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Portfolio Redefined Workshop:

Presentation by Jessica Cannon with documentation slides from Cynthia Lawson
What are the ingredients of a strong portfolio?

Images + More
Images + Video + Sound + Text + ?

Final work + Examples of process
How do you capture the creative process so that it can be communicated
to others?

Documentation + Reflection
How can you show the progression of an artist / designer?
Why is documentation so important?
1. It captures growth as an artist / designer

Why is documentation so important?
2. It can communicate experiences beyond art class

Why is documentation so important?
3. Art and design work is judged based on the quality of documentation

How do you document work?
Steady the camera
How do you document work?
Be sure to shoot the work straight on
How do you document work?
Lighting, lighting, lighting: Never use flash

How do you document work?
Even, natural light is a very good option

How do you document work?
Check for shadows / reflections
Image: Jay Arrera
In what context do you document work?
Studio set-up

In what context do you document work?
Fake it! Replicate a studio set-up using a roll of inexpensive Kraft paper

In what context do you document work?
Contrasting backgrounds
Left: Architectural Illusions, Right: Kiki Smith
In what context do you document work?
Non-descript background
In what context do you document work?
On-site background
In what context do you document work?
Website screenshot (always include browser)
Once documented, how do you edit the images?
Working in Photoshop
Photoshop Menu

Options Bar



Once documented, how do you edit the images?
Photoshop: Sizing Images + Resolution (ppi pixels-per-inch)

Go to Menu > Image > Image Size to set size and ppi (pixels-per-inch)
*Digital = 72ppi, Print = 300 dpi

Once documented, how do you edit the images?
Photoshop: Sizing Images + Resolution (ppi pixels-per-inch)

Pop-up screen when setting image size + resolution

Once documented, how do you edit the images?
Photoshop: Sizing Images + Resolution (ppi pixels-per-inch)

Set Resolution Check / Uncheck boxes

Once documented, how do you edit the images?
Photoshop: Cropping Images

Select the rectangular marquee tool Draw rectangle around the area you wish to
crop in on

Once documented, how do you edit the images?
Photoshop: Cropping Images

Menu > Image > Crop Cropped image

Once documented, how do you edit the images?
Photoshop: Rotating Images

Menu > Image > Image Rotation Select rotation: cw = clockwise, ccw = counter

Once documented, how do you edit the images?
Photoshop: Rotating Images

Finished Image
Once documented, how do you edit your images?
Working in PIXLR EDITOR, accessible for FREE at
Once documented, how do you edit your images?
Web-based image editing app similar to Photoshop

Can be used on the web, desktop, or mobile phone

Like Photoshop it has the ability to create different layers within a document

Its purpose is to edit digital images @72 ppi. Unlike Photoshop it does not
offer higher image resolutions that are necessary for print.

Images can be saved to your computer, flickr, Picasa, or facebook

Once documented, how do you edit your images?
PIXLR is now a Google product so it is integrated w/ Google apps (for
example, if you save images to Picasa they will be automatically available to
insert into posts within blogger)

PIXLR relies largely on its menu to execute various tasks (rather than
Command + shortcuts). This is because it operates within a web browser
and there are already shortcuts in effect for the browser. The shortcuts that
work for the browser such as (Command + X, Command + V) will also work
within PIXLR

Its recommended that PIXLR is viewed at full screen. This is so that there
isnt confusion between the browser menu & the PIXLR menu. You can
achieve this by going to the PIXLR Menu > View > Full Screen
*Options Bar >

Toolbar >
PIXLR Menu (@ top)
Once documented, how do you edit your images?
*Depending on the properties of the tool selected from the Toolbar, the Options in the Options Bar will
Once documented, how do you edit your images?
*Within the PIXLR menu, IMAGE provides most of the basic options for editing existing photos rotation,
resizing, cropping (Left image above). ADJUSTMENT provides basic options for value correction
brightness / contrast, hue / saturation, etc. (Right image above).
Image Menu Adjustment Menu
How do you save / organize work?

Files and folders

Save each milestone file as the work progresses

Appropriately name files and folders

Save text with visuals

If a file doesnt exist in two places, it doesnt exist at all. = BACKUP!

How do you save / organize work?
How do you save / organize work?
How do you save / organize work?
How do you save / organize work?
How do you save / organize work?
When naming files:

Dont use spaces (but underscores _)

Use caps consistently or to distinguish


How can you communicate process to others?
Iterations: Repeating a process with different results
Stefan Sagmeister
How can you communicate process to others?
Jesus Acosta-Rodriguez,

How can you communicate process to others?
Notes / Mind Maps
Eduardo Enrique Meza Gill
How can you communicate process to others?
Storyboards / Post-it drawings
Left: Anne Marie Perks, Right: Lauren
How can you communicate process to others?
Inspiration Boards
Left: Phillip Lim, Right: Brittany Piscopo
How can you communicate process to others?
Natalia Zubko
How can you communicate process to others?
Images + Text
Matthew Jensen, The 49 States
Questions ?

Access presentation:

Ideas on how to show process : watch artist / designer talks on YouTube or

Image editing help: or search for web tutorials

Email: Jessica Cannon |

Thank You + Good Luck!

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