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Confidential Reports

Prepared by:
Session Overview
In this session we will
discuss the appraisal process
followed by Central
Government for appraisal of
its employees, viz. the
system of Annual
Confidential Reports.
Learning objective
At the end of the session, the
learner will be able to state the need
for writing the confidential reports of
central government employees, and
state the various precautions to be
taken while writing the confidential
Thus the system of confidential reports
has two principal objectives. First and
foremost is to improve the performance
of the subordinate in his present job. The
second one is to assess his potentialities
and provide him appropriate feedback
and guidance for correcting his
deficiencies and improve his performance.

Confidential reports are of
immense importance in the
career of a Government servant,
efficiency of service, for the
work, conduct, character and
capabilities of the officer
reported upon can be accurately
judged from the recorded
RTI,Jammu 6
Every government servant should know
how well or otherwise, he is performing
the job assigned to him, know particularly
his defects and shortcomings, which
would affect his career advancement and
overcomes them by taking remedial
measures so that he can plan his career
development in a systematic manner.
v The CRs provide the basic and vital
inputs for assessing the performance of
an officer and his advancement in his
career as also to serve the data for
judging his comparative merits for
confirmation, promotion, selection grade,
crossing efficiency bar, continuance in
service beyond certain age or completion
of certain years service.

Periodicity of writing
With this end in view, confidential
reports are recorded for the period
covered by the financial year.
Normally there should be only one
report covering the year.
Periodicity of writing
When the Reporting Officer or the officer
reported upon, is transferred or deputed
elsewhere for a period of more than three
months, then more than one report is
written, each report should indicate
precisely the period covered by it. If the
period of observation happens to be less
than three months, this fact only need be
indicated in the report.

Delay in writing a CR
The annual report should be recorded
within one month of the expiry of the
report period. Any delay in this regard
should be adversely commented upon. If
there is delay in submission of self-
appraisal by the officer reported upon,
the Reporting Officer should give the
report without self-appraisal making a
suitable note.

How a confidential report is
to be written
A CR should necessarily be prepared
scrupulously and carefully. The report
should be based on an objective
assessment of the work quality of the
officer reported upon and written with the
greatest possible care. Slightest default
or negligence on the part of the Reporting
Officer may lead to grave injustice to the
officer reported upon by marring his

How a confidential report is
to be written
The Reporting Officer should not be
in a hurry to write the reports on all
the officers working under him on a
single day. He should, however,
write them within the period

How a confidential report is
to be written
The forms of confidential reports have
been devised with a view to ensuring
maximum objectivity in the preparation of
the report. In filling up the forms, tick
marks and dashes should not be used.
Reporting and the Reviewing Officers
should indicate their opinion by writing
out in full the appropriate alternatives
which best describe the officers qualities.

How a confidential report is
to be written
Cryptic, vague or non-committal
remarks are to be avoided.
Sometimes entries may not be
sufficiently meaningful. Such reports
should be returned to the Reporting
Officer for reconsideration,
amplification or explanation.

By whom to be written/
The CR should contain the assessments of
more than one officer. A two-tier system
of reporting has been provided to
minimize the operation of the subjective
human element and of conscious/
unconscious bias in reporting. The CR is
prepared by an officer (Reporting Officer)
which has to be further, reviewed by the
next authority (Reviewing Officer).

By whom to be written/
There is no provision for any
authority other than the Reporting
Officer and the Reviewing Officer for
recording his remarks/comments of
the work and conduct of an officer,
in his confidential record.

By whom to be written/
Except in case where there is only one
supervisory level above the officer
reported upon, the CR of every employee
should contain the assessments of more
than one officer.
A two-tier system of reporting has been
provided to minimize the operation of the
subjective human element and of
conscious/unconscious bias in reporting.
Written by Reporting Officer and reviewed
by Reviewing Officer.
By whom to be written/
Authority other than Reporting/
Reviewing authority precluded
from making entries

Writing of confidential reports by
officers under suspension
It has been decided in the light of a
suggestion from the Central Vigilance
Commission that no officer under
suspension should be allowed to
write/review the ACRs on his
subordinates, if during major part of
writing/reviewing he is under suspension,
as might not have full opportunity to
supervise the work of his subordinates.
When Reporting/Reviewing Officer is
related to the Government servant
v In such a situation, the employee should
abstain from writing the ACR of the
employee who is his close relative and
instead, the Reviewing Officer should take
on the role of the Reporting Officer;
v If a similar relationship exists between
the Reviewing Officer and the officer
reported upon on the other, the same would
apply in respect of the Reviewing Officer and
the role of the Reviewing Officer would be
transferred to the authority next higher up
Representation against
adverse remarks
v Only one representation against
adverse remarks should be allowed
within one month of the date of
communication of such remarks.
v Representation will lie to the
authority immediately superior to
the countersigning authority, if any,
or to the Reporting Officer.

Representation against
adverse remarks
If the immediate superior had
already reviewed the confidential
report in question and also
expressed his view, either agreeing
or disagreeing with the adverse
remarks recorded and accepted by
the countersigning authority, in that
event the representation lies to the
next higher authority.
Representation against
adverse remarks
v A representation against
adverse remarks should be decided
by the Competent Authority within
three months from the date of
submission of the representation. If
necessary, he may consult the
Reporting Officer and the
countersigning authority.
Representation against
adverse remarks
v If the Competent Authority feels that
there is no sufficient ground for
interference, the representation should be
rejected and the petitioner informed
v If, however, it feels that the remarks
should be toned down, it should make
necessary entry separately with proper
attention at the appropriate place of the
report. The correction should not be
made in the earlier entries.
Representation against
adverse remarks
If the Competent Authority comes to
the conclusion that the adverse remarks
are inspired by malice or were entirely
incorrect or unfounded and therefore
deserves expunction, it should order
v When a representation against
adverse remarks is wholly or partially
upheld, a copy of the order should be
recorded in the report itself.

Representation against
adverse remarks
v If the remarks are ordered to be
expunged, they should be effectively
obliterated both in the confidential
report as well as in the copy of the
letter communicating those remarks.
Representation against
adverse remarks
v Where a penalty is set aside on an
appeal/review, the copy of the
punishment order should be removed
from the CR file as well as the adverse
remarks recorded on the basis of the
penalty expunged. Where the penalty is
modified, the entry in the confidential
report originally made on the basis of the
penalty awarded, should also be suitably
modified accordingly.
Representation against
adverse remarks
v In a case where the Competent
Authority comes to the conclusion
that the remarks deserve expunction
and that after such expunction the
relevant column would be left blank,
it should order modification of the
relevant remarks in a suitable
manner so that the column is not
allowed to remain blank.

Representation against
adverse remarks
v Adverse remarks should not be
deemed to be operative if any
representation is filed within the
time prescribed time and is pending.
If no representation is made within
the time prescribed, or the one
preferred has been finally disposed
of, there is no bar to take notice of
the adverse remarks.

Representation against
adverse remarks
v A memorial or appeal against
the rejection of the representation
against adverse remarks is to be
allowed within six months of such
rejection. Pendency of any memorial
or appeal would mean that the
adverse remarks are not final and
cannot be acted upon.

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