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Claves lingsticas para bsqueda de palabras

1.- Uso del diccionario Ingls-Espaol
El primer paso a la hora de usar un diccionario ingls-espaol, es
determinar que tipo de palabra es; verbo, sustantivo o adjetivo.

1.- I am close to get a
2.- My house is close to
the office
3.- Problems will bring my
business to a close
4.- Banks close at 3:30
De igual manera, es recomendable chequear si la palabra
cambia de significado al acompaarse de otras palabras.
1. My assista
1.- I look at the document with attention
2.- She has the look of a manager
3.- Good leaders look after their employees
4.- They will look at your proposal
5.- I will look into your proposal
6.-The uniform looks well on you
Algunas palabras cambian de significado si se les
agrega una s
New: adj. Nuevo, novedoso, lo ltimo
News: n. noticias
Good: adj. bueno, bien, beneficioso,
Goods: n. bienes, mercanca, gneros,
Minute: n. minuto
Minutes: n. Acta(s), minutas
Asset: n. ventaja, bien.
Assets: n. activos
1. There is a new boss
2. The news are published
3. He is a good employee
4. they transport goods
5. The meeting is in 5 minutes
6. The secretary has the
7 Speaking English is an asset
8. Fixed assets

1.- I always save money
by using coupons
2.- I have a savings
3.- They use a saw to cut
4.- They sawed a tree
5.- I saw the mistakes in
the document
6.- They said the truth
Good: adj. bueno; s. bien; s. pl. bienes, mercancas.
Adv. Bien; interj. !bueno! !bien!, adj good looking,
bien parecido, guapo .
Broken: 1. adj. accidentado, destrozado,. 2. p.p. of break
Went: pret. of go
Those are good products
Religions aim to do good
He a good-spoken person
- See you tomorrow! - Good!
They have an imported goods business
Algunas de las abreviaturas ms usadas en textos
a.s.a.p. = as soon as possible (tan pronto como sea possible)
A.C. = after Christ (despus de Cristo)
B.C.= before Christ (antes de Cristo)
Mr. = mister
Mrs. = mistress
Co. = Company
MSc.= Master of Science
PhD= Doctor of Philosophy
EC= European Community
ECU = European Currency Unit
U.K. = United Kingdom
Eg. = example
USA= United States of America
i.e. = id est ( es decir)
IOU= I owe you (pagar)
Las siguientes palabras de acuerdo a su funcin

a.- right now: _______________________
b.- That is to say _____________________
c.- no matter: ______________________
d.- kind of __________________________
e.- due to: _____________________________
f. take it easy _______________________ _
g. for good: _______________________
h. as as: ___________________________
i. of course: ____________________-_____
j. needless to say: ________________
Las siguientes expresiones compuestas
1.- Trata de leer usando el diccionario lo menos posible
The history of accounting is thousands of years old and can be
traced to ancient civilizations. The early development of
accounting dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, and is closely
related to developments in writing, counting and money; there is
also evidence for early forms of bookkeeping in ancient Iran, and
early auditing systems by the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians.
By the time of the Emperor Augustus, the Roman government had
access to detailed financial information.
Double-entry bookkeeping developed in medieval Europe, and
accounting split into financial accounting and management
accounting with the development of joint-stock companies.
Accounting began to transition into an organized profession in the
nineteenth century, with local professional bodies in England
merging to form the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
England and Wales in 1880
2.- Identifica las palabras que conoces:
3. Identifica: a- 5 sustantivos b.- 5 adjetivos c.- 5 verbos d.- 5 adverbios
4. Identifica y traduce las palabras relacionadas con la contadura

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