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1. Basics
2. Classification
3. Terminology
4. Components
Basics Combustion Engines
Chemical energy in fuel converted to thermal energy by
combustion or oidation
!eat engine converts chemical energy into mechanical energy

Thermal energy raises temperature and pressure of gases "ithin

engine# and gas epands against mechanical mechanisms of
$nternal% fuel is burned "ithin the engine properly &including e.g.
roc'et engines# (et engines)
Eternal% combustion is eternal to the engine &e.g. steam# *tirling
1. Basics
2. Classification
3. Terminology
4. Components
Classification of $C engines


+umber of stro'es

,alve location


.osition and number of cylinders

/ir inta'e

0uel input method

0uel used


Spark ignition &*$)% high1voltage electrical discharge bet"een t"o
electrodes ignites air1fuel miture in combustion chamber
surrounding spar' plug# .etrol Engine
Compression ignition &C$)% air1fuel miture self1ignites due to high
temperature in combustion chamber caused by high compression#
-iesel engine
+o. of stro'es

0our1stro'e% four piston movements over t"o

engine revolutions for each engine cycle

T"o1stro'e% t"o piston movements over one

revolution for each engine cycle
,alve location

,alves in head

,alves in bloc'

2ne valve in head and one in bloc' &less common)


Engine has one or more cylinders in "hich pistons
reciprocate bac' 4 forth
Combustion chamber in closed end of the cylinder
.o"er delivered to rotating output cran'shaft by mechanical
lin'age "ith pistons

Engine made of bloc' built around large non1
concentric rotor 4 cran'shaft
Combustion chambers are built into the non1rotating
Reciprocating engine
.osition 4 +o. of Cylinders

*ingle cylinder &e.g. la"nmo"ers)

$n1line or straight% cylinders in straight line# one behind the other

in length of cran'shaft

,% t"o ban's of cylinders at an angle "ith each other along a

single cran'shaft# angle typically 561768

0lat or opposed cylinder &, "ith 1968)% t"o ban's of cylinders

opposite each other on a single cran'shaft &small aircrafts)

:% three ban's of cylinders on same cran'shaft &not common)

2pposed piston engine% t"o pistons in each cylinder# combustion

chamber bet"een pistons

3adial engine% cylinders positioned radially around cran'shaft

Inline engine
V engine
Flat/opposed cylinder
W engine
pposed piston engine
Radial engine
/ir inta'e

+aturally aspirated% no air pressure boost

*upercharged% air pressure increased "ith

compressor driven by cran'shaft

Turbocharged% air pressure increased by

turbine1compressor driven by ehaust gases

Cran'case compressed% t"o1stro'e engine "ith

cran'case as inta'e air compressor
0uel input method

Carburated% air1fuel mied at throat

Fuel injection

;ultipoint .ort 0uel $n(ection% one or more in(ectors at

each cylinder inta'e

Throttle Body 0uel $n(ection% in(ectors upstream of

inta'e manifold

/ir cooled

<i=uid cooled
0uel used


-iesel or fuel oil

>as &natural gas or methane)

<i=uefied petroleum gas &<.>)% mainly propane#

propylene# butane and butylene

/lcohol &ethyl# methyl)

-ual fuel &e.g. methane?diesel)

>asohol &e.g. 76@ gasoline# 16@ alcohol)

Biodiesel% cleaner1burning diesel fuel made from

natural# rene"able sources such as vegetable
1. Basics
2. Classification
3. Terminology
4. Components

TDC% top dead center# piston position farthest from


BDC% bottom dead center# piston position nearest to


Direct fuel injection% into main combustion chamber

Indirect fuel injection% into a secondary chamber

Bore% diameter of cylinder or piston face

Stroke% distance that piston moves

Clearance volume% volume in combustion chamber at T-C

Displacement volume% volume displaced by piston

Ignition delay% Time bet"een start of ignition and start of

Terminology &Contd.)

Air-fuel ratio% 3atio of mass flo" rate of air to

that of fuel

Specific fuel consumption% fuel used per unit


missions% +2# C2# !C# solids

1. Basics
2. Classification
3. Terminology
4. Components
Components of an engine

Block% body of engine containing cylinders

Bearing% main bearing for cran'shaft

Cams!aft% rotating shaft used to push open valves at the

proper time in engine cycle

Carburetor% ,enturi flo" device to dra" fuel and mi "ith


Catalytic converter% reduces emissions by chemical


Combustion c!amber% volume bet"een cylinder head

and piston face

Connecting rod% connects piston "ith cran'shaft

Crankcase% part of engine bloc' surrounding cran'shaft

Cranks!aft% rotating shaft through "hich engine "or'

output is supplied to eternal systems# rotated by
reciprocating pistons through connecting rods
Components &Contd.)

"!aust manifold% piping "hich carries ehaust gases

a"ay from engine cylinders

Fan% to increase air flo" through radiator

Fly#!eel% to smoothen engine rotation

Fuel injector% pressuriAed noAAle to in(ect fuel into air or


Fuel pump% to move fuel from tan' to engine

$lo# plug% electrical resistance inside combustion

chamber to help cold start

%ead% piece "hich closes end of cylinders

%ead gasket% sealant bet"een engine bloc' and head

Intake manifold% piping "hich delivers incoming air to


&il pan% oil reservoir on bottom of engine bloc'# part of

the cran'case
Components &Contd.)

2il pump% to distribute oil from sump

2il sump% reservoir for the oil system of the engine

.iston rings% metal rings around piston to seal gap

bet"een piston and cylinder

.ush rods% lin'age bet"een camshaft and valves on

2!, engines

3adiator% li=uid to air heat echanger to cool engine

3od bearing% rod connecting the piston "ith the rotating


*par' plug% creates high1voltage discharge across an

electrode gap

*peed control1cruise control% control system

*tarter% hand starter# electric motor# or small $C engines

for large $C engines
Components &Contd.)

Superc!arger% compressor po"ered from cran'shaft to

compress incoming air

T!rottle% butterfly valve at upstream end of inta'e

manifold to control air flo" rate into *$ engine

Turboc!arger% turbine1compressor po"ered by ehaust

flo" to compress incoming air

'alves% controls flo" of air in and out of the cylinders

(ater jacket% li=uid flo" passages around cylinder for


(ater pump% to circulate coolant

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