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Data Collection

Chapter 7 & 9
Sources of Data
Secondary data
Primary data
Focus Group
Focus Group Discussion
A carefully planned discussion
To obtain perceptions of a defined interest area
In a permissive, non-threatening environment

Typically consists of 8 to 10 members
With common characteristics relating to
discussion topic

Role of moderator
Has to conduct the discussion
Never become part of discussion
Steers the group persuasively and obtain relevant
Create a thoughtful, permissive atmosphere
Provide the ground rules
Set the tone
Recommended introduction pattern:
Overview and topic
Ground rules
First question
Tips for asking questions
Use open-ended questions
Avoid dichotomous questions
"Why?" is rarely asked
Use "think back" questions
Carefully prepare focus questions
Ask uncued questions first, cued questions

Why Do Focus Groups
To collect qualitative data
To determine feelings, perceptions and manner of
thinking of participants regarding products,
services, programs or opportunities
Attitudes and perceptions are developed in part by
interaction with other people
To promote self-disclosure among participants

Skills of moderator

Is mentally prepared
Selects appropriate location
Records the discussion
Uses purposeful small talk
Has a smooth & snappy introduction
Uses pauses and probes
Uses subtle group control
Controls reactions to participants
Can use an assistant moderator
Uses appropriate conclusion

Panel Discussions
Static panels
Dynamic panels
The Delphi technique

Unobtrusive measures originates from primary
sources without involving people
Wear and tear of books in library to find usage of
Number of different brands of soft drink cans
found in trash bags to find out consumption
patterns and levels

Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Sekaran/RESEARCH 4E
Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Sekaran/RESEARCH 4E
Practice Exercises
Comment on each of the following
questions stating whether they are
good or bad and the reasons for
your answer
If you have been in the company
for 15 years, please indicate the
date of your joining this company
Bad Question: Recall Dependent
My boss is good and exemplary
in his dealings with others
Bad: Double Barreled
Working women should opt not
to have children
Bad: Loaded question; an emotional issue for women
Investment in childrens future
should be an important goal of
the administration
Bad: Social Desirability; Suggestive
This job uses a lot of skills that I
Good Question: No problem with the wording
If this country is to remain
competitive, should we not be
spending more on research?
Bad Question: Leading or Suggestive Question

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