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Catch 22

Chapters 11-16
Alison Todd, Billy Nguyen, Michael Oster, & Tyler Schrager
Chapter 11 Captain Black
!ntroduced to Captain Blac"
Noted as a control #rea" $ho doesn%t ha&e any real control
!n charge o# intelligence and 'aps
Atte'pts to use (loyalty oaths) to e*cerpt po$er o&er his 'en
Men had to sign 1-+ loyalty oath%s and recite the Star Spangled Banner #or #ood and other supplies
,oes not allo$ Ma-or Ma-or to sign loyalty oaths to 'a"e hi' loo" disloyal
Ma-or Ma-or outs'arted Captain Blac" out o# a pro'otion
Ma"es Ma-or Ma-or loo" li"e a co''unist
!ntroduced to Ma-or de Co&erly
!s the sa'e ran" as Ma-or Ma-or
Crushes Blac"%s (.oyalty Oath) crusade /y de'anding (gi''e eat) 0#ood1 $ithout signing
a loyalty oath
Chapter 12 Bologna
Captain Blac"%s s2uadron has a 'ission to /o'/ to Bologna, !taly
3lanes cannot ta"eo## #ro' 3ianosa due to hea&y rains so#tening the run$ays
4ossarian poisons the #ood coo"ed /y Milo $ith laundry soap
5##ecti&ely gi&ing e&eryone diarrhea
4ossarian 'o&es the /o'/ line
Soldiers an*iously $atch the (/o'/ line) on a 'ap $hich 'ar"s the 6S%s position in !taly
Soldiers are #rustrated that the Allies are ha&ing a hard ti'e capturing Bologna
4ossarian stealthily 'o&es the /o'/ line during the night
Corporal 7olodny in#or's Captain Blac" that Bologna $as (captured) /y in#antry troops
Mission to #ly into Bologna is called o##
!n a drun"en rage, 4ossarian crashes Captain Blac"%s -eep
Beco'es a$are that the /o'/ing 'ission to Bologna $as reinstated due to clear $eather
Chapter 18 Major de Coverly
Ma-or de Co&erly
,escri/ed as an (a$e-inspiring, gra&e old 'an) 018119
Typically co''andeers an airplane and #lies to (captured) cities to rent hotels #or his 'en
Naples, :o'e, and ;lorence $ere so'e o# his destinations
The <er'ans sa$ hi' as a (&e*atious enig'a)
A 'ysterious nuisance to the <er'an cause
4ossarian $ould /ring $o'en to the hotel roo's
6sually coo"ed and cleaned #or the 'en
Stayed as long as they $ant in return #or se*
Ma-or de Co&erly gi&es Milo Mind/ender a plane
Allo$s hi' to get #resh supplies #or #ood
!'presses Ma-or de Co&erly
4ossarian%s #lash/ac"
.ead a /o'/ing raid that caused the death o# 7ra# and his cre$
;le$ o&er a /ridge t$ice, rather than destroying it on the #irst run
Colonel 7orn suggests 4ossarian recei&e a 'edal on the rational that (it did ta"e a lot o# courage to go o&er
that target a second ti'e) 018=1
Colonel Cathcart agreed and also pro'oted 4ossarian to captain
Chapter 1> Kid Sampson
4ossarian is a#raid o# the 'ission
Atte'pts to cause hysteria /y clai'ing so'ething is $rong $ith 7id Sa'pson%s
Sa/otages the radio and the plane returns to /ase
The other /o'/ers returned a#ter co'pleting their 'ission unhar'ed
4ossarian $as repri'anded a#ter the plane%s radio pro&ed #unctional
4ossarian atte'pts to sha"e o## his de'ise
<oes to /each to rela* and #alls asleep
3lanes return a#ter the /o'/ing 'ission 4ossarian s"ipped
The planes $ere unda'aged due to lac" o# AA 0Anti-Aircra#t1 guns
Mission $as re#erred to as a ('il"-run)
Chapter 1+ Piltchard & Wren
!ntroduced to Captain 3iltchard & ?ren
3iltchard sarcastically re#erences 4ossarian%s radio incident
Because 4ossarian%s s2uadron 'issed the a''unition drops, the planes had to #ly out
6nli"e the pre&ious 'ission, 4ossarian%s plane and others $ere greeted $ith hea&y AA guns
Many 'en and planes $ere lost
4ossarian orders his plane to ta"e e&asi&e 'aneu&ers, ulti'ately sa&ing his li#e
Aar#y teases 4ossarian
:eplies to 4ossarian%s oders $ith (?hat@) (! can%t hear you9)
!n#uriates 4ossarian
4ossarian ta"es an e'ergency rest lea&e #or :o'e
;inds .uciana
Chapter 16 - Luciana
!ntroduced to .uciana
;irst encountered in chapter 18
4ossarian had de&eloped a crush on her
Ta"es her our to dinner and has se* $ith her the ne*t 'orning
As"s her to 'arry hi'
Calls hi' craAy #or $anting to 'arry so'eone $ho is not a &irgin
.uciana gi&es 4ossarian her phone nu'/er
Thin"s 4ossarian to rip it up on the rational that he chould #eel proud #or ha&ing
se* $ith a pretty $o'an #or #ree
,oesn%t /elie&e her and regrets ripping up her nu'/er a#ter$ards
Colonel Cathcart raises 4ossarian%s 'ission count to >B
4ossarian decides to chec" /ac" into the hospital

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