Discussion Section 11 - Final Exam Review Jeopardy

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Stress Violence Nutrition Place

100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200
300 300 300 300
400 400 400 400
500 500 500 500
Stress Q100
A physical, social or psychological event or
condition that we perceive
challenges/threatens us and that produces a
physiological response
Stress A100
What is a stressor?
Stress Q200
Process that occurs across the life course and
that increases with age. Hint: its related to
chronic stress.
Stress A200
What is weathering?
Stress Q300
The relationship of power and control to
likelihood of chronic stress.
Stress A300
What is: the greater degree of power and
control of destiny a person experiences, the
greater their ability to limit and manage
chronic stress.

Stress Q400
When conditions in the environment, not only
personal events, are sources of stress for
individuals and communities
Stress A400
What is social stress?
Stress Q500
Coping mechanism for dealing with the effects
of minority stress.
Stress A500
What is: having the opportunity to be in the
This helps you:
Get support
Experience a non-stigmatizing social environment
Allows for comparison to other group members
and to the dominant culture
Reappraise and lessen stress
Create alternative value system
Violence Q100
One of the three pillars of positive sexual
Violence A100
What are:
Consent (everybody involved wants to participate)
Safety (everybody involved feels secure, and
proper measures are taken to prevent STIs and/or
pregnancy (if thats relevant and whats wanted)
Respect (everybody involved feels respected and
respects those involved)
Violence Q200
The leading cause of injury to women
between the ages of 16 and 44 in the United
Violence A200
What is intimate partner violence (IPV)?

Violence Q300
Phenomenon in which someone is less likely
to intervene in an emergency situation when
others are present than when he or she is
Violence A300
What is the bystander effect?
Violence Q400
During a public event each bystanders sense
of responsibility to help decreases as the
number of witnesses increases. People
incorrectly assume that someone else will
Violence A400
What is diffusion of responsibility?
Violence Q500
The major finding of Lisak and Millers study of
undetected rapists (rapists who had not
been prosecuted by criminal justice
Violence A500
What is: the majority of the undetected
rapists were repeat offenders with repeat
rapists averaging 5.8 rapes each.
Majority of rapes were of acquaintances or
Involved alcohol or physical force?
What is the public policy implication of this
Nutrition Q100
The largest federal government food
assistance program
Nutrition A100
What is SNAP?
Nutrition Q200
This failed nutritional guidance program was
created by the food industry. It favored large
companies and became infamous after
endorsing Froot Loops.
Nutrition A200
What is the Smart Choices program?
Nutrition Q300
These three components make up the triple
burden of malnutrition in developing
Nutrition A300
What are hunger, obesity, and micronutrient
Nutrition Q400
Three differences between the USDA My Plate
and the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate.
Nutrition A400
Harvard: Distinguishes between healthy
oils/unhealthy fats; doesnt include dairy;
includes water; includes whole grains not just
grains; healthy protein not just protein;
includes exercise
Nutrition Q500
The five environments that influence nutrition
and fitness outcomes.
Nutrition A500
Message, health care and work, physical
activity, food and beverage, and school.
Dr. Madsen also suggested: home.
Place Q100
An urban neighborhood or rural area without
ready access to fresh, health and affordable
Place A100
What is a food desert?
Place Q200
This model accounts for the context of
individual health behaviors, which includes
interpersonal, community, institutional and
societal level factors.
Place A200
What is the socioecological model?
Place Q300
When studying neighborhood health this
refers to how characteristics of the population
affect the health of the neighborhood.
Place A300
What is a compositional effect?
Place Q400
A community level intervention that focuses
on identifying and promoting the best aspects
of a neighborhood in order to solve a
Place A400
What is a community adaptation?
Place Q500
An environment that promotes gaining weight
or that is not conducive to weight loss. Hint:
This includes factors beyond food.
Place A500
What is an obesogenic environment?
Final Jeopardy!
Why is BMI a problematic way to assess
population health?
Why do we still use it?
Answer to Final Jeopardy
BMI is problematic because research has indicated that adults
in the BMI 25-30 range (labeled overweight but not
obese) do not experience negative health effects and that
many in fact have high muscle mass. Also, research has
indicated that fitness is more important to health and
longevity than weight.
It would be better to measure by percent of body fat, but this
is a very difficult measurement to do correctly and nearly
impossible for large-scale population studies.

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