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To prevent getting a sexually transmitted disease, or STD, always avoid sex

with anyone who has genital sores, a rash, discharge, or other symptoms. The
only time unprotected sex is safe is if you and your partner have sex only
with each other, and if it's been at least six months since you each tested
negative for STDs. Otherwise you should:
Use latex condoms every time you have sex. If you use a lubricant, make sure
it's water-based. Use condoms for the entire sex act. Condoms are not 100%
effective at preventing disease or pregnancy. However, they are extremely
effective if used properly. Learn how to use condoms correctly.
Avoid sharing towels or underclothing.
Wash before and after intercourse.
Get a vaccination for hepatitis B. This is a series of three shots.
Get tested for HIV.
If you have a problem with drug or alcohol abuse, get help. People who are
drunk or on drugs often fail to have safe sex.
Consider that not having sex is the only sure way to prevent STDs.
It was once thought that using condoms with nonoxynol-9 helped to prevent
STDs by killing the organisms that can cause disease. New research shows
that doing so also irritates a woman's vagina and cervix and may increase
the risk of an STD infection. Current recommendations are to avoid using
condoms with nonoxynol-9.

To prevent giving an STD to someone else:
Stop having sex until you see a doctor and
are treated.
Follow your doctor's instructions for
Use condoms whenever you have sex,
especially with new partners.
Don't resume having sex unless your doctor
says it's OK.
Return to your doctor to get rechecked.
Be sure your sex partner or partners also
are treated.

There is no cure for HIV, but there are ways to prevent getting
the virus.
HIV is generally passed from person-to-person through sexual
(anal, vaginal, or oral) contact or by sharing needles and
other drug works. HIV can be prevented through abstinence,
mutual monogamy, condoms, by not sharing needles and drug
works (commonly referred to as paraphernalia), and by
limiting the use of substances (i.e. alcohol and other non-
injecting drugs) that impair judgment.
There is currently no vaccine for HIV. Researchers have been
trying to find an HIV vaccine since the virus was first identified
in 1984. HIV is a very complex virus, so researchers have not
been successful in creating a vaccine, but they continue to

Abstaining from sex means not having any type of sex at
alloral, anal, or vaginal. Abstinence is 100% effective in
preventing HIV and other STDs.
The decision to practice abstinence does not mean that you
should not know about condoms and safe sex
practices. Most people stop being abstinent at some point
in their lives. Learning how to protect yourself from HIV
allows you to be prepared in case you decide to have sex.

Mutual monogamy means that you agree to be sexually active
with only one person, and that person has agreed to be
sexually active only with you. Reducing your number of sexual
partners can decrease your risk for HIV. It is still important
that you and your partner get tested for HIV and share your
test results with one another. Many people choose to continue
using condoms in a mutually monogamous relationship for
further protection from HIV and other STDs.
When used consistently and correctly, condoms are highly
effective in preventing HIV infection. If you are sexually active,
latex condoms provide the best protection against HIV infection.
Polyurethane or plastic condoms may also be used and are good
options for people with latex allergies. Natural membrane (such
as lambskin) condoms are porous, meaning that fluids can seep
through them, and therefore do not offer the same level of
protection against HIV and other STDs.
dont sex if your partner have STD , HIV
and AIDS . Because they can spread STD
to others .

1. Choose your sexual partners with care. It has often been said
that having sex with someone is like having sex with everyone
theyve ever been with. For this reason, you need to take all
necessary precautions and must be certain that a sexual partner is
healthy and trustworthy before engaging in risky behavior. Since
you are much more likely to engage in risky sexual partners while
under the influence, choose your sexual partners when you are
sober. If you feel it's appropriate, you can make a pact with a
friend never to let each other go home with someone you have
just met.

2.Use appropriate protection to reduce the risk of infection. Monogamous
partners should get tested for STIs at both the beginning of a relationship
and again several months later before engaging in unprotected sex, as
this will allow time for an infection to present. HIV, for example, can take
up to three (and in rare cases, six) months to present before it can be
tested accurately. Until then, all sexual partners monogamous or
otherwise need to use adequate protection.
Use appropriate contraception to reduce the risk of
pregnancy. Unless two partners are both completely
monogamous and free of STIs and HIV, contraceptives should
be used in conjunction with condoms to prevent the
transmission of infection.

Take care when experimenting with anal
sex. Anal sex is a riskier type of sex than
vaginal, although many couplesboth
gay and straightderive pleasure from it.
The risk of infection is greater because the
skin of the anus is thinner and more prone
to damage, eventually leading to
infection and the transmission of disease.
Go gently and use lots of water-based
lubricant. Stop if there is any discomfort.
Never allow anything to be placed in the
vagina after it has been in the anus - this
risks transferring bacteria, which have no
business being in the vagina.

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