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EHS Manager PT. Alstom Power ESI
Outline of Lecture
1. Understanding Fire and Explosion
3. Selection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk
2. Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion
Understanding Fire and Explosion
Understanding Fire and Explosion
History of Fire and Explosion Incident
Fire & Explosion

March , 2011
Understanding Fire and Explosion
History of Fire and Explosion Incident
Kleen Energy,

June, 2009
Understanding Fire and Explosion

1. Fire : A slow combustion that significant without
2. Explosion : A release of energy that causes a blast

3. Flammability Limit : The minimum (lower,LFL) and
maximum concentration of combustible vapor in
air that will propagate a flame
(source : Guidelines CPQRA, AIChE, 2000)
Understanding Fire and Explosion
Basic Philosophy
Understanding Fire and Explosion
Philosophy of FERA
Flammability Limits
Objective of FERA
Understanding Fire and Explosion
Flammability Limits (FL) = (suhu, tekanan, inert gas)
Flammability Limits (FL)
Understanding Fire and Explosion
Combusation = (FL, Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE), Surface Area)
Philosophy of Combustion
Understanding Fire and Explosion
Fire occurance step
1. Jet Fire
2. Flash Fire
3. Pool Fire
4. Fireball
Understanding Fire and Explosion
Explosion occurance step
1. Overpressure
2. BLEVE - Fireball
3. RPT
1. Runway reaction
Understanding Fire and Explosion
Physical Properties Key Factor of Flammable
1. Boiling Point
2. Vapor Pressure
3. Flash Point
4. Autoignition
5. Enthalphy of Combustion (Hc)
6. MIE
7. Density
8. Conductivity of material
9. Size of material
Understanding Fire and Explosion
Environmental Properties Key Factor of Fire /Explosion
1. Operational Parameter (Pressure, Flowrate, Temp, etc)
2. Lay-out of unit process/equipment
3. Installation (congested, confined, etc)
4. Source of heat (open fire, conductive heat, static electric, etc)
5. Meteorogical condition (Wind speed, direction, etc)
6. Leakage dimension (bore, rupture, hole, etc)
Understanding Fire and Explosion
Impact of Fire & Explosion
1. Breakage the molecular bond
2. Heat Flux / Heat Radition
3. Poisonous Gas
4. Blast Wave/Shock Wave
5. Debris trajectory/projectile

Framework of Risk Assessment on
Fire and Explosion Hazard
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Overall Risk Assessment
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Detail Risk Assessment
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Step 1 Describe system and identify hazards
Scenario Development
Screening Method
Credible Scenario
Potential Accident Scenario
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Step 1 Describe system and identify hazards
Scenario Development

Merupakan critical step
dalam FERA
- Key word : Loss of Containment
- Tool yang umum dipergunakan
Incident Analysis
Tie-Bow Analysis
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Step 1 Describe system and identify hazards
Screening Method

Mencari scenario yang memiliki tingkat rangking/index yang
- Umumnya berbagai scenario tersebut dibandingkan

- Metode yang umumnya dipergunakan :
Kualitatif : Risk Rating, Expert Adviser
Semi-kuantitatif : TNO-Purple Book Method, DFEI, DCEI
AHP (expert judgement), SWeHI,
MaxCred Method
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Step 1 Describe system and identify hazards
Credible Scenario

Merupakan scenario yang akan dianalisis lebih lanjut tingkat
consequences dan probability-nya

Merupakan model yang memiliki tingkat kemiripan yang
tinggi bila terjadi accident

Tidak menggambarkan secara keseluruhan (each system has
particular credible scenario)
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Step 2 Determination of frequency and consequences

Menggambarkan tingkat failure setiap peralatan yang
terlibat dalam Credible Scenario

Memiliki satuan (../waktu)

Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Step 2 Determination of frequency and consequences
Fault Tree Analysis
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Event Tree Analysis
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Impact Calculation of Explosion
TNT Method
TNO Method
BST Method
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Impact Calculation of Explosion
TNT Method
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Impact Calculation of Explosion
TNO Method
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Impact Calculation of Explosion
BST Method
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Impact Calculation of Fire
Fire Ball Effect
Pool Fire Effect
Jet Fire Effect
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Impact Calculation of Fire
Fire Ball Effect
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Impact Calculation of Fire
Pool Fire Effect
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Impact Calculation of Fire
Jet Fire Effect
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Estimating the Risk Analysis
Explosion Frequency
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Estimating the Risk Analysis
Fire Ball Frequency
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Estimating the Risk Analysis
Pool Fire Frequency
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Estimating the Risk Analysis
Individual Risk Calculation
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Estimating the Risk Analysis
Societal Risk Calculation
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Risk Criteria
Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment Result
Selection safeguard for Fire and
Explosion s Risk Control
Selection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk Control
Startegy Prevention and Mitigation
Selection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk Control
Prevention Barrier
1. Inherently Safe Practice Principles
Minimize: Reducing the amount of hazardous material present at
any one time
Substitute: Replacing one material with another of less hazard

Reducing the strength of an effect
Simplify: Designing out problems rather than adding additional
equipment or features to deal with them
2. Engineering consideration
Hazardous Area Zone Classification (IEC/EN 60079, NFPA
479, API 500)
Heating Venting Air Circulation (HVAC) system
Electric Static Discharge (ESD) system
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) Design
Emergency Shut Down Valve (ESDV) System
Lay-out facility (lokasi, jarak, dll)
Mechanical Protection (Material, Coating, dll)
Inerting System
Selection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk Control
Prevention Barrier
3. Operation Consideration
Preventive Maintenance Program (inspeksi rutin, testing
peralatan, dll)
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) (operating parameter
controlling, alarm system, dll)
Kompetensi Personel
Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Pengendalian Kerugian
(Manajemen resiko)
Permit System
Storage and handling management system
Cooling system (Deluge water system, vessel cooling system,
Accident Investigation and Lesson Learned
Electrical Connection System (Lighting Protection, Grounding,
Selection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk Control
Mitigation Barrier
1. Engineering Consideration
Hydrant & Sprinkle System
Purging system (PSV, Rupture Disc, Flare System, dll)
Dikes Network
Water Curtain System
CO2/Inert Gas Suppression System
Selection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk Control
Mitigation Barrier
2. Operation Consideration
Fire Extinghuisers (APAR)
Foam system
Emergency Response Plan (assembly area)
Personal Protective Equipment (APD)
Community Emergency Response

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