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MATLAB and Scilab Comparison

Jill Ziegler
Hamilton High West
Hamilton, NJ
Program Structure,
Functions, and Syntax

Very closely paralleled
most structure and functions
xlabel and ylabel functions in this
example are identical
some functions with same name
but different results
the axis function shown in the
MATLAB code will produce in
Scilab, if proper arguments are
provided, draw an axis in the
output window independent of
the rest of the figure
some functions with identical
results but different name or
note the difference in comment
hist and histplot are notable in
the examples shown
MATLAB code:
Scilab code:
Layout and Workspaces

Very functionally similar
MATLAB has a layout more like the
most recent versions of MS Office
(icons with explanatory text
beneath) while Scilab has the icons
alone with explanatory text
available by hovering the mouse
Same subwindows
file browser
command window
variable workspace
command history
Both can dock and undock all
subwindows in the main window
Editor Window Toolbars

Differences and similarities parallel from the main workspaces
icons with text as opposed to icons with hover text
Toolbar design different in style, but provides similar functionality
MATLAB has functionality available through different tabs in the toolbar
Scilab has more of the functionality available through drop-down menus
Graphing: function plots

While syntax is slightly different
between MATLAB and Scilab,
function plots that are essentially
the same can be produced
Significant difference:
MATLAB will clear the plot if
another plot command is given
multiple functions on the same
axis must be done in the same
statement or the hold plot
function must be used
allows easy, smooth animation of
plots: simply use another plot
statement to create the next
Scilab plots do not clear unless a
clear command is given
multiple functions on the same
axis are easy
smooth animation is harder and
has so far remained elusive
function plot
function plot
Graphing: Histograms

Note: differences in the profile of the
two histograms results from the fact
that they are both generated from a
random process and any two
histograms from the same program
would look a bit different
code producing these plots is the
code shown in an earlier slide
Differences in appearance that dont
affect functionality
color and tick marks
Functions in each program are
significantly different
MATLAB hist function puts the data
first in the statement, followed by
the number of bins
Scilab histplot function puts the
number of bins first, followed by the
Scilab also defaults to a normalized
If a non-normalized histogram is
desired, an argument must be
provided in the histplot function to
specify this
Major Differences
Cost and accessibility:
MATLAB is paid software with proprietary code
Scilab is free and open source
more accessible
may be less support, especially for add-on modules
Plot clearing:
MATLAB clears one plot automatically when another one is plotted
Scilab leaves all plots on the same axis unless cleared
MATLAB comes standard with a GUI builder, GUIDE, built in
Scilab does not
at least 4 GUI building modules are available for download (none tried as of
this writing)
Help and Documentation
extensive help available
through built-in library
more help available on-line,
including videos
most help available through
Mathworks website
Good textbook available for
individual or class use that
weve used:
Lent, Craig S.: Learning to
Program with MATLAB: Building
GUI Tools
extensive help available through
built-in library
more help available on-line (main
website at
several pdf user tutorials at various
levels, including for very
beginners available at
texts available for high school use
in math and engineering, currently
only in French
limited videos, but has YouTube
Channel (user ScilabChannel)
Concluding Thoughts
Either MATLAB or Scilab will do the kinds of
graphing and analysis were looking for
Either program can be used to learn
mathematical programming using matrices
Programs in one language can be adapted
rather easily to run in the other
GUI capability of MATLAB is proven, Scilab is
Seems to be available

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