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Deepali Mathur
Etiquette Defined

Etiquette refers to guidelines which control the
way a responsible individual should behave in the
What is Business Etiquette?
To Exhibit Professionalism and develop a polished
image and instill a perception of trustworthiness, we
need business etiquette.
Business Etiquette refers to behaving sensibly and
appropriately at the workplace to create an
everlasting impression.
No one would take you seriously if you do not
behave well at the workplace.
Why Business Etiquette?

Business etiquette is an important way of showing
professionalism. Showing professionalism conveys
experience and success to the client and to other
Important Business Etiquettes
E-mail etiquette
Social etiquette
Dining etiquette
Telephone etiquette
Office etiquette
Meeting etiquette
Business card etiquette
1. Email Etiquette
E-mail etiquette is quite new and the rules are still
As the use of email is increasing day-by-day, need
of email etiquette is also gaining importance.
Need of Email Etiquette:
Protection from liability
E-mail Etiquette rules
Be concise and to the point
Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation
Make it personal, avoid using Cc and Bcc unnecessarily
Use templates for frequently used responses
Answer swiftly
Use a meaningful subject
Read the email before you send it
Keep attachments to a minimum and mention your
attachment in the content
Take care with abbreviations and emotions
Take care with rich text and HTML messages
Use active voice instead of passive voice
Example of a bad E-mail

Topic: Officers Meeting (officers only)

I was emailing you to tell you that we will have a meeting this Thursday at

We will be going over the months community service projects.

See you there spl. John

Bad because
The non officers might over look the
topic, read the email and show up at the
Dont make personal comments in
professional mails.
If you want to send the e-mail to officers,
make a separate list, do not send to all
club members.

LISTEN to and
concentrate on
conversationsdont just
wait for your turn to talk!
Resist the urge to jump
into a conversation when
someone pauses in
thought. Wait a second or
two, then respond.
Dont Jump!
2. Social Etiquette
When making an introduction Give a piece of
information about the personit can be a conversation

3. Table Etiquettes

A general knowledge and use of basic etiquette
makes the dining experience more pleasant for
Table manners play an important part in making
a good impression.
Here are some basic tips to help you

Dinning Etiquettes
Be on time
Stand on the right side of your chair and
enter from your left
Put your napkin in your lap
Decide on your menu selections quickly
Never order the most
expensive item
Wait for all people to be
served before beginning
Know which silverware to use
with which food
Manners at dinning table
Dont eat with your mouth full
Keep one hand in your lap.
Remove anything from your mouth with the
same implement that it went in with (except
Eat at a moderate speed
Try to maintain some polite dinner
Never medicate yourself at the table
If you must leave the table, place your
napkin in your chair

4. Telephone Etiquettes
The essence of dealing with people,
politely and efficiently over the
phone can be boiled down to
telephone etiquettes.
Everyday, on an average , a person
Spends more than three hours on
So, it becomes mandatory to get
through the basics of telephone

Telephone Etiquettes
Identify yourself when making a call
Address the caller by his name in a courteous manner
Keep the conversation brief
Never be impatient
Listen carefully
Do not interrupt
Do not eat or chew something while speaking on phone
If you wish to put the caller on hold, request his permission to do so
Close your conversation with an appropriate salutation
Let the caller hang up first
In case of missed calls, return the call within a reasonable period of
If some one calls you by mistake, inform the caller politely that he
reached a wrong number
If you are on phone and another
call comes in..what will you do?
Always ask the other person if its alright to put him on
Also, give a brief explanation of the reason for putting on
Sign Language
Do not interrupt on the telephone by
gesturing, speaking or writing them notes.
Can you hear me now?
If you have to take a call in a public placetry to move to a
more private space
Hearing one-sided conversations alienates the person NOT
in the conversation!
If you have to talk in a public place (bus, elevator, airplane
etc.) keep it short and discreet.
Managing angry callers
Listen his problem or complaint carefully
Do not interrupt him, let him finish the whole thing first
Do not say, "you are wrong"
Empathize with him
You should be good in your area of work and investigate
about his complaint or problem and solve it
tell him the process of solving the problem
Do not mislead
Call him back when you have the solution,
this feedback is important
5. Office Etiquette
Those who follow good office etiquette are promoted and
given choice assignments.
Those who are seen as crass are passed over or have their
employment terminated.
Be self-aware-use common sense
Mind your own business
Never go over your supervisors
Obey your companys business
dress code
Treat every employee with the
same respect
Do not post things of an offensive
General etiquettes at office
Prepare in advance
Arrive early
Position yourself
Make eye-contact and smile
Take responsibility
Work the crowd
Use ice breakers
Ask right kind of questions
Be a good listener
Know when to leave
Reasons for firing employees
Bad language
Excessive workplace gossip
Drinking on the job
Leaving without telling anyone
Too many personal calls
Breaches of office etiquettes
Bad hygiene
Bad habits
Wastefulness with paper
Office Romance
Dating a supervisor or subordinate is
not be entertained
Any behavior of a sexual nature on
company property gives the company
grounds for legal action
6. Meeting Etiquette
Avoid swear words and vulgar references,
Poor communicating skill is not professional,
Avoid personal questions during first meeting.
Whoever gets to the door first should open it and hold for
others who are following
Turn off your cell phone ringer ,accept voicemail and text
messaging only

7 Business Card
Always have a business card
Have it in a good shape and updated
Have it readily available
Be selective about distributing it
Present it at an appropriate time and manner

Business Etiquette postures
Business Etiquette Postures
A persons posture, facial expressions, and
gestures send messages
Eye contact is the most obvious way you
communicate. When you are looking at the
other person, you show interest
Where you place your arms suggests how
receptive you are. Arms crossed or folded over
your chest say that you have shut other people
out and have no interest in them or what they
are saying
Legs talk, too. A lot of movement indicates
Hand Shaking Positions
Seating Positions
Casual Judging Arguing
Dress Code

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