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Presented By: Strikers

Mohsin Jamil L1S13MBAM0067
Saim Malik L1S13MBAM0136
Muhammad Tayyab L1S13MBAM0199
Ahsan Javed L1S13MBAM0148
M. Wasif Tofique L1S13MBAM0043
Introduction about Motivation
In the organizational setting the word Motivation is used to
describe the drive that impels an individual to work.

A truly motivated person is one who wants to work

Employers want to know what motivates their employees so that
they can get them to work harder

If a manager truly understands his subordinates motivation, he can
channel their inner state towards command goals

Motivation factor are those which make people give more than a fair
days work and that is usually only about sixty-five percent of a
persons capacity
What is Motivation
A basic principle is that the performance of an individual depends on
his or her ability backed by motivation. Stated algebraically
the principle is: Performance =f ability motivation) Ability refers to
the skill and competence of the person to complete a given task.
However, ability alone is not enough. The persons desire to
accomplish the task is also necessary. Organizations become successful
when employees have abilities and desire to accomplish given task.
Framework of Motivation
Framework Comprises of 6 Steps:

Motivation process begins with the individuals needs. These needs
may be psychological (e.g., the needs for recognition), physiological
(e.g., the needs for water, air or foods) or social (e.g., the needs for

Motivation is goal directed

A goal is a specific result that the individual wants to achieve .An
employees goal are often driving forces and accomplishing those
goals can significantly reduce needs
Promotions and raises are two of the ways that organizations seek to
maintain desirable behaviour. They are signals to employees that
their needs for advancement and recognition and their behaviours
are appropriate

Once the employee have received either rewards or punishments

They re-evaluate their needs

Role of Motivation
Motivated employees are needed in our rapidly changing
workplaces. Motivated employees help organizations survive

Motivated employees are more productive

To be effective, managers need to understand what motivates
employees within the context of the roles they perform.

Of all the functions a manager performs, motivating employees is
arguably the most complex.

Research suggests that as employees' income increases, money
becomes less of a motivator
Importance of Motivation
Motivated employees are always looking for better ways to do a job.
This statement can apply to corporate strategists and to production
A motivated employee generally is more quality oriented
Highly motivated worker are more productive than apathetic worker
The high productivity of Japanese worker and the fever worker are
needed to produce an automobile in Japan than elsewhere is well
motivation is essential in order to comprehend more fully the effects
of variations in other reaction as they relate to the performance,
satisfaction, and so forth.

Company Profile Telenor
Telenor Pakistan is 100% owned by the Telenor Group, an
international provider of high quality voice, data, content and
communication services in 13 markets across Europe and Asia
Telenor Group is among the largest mobile operators in the world
with 172 million mobile subscriptions and a workforce of
approximately 33,000
Telenor Pakistan has invested over US$2.3 billion in the local
economy so far
Telenor Pakistan has reported a subscriber base of 3 million and a
market share of approximately 25%, making it Pakistan's second
largest mobile operator.
Telenor Contributing to Pakistans Economy

It has created 2,800 direct and 25,000 plus indirect jobs and has a
network of over 200,000 retailers, franchises and sales & service
canters, thus providing a means to livelihood to thousands.

Telenor Pakistan contributed over Rs. 147 billion in various forms of
direct and indirect taxes to the economy of Pakistan since the
beginning of its operations in 2005.

Telenor Pakistan Today
Telenor Pakistan has grown to become a leading mobile
communications services provider of the country. Telenor Pakistan's
corporate headquarters are in Islamabad, with regional offices in

Corporate Responsibility:
Telenor contributes to society through selected social investments

The companys social investments are focused on long-term
partnerships that can contribute to lasting change

Focus areas for Telenor Pakistan are; Disability, Education, Health,
Emergency Response and Employee Volunteerism.

Telenor Pakistan's flagship corporate responsibility program, aims to
create dignified opportunities for persons with disabilities

The purpose is to become the most disabled-friendly organization in
Pakistan in terms of employment, service, and community support

Telenor Milestone's 2013:
September 23: Telenor Pakistan celebrates customers first day with the
entire workforce hitting the streets to interact with the customers directly

September 03: TP introduces industrys first human assisted SMS based
customer service facility.

April 16: Easypaisa launches Pakistan's first mobile money savings product
'Khushaal Munafa'.

February 22: PAF joins hands with Telenor Pakistan and Tameer
Microfinance Bank for financial inclusion of poor communities

February 04: Telenor Pakistan ranked the most preferred employer in
Pakistan by ROZEE.PK

Our Vision:

Empower Societies: We provide the power of digital communication,
enabling everyone to improve their lives, build societies
and secure a better future for all. Our vision to empower
societies is a clear call to action. We bring vital infrastructure,
new services and products that stimulate progress, change
and improvement.

Our Mission:

We are here to help customers. We exist to help our customers get the
full benefit of being connected. Our success is measured by how
passionately they promote us.

Our Values

Our values serve as a guide for our everyday work. They describe how
we should serve our Customers and work together as colleagues.
Be respectful: We acknowledge and respect local cultures and want
to be a part of local communities wherever we operate
Keep promises: Were about delivery, not overpromising. Were
about actions, not words.
Make it easy: We dont complicate things. Everything we produce
should be easy to understand and use.
Be Inspiring: We find new ways to improve and create value.

Employee Motivation at Telenor
Telenor is highly aware of how to motivate its employees in the best
There is a well devised system that Telenor follows for the purpose of
motivation. It includes both financial and non-financial rewards along
with the major motivator and dissatisfies.
The company recognizes the importance of making people drive
towards their goals and the basic step towards this is made through
recognizing the value of importance that the company gives to its
Telenor has a set of financial rewards, medical, Dental, vision and life
insurance, retirement plan, paid vacation days, family and work life
balance benefits and profit sharing plan, Annual bonus opportunities,
company cars
: Cont
Everyday residence issues (Remodelling, repairs)
Legal matters
Financial issues
Education and schooling
Parent and child care
Resources for seniors and eldercare issues
Emergency dependent-care reimbursement

As we know Telenor has a desire to promote the high achievers from
within the company. Positions are given on merit and are transparent
and fair in nature. There is no special treatment therefore each
employee knows that can aim for the top and actually get there. This
has proved to be a great source of motivation for employees of Telenor

Application of Reinforcement theory with Telenor
Positive Reinforcement:
occurs when an event or stimulus is presented as a consequence of a
behavior and the behavior increases. For e.g: In a company, the
employees work exploits will be showed in the notice board every
month. The best employee should be given some rewards. Thus, they
will bring some benefits for their organization

In Telenor employee is appraised positively by making employee of the
month and some benefit is also rewarded to him. Employee gets
appraised by everyone and this makes everyone motivated to become
employee of the month and get good remarks from the manager.

Negative Reinforcement:

Occurs when the rate of a behavior increases because an aversive
event or stimulus is removed or prevented from happening.

Telenor knows its employees very well if there is anything negative
going on with employee manager tries to solve and try to be
cooperative with the employee. In past years it was often that
employee were unable to come on time manager gave the chance and
solved the issue employee was facing


It implies removing positive consequences so as to lower the
probability of repeating undesirable behaviour in future. In other
words, punishment means applying undesirable consequence for
showing undesirable behaviour. Punishment is not much practiced in
Telenor they only deduct wages if the employee did not appear for the


Extinction implies lowering the probability of undesired behaviour by
removing reward for that kind of behaviour
In Telenor if the employee is not working hard and his work is not
meeting the standard then he is asked to leave the job. Mostly CSR are
requested to leave the job and termination letter is given to him
Crux of the Presentation

{Employee Motivation}
Thats All From Strikers

Thank You!

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