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-- The early bird catches the worm.

= Cine se
scoal de diminea departe ajunge.

Cl a VIII a
Romanian language: Cine se scoal de dimineat departe
English: The early bird catches the worm ( Early up,
early on the road, make a healthy, reach and wise man).
Meaning: Is a proverb about diligently, reason springing from
experience meditation millennial man faced with life
waking up in the morning or early have a symbolic
value. Morning is the beginning of a working day ; how
man realizes his started up depend his activity success.

Blood is thicker than water. = Sngele ap nu se face.
Cl a VIII a
Blood is thicker than water. = Sngele ap nu se face.

Ce inseamna

Regardless of whether we like it or not race we come from , as close as we are, we
have the same blood, the same genes. We are forever united by blood and no
matter how cold-hearted we are , anyway we enjoy the first snowdrop, the first ray
of sun, the first drop of rain, through our veins that circulate blood and not water.

Sparrow dreams at corn and pauper dreams at feast
Vrabia mlai viseaz i calicul praznicul
Cl a V a
You think that you have all the things in this world but you can have all of these.
Green eyes never believe them Ochii verzi
niciodat sa nu-i crezi
Cl a VII a
You must do not have trust in all people..
Lies have short legs. = Minciuna are picioare scurte.

Cl a VII a
- Lies have short legs. = Minciuna are picioare scurte.
We live in a society where many lies to go where they want.
They lie the Boss about a colleague to be to be promoted to
the post, lie people near them and they thing that is the best
solution.But there is someone that HE cant be lying: GOD.
First time when you telling a lie is the most difficult and
there are all chances to get caught, but Catch in time you
Catch Experience and lie becomes part of your thoughts.
Lying say regularly makes the human mind that be
conducted of this vice and living in a continue lie.They no
longer distinguish the truth. Who lies once ,lies always.
In conclusion, lying should be avoided and does not
become an addiction

- One flower makes no garland. = Cu o floare nu se
face primvara.

Cl a V a
- One flower makes no garland. = Cu o floare nu se face primvara.

nu este atat de usor sa obtii un lucru frumos si bun fara greutati; nu este
de ajuns sa vrei,daca nu incerci;
It is not so easy to get a wonderful and good work without weights . not
enough to want if you dont try;

- When the cat`s away, the mice will play. = Cand
pisica nu-i acasa, joaca soarecii pe masa.

Cl a V a
- When the cat`s away, the mice will play. = Cand pisica
nu-i acasa, joaca soarecii pe masa.
Daca consideram ca pisica este mama, atunci cand ea pleaca de
acasa, copiii( soriceii) ,cuminti de obicei, se dezlantuie si fac

If you believe that the cat is the mother , when she leaves home,
children (mice), behaved usually loose and make fools

- When the cat`s away, the mice will play. = Cand pisica nu-i
acasa, joaca soarecii pe masa.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. = Prietenul la
nevoie se cunoate.

Cl a VII a
- A friend in need is a friend indeed. = Prietenul la
nevoie se cunoaste.
Friends are a great thing, because there are those people
that you choose to live near. In life you need friends, but
real friends, not those who live like parasites on your back.
First, a true friend is the one that you stretch (in the true
sense of the word) a hand is the one that stays with you. In
the second and last, a true friend to be Along with you both
well, and at worst, be Along with whatever situation you are
going through. A really friend you can only consider when
you are good with both, but especially in bad trying to help
you without benefits
The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken
at last. = Ulciorul nu merge de multe ori la ap .

Cl a V a
Dup ce ai czut, poti s nu mai vrei s zbori niciodat sau poti s urci din nou la
trapez si s-ti iei avntul. Diferenta este c nu o vei mai face cu acelasi partener, pe
care nu poti conta. Vei fi mult mai atent n minile cui ti ncredintezi viata.

Fiindc ulciorul nu merge de multe ori la ap, nu-i asa?

After you have fallen, you can not want to fly again you have getting back at trapeze
and get your upsurge.
The difference is that you will not do with the same partner which you can not count.
You will be more careful in whose hands you entrust your life.
Because - The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last, isnt it?

Flemish is the dream
eating- Cel flmnd se
viseaz mncnd
Cl a VII a

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