grasp, and solve problems when they occur rather
than sit in remote offices

Develop a new approach to production management and

The responsibility of each worker is outlined in a series of work elements

Value added activity

By examining Yamazumi Board it is possible to reallocate some work
elements from some production workers to others in order to create greater
fairness of work distribution
Visible Management was introduced at Castle Bromwich to
enable everyone involved in the process to understand how
individuals parts of the plant are performing so they can
contribute to meeting performance requirements

An important part of this initiative is the use of Control Boards
(i.e. visual screen) which everyone involved in the production
process can read at a glance and check on the production
performance of their production line

The Control Board reveals the daily production target for each
production line and the performance of the line against this target

Lean production is all about reducing waste

It involves working more effectively with TAKT Tim

Lean production has enabled Jaguar to cut out waste in the
production of the Jaguar S-type at Castle Bromwich.

Ford is now seeking to spread the message about lean production
by incorporating a total of 400 of its Halewood employees into
working at Castle Bromwich

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