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c Study
Pudupathy Village, Coimbatore District.
Vijay Rajmohan

The Team

Vijay Rajmohan and Smitha for Pudupathy


Suresh and Soni Vie! for Chinnampathy


To isit the tribal illages of Pudupathy and

Chinnampathy and conduct ethnographic

To hone our obseration s!ills .

#nderstand the people, their culture, liing

enironment and issues faced by them.

%nformal %nterie&s.

Continuous dialogues.




Personal (arraties.
"erie& ' Pudupathy
) *ms from the main +rna!ulam , Coimbatore -igh&ay.
There is a prominent board at the high&ay pointing to Pudupathy.
There is also a board adertising .Country Club/ resort, there is a
board about .0CC cement factory/.
There are t&o rail&ay trac!s before the illage on the road that
leads to the Village.
0t the entrance, around 1 !m before, there is a forest chec! post.
Vehicles can/t enter in &ithout registering here.
Village is surrounded by a moat on one side , to preent elephants
from coming in.
%t has 23 , 43 houses.
$ost of the houses are pucca. The fe& huts are used as additional
rooms, .shala/.
Concrete roads, drin!ing &ater facility, drainage aailable.
0t the entrance, there is a prominent 5anesh temple. %rulas/ tribal
deities are slightly a&ay.
There is a community hall built under 6a&ahar +mployment
Scheme during 1772'74.
0ll belong to %rula tribe 'land donated by Thambi 5ounder. They
hae moed do&n from the mountains, fe& generations ago.
0jith *umar
Village has a Primary school, a 8al&adi under %CDS project
of 9orld 8an!, a (utrition meal centre.
1) students are studying. Teacher comes from Coimbatore. 4
!ids are in 8al&adi.
.Dhanusia/, a nine year old student of the school doesn/t
!no& numbers, alphabets.
"ne boy, .0jith *umar/ has finished 1:th and got admission
to +ngineering college , +C+ branch.
"ne girl, .Thangamani/ has completed TTC and is getting
married on 7th 6une, :312.
;iing Standards
-ouses hae .*alaignar/ TV. $any .SunT/ satellite dish antennas are
seen. TV room built around 12 years ago is remaining idle and
0 peep into one hut reealed the presence of follo&ing< Colour TV,
$i=er 5rinder, >an, Rice 5rinder and %nduction stoe? , electricity is
aailable most of the time e=cept for a t&o hour cut in the late
The pucca houses constructed )3 years ago are replaced &ith RCC
roofed houses.
There are hand pumps.
Centrali@ed drin!ing &ater facility has been recently updated under
Thai schemeA there is oerhead tan!.
Toilet facilities are about to be constructed.
The residents are agricultural laborers. $en get around :43 rupeesA
&omen get 1:3'143 rupees

Village has many co&s, goats , they &ere

proided under Self help group assistance.

-ens &ere also seen , probably gro&n by

the illagers themseles.

$any solar lamp posts , throughout the

Villages and on roads.
"ther "bserations..
There is a 5anesh temple at the center of the illage.
Their traditional temple is a&ay. 0part from mainstream
hindu gods, they &orship *aruppu Rayan and other male B
female goddesses.
%mpact of sans!ritisationCtamil cinema , *aruppannan/s son
is 0jith *umar. There &ere t&o 0jith *umars in the illage.

Transport , (o bus after E pm.

+ducation , 0fter elementary, the students

need to trael to Chaadi.

-ospital, $ain mar!et are at Chaadi.

+lephant menace , an elephant has come

inside the illage a day before at 4 0$.

$on!eysC "ther animalsD?

Possible areas for
>orest Chec!'post B problems related to >orest Department.
%ssues about 0CC cement factoryD
%ssues about other F8eerDG factoryD
%ssues about Country clubD
Tasmac related issues in the Village.
9hat happened during Veerappan hunt , &as it also affectedD
8order %ssues , it is located on *erala, Tamilnadu border.
+lephant menace.

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