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FLDWAV to HEC-RAS Transition

Software Development (HEC-RAS into CHPS)

Science and Modeling
Develop and evaluate model transition procedures
Build HEC-RAS models that can replace FLDWAV
Validate in calibration mode
Implement converted models within CHPS
Validate in forecast mode (parallel operations)

Challenge: Replace FLDWAV and DWOPER in
Accomplishments To Date
Software Development
Initial functional requirements defined (March 2008)
HEC recompiled FORTRAN engines in Linux (Fall 2008)
Deltares, HEC, and Resource Management Associates built FEWS
adapter (Fall 2008 Spring 2009)
Software Acceptance Testing (June 17, 2009)
CHPS HEC-RAS passed 15 of 16 tests
13 additional tests remain

Science and Modeling Component
HSMB has worked closely with NW & NE RFCs to convert their models
HSMB prepared conversion tools and documentation
Guidelines for the Transition from FLDWAV to HEC-RAS; Forecast
Implications and Transition Tools (81 p.)
HSMB presented a summary paper at ASCE-EWRI

HEC delivered steady-state HEC-RAS training
(NSTEP funded; April 2009)
HSMB delivered unsteady-state and model conversion training
for CAT RFCs at NERFC (April 28)
Remaining Tasks
Software Development
Deltares to work with HEC/RMA on outstanding technical issues
in July 2009
These issues do not prevent CAT RFCs from starting to use
Deltares, NWRFC, OHD to add additional test for blend operation
Final software acceptance testing in September 2009

Science and Modeling
Implement converted CAT models in CHPS
Validate CAT in forecast mode (parallel operations)
starting October 2009
Assist remaining RFCs with model conversions and
before October 2010

Near Term Training Needs
Completing the CHPS Transition
Deltares to prepare How To Document for configuring HEC-RAS in CHPS
Deltares to add more HEC-RAS info to their Migration & Config Training
Advanced Unsteady and Model Conversion Training for non-CAT RFCs
suggested for FY10 Q1-Q2
In New Orleans? (Dave Reed offering to host)
NSTEP funds?
Taught by HEC and/or HSMB?

Building New Models
HEC-GeoRAS and model building training (sometime in FY10)
A course tailored to NWS needs will save money
Workshops where participants can work on their own models are highly
HSMB can present GoToMeetings on selected topics

Dam Break Modeling (suggested for FY10 Q3-Q4)
Hydraulics Training Survey:
Of 126 RFC staff at 10 RFCs:
31 need basic hydraulics training
40 need HEC-RAS steady flow
54 need HEC-RAS unsteady flow
17 who need unsteady flow training but do not need steady flow
Boundaries KFLP
elev) 4Digit n Levee MIXF KPRES Wind
1 Hudson river NERFC FLDWAV n n n 0 flow y n 5 0 n
2 Connecticut-hartford NERFC FLDWAV n y n 0 flow y n 5 0 n
3 Champlain-rouses NERFC FLDWAV y n n 0 flow n n 0 0 n
4 Juniata MARFC FLDWAV n n n 0 flow y n 5 0 n
5 Juniata MARFC FLDWAV n n n 0 flow y n 5 0 n
6 Susqehanna MARFC FLDWAV y y n Dam 0 flow y y 5 0 n
7 Red River (Wahpeton to Halstad) NCRFC FLDWAV n n n 0 flow n n 0 0 n
8 Miss/Minnesoty (St Paul to Anoka/Mankato) NCRFC FLDWAV y y n Lock and Dam 0 flow y n 0 0 n
9 Lower Des Moines River NCRFC FLDWAV n n n 0 flow n n 0 0 n
10 Grand River (Grand Rapids to Grand Haven) NCRFC FLDWAV n n n 0 flow y n 0 0 n
11 Red River (Halstad to Emerson) NCRFC FLDWAV n n n Bridges 0 flow y n 0 0 n
12 Mississippi River (St. Paul to Dam 10) NCRFC FLDWAV n y n Lock and Dam 0 flow y n 0 0 n
13 Wapsipinicon River (Anamosa to Conf) NCRFC FLDWAV n n n 0 flow y n 0 0 n
14 DesMoines (DESRACDW) NCRFC DWOPER n y n Lock and Dam n/a flow y n n/a n/a n
15 Lower Grand River (GNDDW) NCRFC DWOPER n y n n/a flow y n n/a n/a n
16 M1022DW NCRFC DWOPER n y n Lock and Dam n/a flow y n n/a n/a n
17 Merger (MISILODW) NCRFC DWOPER n y n Lock and Dam n/a flow y n n/a n/a n
18 St Johns SERFC FLDWAV n y n 0 flow y n 0 0 n
19 Tar River (RFC) SERFC FLDWAV n n n Dam 0 flow n n 5 0 n
20 Tar River (RFC) SERFC FLDWAV n y n Dam 0 flow n n 5 0 n
21 Tar River (Rti) SERFC FLDWAV n y y Bridges 0 flow n n 0 0 n
22 Coquille River NWRFC FLDWAV n y n 0 flow n n 0 0 n
23 Lower Columbia NWRFC DWOPER y y n Dam n/a flow y n n/a n/a n
24 Lower Umpqua NWRFC FLDWAV n y n 0 flow n n 0 0 n
25 Big Bay Dam LMRFC FLDWAV n n n Dam 0 elev n n 5 0 n
26 Pearl/Ross Barnet Dam LMRFC FLDWAV n y n 0 flow y n 5 0 n
27 Vermilion LMRFC FLDWAV n n n 0 flow y n 5 0 n
28 Mississippi LMRFC FLDWAV y y n 0 flow y n 0 0 n
FLDWAV Model Inventory
Inventory helped prioritize work on our conversion routines
In a few cases, multiple decks are listed for the same river
Must convert ~ 25 decks to achieve identical capability to existing
operations (this number may be out of date but is probably close)
Enhancements for CHPS
Allow definition of flow roughness factors on any
flow intervals (e.g. non-uniform increments)
Compile HEC-RAS Engines to run on Linux
Enhance HEC-RAS to save model states at user
controlled intervals
Other Notable HEC-RAS
Enhancements in the Works
Expansion and contraction force term for
unsteady flow calculations (in v. 4.0.1 to
be released this summer)
Automatic calibration (planned for v. 4.1)
RAS Mapper standalone inundation
mapping tool for Windows

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