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Marketing Planning

and Management
Dr Anna Iwacewicz-Orowska
Final grade

Theory 50% Practise Project 50%
Two tests each test 10 p. 20 points
1 st test on 6th meeting (8.04) deadline 27.05
2nd test on 12th meeting (27.05) only paper copy!!!!
open questions!

100% - 5,0
Dr Anna Iwacewicz-Orowska
Technological advance
Deregulation (monopoly)

The most important questions
How to find the best market?
How to distinguished our offers from competitors?
What to do if clients persuade price decreasing?
How to compete with cheap product from other
How to develop company?
How to build strong brand?
How to decrease costs?
How to build clients loyalty?
How to measure efficiency of promotion and public
How to find the most important clients?

The most important challenges
Clients need more specific products and
they are following prices
No problem with accepting new brands
by clients
Clients need high quality services
There are a lot of substitute products on
Advertisement is expansive and less
Increase in costs of production
Decrease in profits

Marketing Management

Marketing Management
the role of marketing is creating,
promoting and delivering goods and
services to consumers and businesses


The scope of marketing:
Marketing people are involved in marketing 10 types of

Goods - food, commodities, clothing, and housing
in developing countries are the mainstay of the
Services. As economies advance, a growing
proportion of their activities are focused on the
production of services. Services include airlines,
hotels, accountants, lawyers, engineers, and doctors.
Experiences. market experiences can be create by
goods and service availability;
Events. Marketers promote time-based events, such
as the Olympics, trade shows, sports events, and
artistic performances.
Persons. Celebrity marketing has become a major
business. Artists, musicians, high-profile lawyers and
financiers, and other professionals draw help from
celebrity marketers.

Places. Cities, states, regions, and nations compete to
attract tourists, factories, company headquarters, and
new residents.
Properties. Properties are intangible rights of ownership
of either real property (real estate) or financial property
(stocks and bonds).
Organizations. Organizations actively work to build a
strong, favorable image in the mind of their publics.
Universities, museums, and performing arts organizations
boost their public images to compete more successfully
for audiences and funds.
Information. The production, packaging, and distribution
of information is one of societys major industries.
Ideas. Every market offering has a basic idea at its core. In
essence, products and services are platforms for
delivering some idea or benefit to satisfy a core need.
Key marketing activities:
Consumer Analysis - Examination and evaluation of consumer
characteristics, needs, and purchase processes
Product Planning - Development and maintenance of
products, product assortments, product positions, brands,
packaging, options, and deletion of old products
Price Planning - Outlines price ranges and levels, pricing
techniques purchase terms, price adjustments, and the use of
price as an active or passive factor
Distribution Planning - Establishment of channel relations,
physical distribution, inventory management, warehousing,
transportation, allocation of goods, and wholesaling
Promoting Planning - Combination of advertising, publicity,
personal selling, and sales promotion to drive sales revenue

Product/Market Matrix
Existing Products New Products
Existing Markets Market Penetration Product Development
New Markets Market Development Diversification

Market Penetration:
The firm seeks to achieve growth with
existing products in their current market
segments, aiming to increase its market
Effective when the market is growing
or not yet saturated

Market Development
The firm seeks growth by targeting its
existing products to new market segments
Effective when a local or regional
business looks to wider its market, new
market segments are emerging due to
changes in consumer life-
style/demographics, and innovative uses
are discovered for a mature product

Product Development
The firms develops new products
targeted to its existing market segments
Effective when the firm has a core of
strong brands

The firm seeks growth by targeting its existing products
to new market segments
Diversification is utilized so that the firm does not
become overly dependent on one product line

Marketing Management

Marketing Management
comprises planning, organizing, staffing,
leading or directing, and controlling an
organization (a group of one or more
people or entities) or effort for the
purpose of accomplishing a goal.
Resourcing encompasses the deployment
and manipulation of human resources,
financial resources, technological
resources and natural resources.
Why planning is important?
It helps in management in consciousness
management decisions are based on facts
It force to think about future, planning
strategies goals, compare strength and
It helps in decisions making
In planning process company creates core
It gets information about company, market,
competition etc.

Lacks of planning:
Planning not solve all problems it is a
tool that improves decision process;
Planning not answer all questions
market environment is dynamic
Planning quality depends on people
Its document and it must be
introducing into live.

Good plan is:

Marketing management
is the process of planning and executing
the conception, pricing, promotion, and
distribution of ideas, goods, and services
to create exchanges that satisfy individual
and organizational goals.
Think about company. It can be fictional;
Company works in Russia, Belaruse,
Produce goods or services and sell it
abroad. Exports of goods or services!
As many details as possible!

1.1. Description (max 1- 2 pages)

In this part please describe aims, type of
the product, ways of goals implementation,
the market description, methods of the
market penetration, competitive advantage,
sales and profit forecast in the given period,
essential costs etc.

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