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Aldino Lorena

( 2012040101)
Owned resources company called asset or assets . Examples include cash , land , buildings , and equipment.
Right or claims on ases are usually divided by two types of owner 1.) rights of creditors 2.) right owners.
Creditor rights reflects the companys debt and liabilities is called. Right of the owner referred to the owners equity.
Liabilities is usually mentioned in the owners equity before accounting equation because
Creditors have first right over the asset. Copyright owner is sometimess given more emphasis
By moving obligations on the other hand of equation.
Assets liabilities = owners equity
Asset/ assets :
economis resources expected to benefit the business i the future.
Asset included in balances with normal debit balances.
Liabilities :
The econoic sacrifice that must be made by the company in the future in the form
of delivery
Of assets/ provision of services charged by the actions / transactions in advance

1. Current liabilities
2. Long- term liabilities
3. Other liabilities
Equity owner :
The owner of the rights over the assets of the company which is the net worth
( total assets minus liabilities )
Acconting equation :
Equation to describe the relationship between elements in the financial statements.
The main fiancial statement that there are 5, namely : assets, liabilities, equity,
expenses, Income.
Explain the accounting equation is a function of each element in the equation

For example :
If the assets of company amounted to Rp. 100.000.000
and liabilities Rp. 30.000.000
Then thw owners equity is equal to Rp. 70.000.000, as
shown in the following :
Asset liabilities = owners equity
Rp. 100.000.000 - Rp. 30.000.000 = Rp. 70.000.000
Example of axercises

Asep is the owner and manager of PT. Sukses. A motivational consulting business. On the book
Ended on 31 december 2009, PT. Sukses has assets and liabilities Rp. 800.000.000 and
Rp. 350.000.000. using the acounting equation. Count the number of the following :
A. Owners equity, dated 31 december 2009
B. Owners equity, on 31 desember 2010, assuming assets increased Rp.130.000.000 and
liabilities during the year 2010 down Rp. 25.000.000
Answer :

a. Assets = liailities + owners equity
RP. 800.000.000 = Rp. 350.000.000 + owners equity
Owners equity = Rp. 450.000.000

b. First, calculate the change uring 2010 in the owners equity as follows :
Assets = liabilities + owners equity
Rp. 130.000.000 = Rp. 25.000.000 + owners equity
Owners equity = Rp. 155.000.000

Next, add the changes to the owners equity at 31 deember 2009 to get the number of
At 31 december 2010, as follows :
Equity 31 december 2010 =
Rp. 605.000.000 = Rp. 450.000.000 + Rp. 155.000.000

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