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6/10/2014 CHAMARA DE ZOYSA 1
Definition of Group
If a group exists in an organization, its members:

1. Are motivated to join
2. Perceive the group as a unified unit of interacting people
3. Contribute in various amounts to the group processes (that is,
some people contribute more time or energy to the group than
do others)
4. Reach agreements and have disagreements through various
forms of interaction

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Groups and Teams

Meircats Work Together
e.g. from animal world
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Characteristics of a
Well-Functioning, Effective Group
Relaxed, comfortable, informal atmosphere
Task well understood & accepted
People express feelings & ideas
Members listen well & participate
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Characteristics of a
Well-Functioning, Effective Group
Consensus decision making
Conflict & disagreement center around ideas or
Clear assignments made & accepted
Group aware of its operation & function
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Cricket team
Teaming up before the match
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Picture looks like a dysfunction group with lots
of political positioning
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The Nature of Groups
The Dynamics of Group Formation
The Dynamics of Group Formation
(individuals affiliate with one another because of spatial
or geographical proximity e.g. students sitting next to
one another in class most likely in the same group)
George Homans- AIS (Activities, Interactions,
(The more activities person share, the more numerous will
be their interactions and the stronger will be their
sentiments{other persons likes or dislikes})
8 6/10/2014 CHAMARA DE ZOYSA
The Dynamics of Group Formation (contd)
Balance Theory
(persons are attached to one another on the basis of
similar attitudes towards commonly relevant objects and
Exchange Theory
(based on reward-cost outcomes of interaction. Positive
level {rewards greater than costs} e.g rewards- gratify
needs , costs- anxiety, frustration, embarrassment)
The Nature of Groups
The Dynamics of Group Formation
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Group Stages
F- Forming (initial stage of the group)
S- Storming (development stage conflicts and
N Norming (members cooperation and collaboration,
we feeling)
P- Performing ( group fully function to accomplishing tasks)
A Adjourning (this represent end of the group)
The Nature of Groups
The Dynamics of Group Formation
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The Nature of Groups-
Balance Theory
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Group Behavior
Norms of Behavior - the
standards that a work group
uses to evaluate the
behavior of its members

Group Cohesion - the
interpersonal glue that
makes members of a group
stick together

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Group Behavior

Social Loafing - the failure of a
group member to contribute
personal time, effort,
thoughts, or other resources
to the group

Loss of Individuality - a social
process in which individual
group members lose self-
awareness & its
accompanying sense of
accountability, inhibition, and
responsibility for individual

13 6/10/2014 CHAMARA DE ZOYSA
The Dysfunctions of
Groups and Teams
Norm Violation-
Antisocial behavior e.g
spreading rumors, lying,
sexual harassment and

Role Ambiguity and
Does not know what hes
supposed to be doing e.g.
unclear job description.
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Social Loafing
What is social loafing ?
Members reduce their effort and performance levels when
acting as a part of group.
Sucker effect
Not wanting to do more than the perception of effort being
given by other.
Group Size
Lack of performance feedback
Tasks that are not intrinsically motivating
Lack of individual assessment capability
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The Nature of a Team
What is the difference between Groups and Team ?

A working groups performance is a function of what its
members do as individuals.

A Teams performance includes both individual results
and what we call collective work products

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Differences Between Work Groups and Teams
Work Group Team
Strong, focused leadership

Individual accountability

Purpose is the same as the

Individual work products

Runs efficient meetings

Measures effectiveness

Discusses, decides, delegates
Shared leadership roles

Individual and mutual account-ability

Specific purpose

Collective work products

Encourages open-ended, active
problem-solving meetings

Measures performance directly

Discusses, decides, does real work
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Interdependence of Teams
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Team Building
Team building skills are critical for your
effectiveness as a manager or entrepreneur.

Even if you are not in a management or
leadership role yet, better understanding of
team work can make you a more effective
employee and give you an extra edge in your
corporate office.

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In real life, team work success rarely happens
by itself, without focused team building efforts
and activities.
Different personalities, instead of
complementing and balancing each other,
may build up conflicts.
Or even worse, some people with similar
personalities may start fighting for authority
and dominance in certain areas of expertise
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Even if the team goals are clear and accepted
by everyone, there may be no team
commitment to the group goals or no
consensus on the means of achieving those
individuals in the team just follow their
personal opinions and move in conflicting
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There may be a lack of trust and openness
that blocks the critical communication and
leads to loss of coordination in the individual
This is why every team needs a good leader
who is able to deal with all such team work

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Increased participation promotes
Better understanding of decisions,
More support for and participation in
implementation plans,
Increased contribution to problem solving and
decision making, and
More ownership of decisions, processes, and

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