E Portfolio

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Presented by;
Jos Osmar Cortez
What is an e-portfolio?
It is a collection of work developed
across varied contexts over time. The
portfolio can advance learning by
providing students and/or faculty with a
way to organize, record and show
pieces of work.
This e-portfolio is going to show samples
of relevant information about. What
Osmar has been doing in his Teaching
Practice. How much experiences he gained
it, in the field of English Languages, it also
intends to present you how he develops
his Teaching style in collaboration with Mr.
Silva a tutor Teacher in his Instituto
Nacional de Jiquilisco. Also is going to
present a self-reflexion about Which he
considers was Good and wrong.

Jos Osmar Cortez was born in April 20th, 1982. he estudied
from 1st grade to 6th, in La Noria, shanty town, from 7th, to
9th, in Efran Jovel, in Tierra Blanca, Shanty town, he worked
in a manufacturer in San Salvador 2000 to 2003 four years,
then he studied his high school in Republica Federal
Centroamericana, in a especial MINED program called
Educacin a distancia in 2010, he graduates from
Technical Bilinguals English-Espaol, at the Universidad
Gerardo Barrios, Usulutn, In April 23rd, 2010. Toward he is
studying English Bachelor Degree in Universidad Gerardo
Barrios. e-mail: iamcapable@gmail.com

Short and Long terms Goals

The short-term goal that he is pretending to develop is to get that
students speak English in an interactive ways, during the class is on,
involves all students participate of it. On the other hand he puts the
students work especially in grouping he knows that he has to work hard
if he wants to impact his students of National Institute of Jiquilisco.
The long term goal he is intending to attain is based on the environment
in El Salvador, he is thinking on innovate the way of teaching English
through the practice and interaction among students he noticed it has
marked some positive reinforcements itself, he wants to develop
communicative competence, but through practice he incorporates, four
basics macro skills, Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. At the
start. He believes that as soon as possible his students will produce the
language. The combination of students style of learning and his teaching
style are fundamental aspects that he is taking into account in order to
attain his goals. Also he encourages students to develop their abilities.

Social Service
In Osmars Student Social Service (SSS), he made up his best effort at
that time. Now he knows something new and realize himself, because
somebody said him . Hey Osmar you wont go to the school to sell
tomatoes you are going to meet with human beings, that he will care for.
Therefore, it has to make him feel as responsible on his own process
and it will challenge and encourage him. Moreover, it allows him to stop
and think about it. What and how he was doing it. Sharing your points of
views with others colleagues. Such as; heard experiences and readings
from his partners had done. Which show, how it can be improved. It is
easier evaluating yourself and assigns yourself an A, but it is, what you
deserve?. Maybe not, so for that reason, a teacher always has to stay
updated. As the language is moving forward, they have to take in
consideration adopting this in their teachers developments. Transforming
it, into methodology useful for their students and evidences in his/her
work. So that it is a stronger cause, we are here trying to handle the
methodologies. His intention is to score the degree of difference once
the time comes, he is going to be a teacher but not a common one as

Teaching Philosophy
"If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn."
(Ignacio Estrada).
when Osmar was a child he used to play a game with his friends to be a
teacher, now he is closely to become this in real. He is getting his own
style of teaching and also learning because he considers that there is not
teaching without learning and vice-versa.
The above quotation motivates him to incorporate in the route of succed
but, he does not assume to succesful Teacher individually. He perceives
an alignment of succed Student-Teacher.
His first plan was to develop the communicative approach push Students
to Speak then he changed it into include Students into the classrooms in
order to become the whole class confident and ready to produce the
language. As resulting;
teachers include your students into your classroom, after they are going
to reproduce the language through practice ( Osmar Cortez)

Teaching Practice
These 40 hours of teaching practice are the back up of the evidence of
teaching, that is going to perform by Jos Osmar Cortez. Instituto
Nacional de Jiquilisco. It is going to develop through the methodology
of Communicative approach, with the Direct Method in order to create
an environment of full English, but if the interactions among students-
teacher do not going well or the interactions among students-students
do not allow teacher manages the whole class, he will look another way
or methodology how to get it, till. If it necessary to evoke TPR, Total
Physical Respond, with the intention to develop the Students four macro
skills abilities that are consider necessary to handle in order to
communicate in appropriate way with teacher and partners into the
classroom. Nevertheless to develop English Language is the mainly
purpose of this practice. Which are Listening, Speaking, Reading and
writing each of them are relative with the other.

Teachers must be conscious that teaching involves many things but
the mainly is to be responsible from beginning to end. Practice the
principles, throughout these to attain their goals, and encourage
students to do too. Meantime some students follow the rules there
are others that simply do not do it. Osmar noticed that some
students do not make their job. He encourages them to be
confident. but students were not able to understand it. Now he
realizes that each student has his/her own learning style, and
maybe repetitions drills it is not good for them, which involves hard
work for him. So, students have abilities through observation and
interaction teachers discover what kind of students do they have in
class in order to be succeed.

Evidence of
We are an essential part of the
English Language.
A blog is a Web page that serves as a
publicly accessible personal journal for
an individual. Typically updated daily,
blogs often reflect the personality of
the author. It also serves or is used for
teachers and students in order to be in
touch into the class and out the class.
Blogger incorporates, YOU Tube
programs, links, you can down up,
audio and video. And share relevant
information with your friends or
academic people.
Efforts to improve

Certifies; Grado digital given in Usulutn, in 09th, november, 2007.
MINED of ESTEL city, in the country of Nicaragua to have participated in the training of
mtodo Yo, Si Puedo. Given 18th, December 2007.
High school diploma. Given in Universidad Gerardo Barrios, in February 29th, 2008.
To graduate from Tcnico Bilinge Ingls- Espaol. Given in 23rd, April 2010.
To have attended the academic session new technologies in the Language Classroom
with the Jeannette Henrriquez, Academic Consultant. Given in September, 17th, 2010.
To participated in the firts curso de verano as English Teacher volunteer, in
Urbanizacin Montelimar. Given in Olocuiltla in 15th, December 2010.
Has attended to the firts congress of humanities humanism and development of
competences; challenges for the 21st century students given in San Miguel State in
December 6th 2010.
To have participated in the updated of Roof Grass of Soccer Training Children, given
from 4th to 14th, December 2012. in Liceo Cultural Usulutn.

What Osmar did in his Teaching
Practice? Today he is retaking to correct
them. He is planning to create an English
Academy for children in his Community,
he considers that, They are the best
learners. He looks for different results,
the mirror image always keeping on his
mind his own life is Teaching and
learning. Finally he has done some
advancement in his practicing but he is
still looking for Improvements in order to
create new English environment that not
only benefit his Teaching Methodology
but also the students learning through
their long process of learning.

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