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systems of
South Africa
Objectives of the report:
Identify/ characterize/ distinguish the
different educational system of South
Africa, United kingdom, and USA
Distinguish and compare it with the
educational system of our country,
specifically the BEC and k-12 curriculum,
Raise the awareness on the said matter
for the future purpose it may serve

Educational system of South Africa
In South Africa, the constitution
guarantees equal access to basic
The identified values and principles of South African Education

Equity and redress
Ministry of Education
Access to basic
opportunities for
lifelong learning quality
Relevance of Education
Quality in terms of
providing learners with
learning opportunities
of acceptable
Sustainability of
Structure and organization in the
Basic Education System
Formal Education categories
in South Africa
Sectors or level
Public ordinary school
Independent school education
Teacher training
University training
Public school
Maybe an ordinary school or a public
school for learners with special education
Levels are:
a. Pre-primary
b. Primary
c. Secondary
d. Higher education
Compulsory General
Education and Training
Cover the reception years such as:
a. Grades R to Grades IX

The general education and Training
corresponds to the Level 1 of the
National qualifications fr
Divided in three phases
1. Foundation phase (Grades R-III)
2. Intermediate (Grades IV-VI)
3. Senior Grades (Grades VII-IX)

Primary Education is divided
into categories
Junior primary-(Grade I-III)
Senior Primary (Grade IV-VI)
Grade VII-IX is the last stage for
compulsory education and will lead to
General Education and Training
Further Education And Training (FET) is not
compulsory (Grade X-XII). This will lead to
Senior Certificate.
Technical schools offers technical
education which generally last for three
years are offered n technical centers,
high schools, and vocational schools.
8 leaning areas of FET
1. Language, Literacy and Communication
2. Mathematical literacy, Math and Math.
3. Natural sciences
4. Technology
5. Human and Social Sciences
6. Economics And Management Science
7. Arts and Culture
8. Life Orientation
Higher Educational System
Tertiary and higher education
corresponds to Level 5-8 of the National
Qualification Framework (NQF). Which is
more advance than Senior Certificate.
Institutions of higher education includes
colleges, universities, and technikons.
Most colleges of education offers 3 year
program leading to the Diploma in
Education (4 years or higher diploma).

College of nursing and hospital schools
offers four year diploma courses for
Agricultural schools offer 1 year
certificate, 2 year for higher certificate
programs and 3 year diploma courses.
Technikons offers bachelor and three
years of technical courses diploma in
Masters degrees (magister technologiae)
usually requires a minimum of 1 yr study, the
doctorate (Lauretus in Technology/ Doctor of
Technologiae) at least two years.
A honours degree requires one additional
year of study.
A masters degree is obtained after one or
two year of study and the mininum time to
complete doctorate is two years.
School year consist of 196 days (41 week)
Other relevant sector of the educational
structure includes special education,
private education or independent
schools, adult and non-formal education
and HV/AIDS education.

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