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Testuff presentation

1. Project management
All products have
separate project

Please consult with
testing team when
creating a new project.
1. Project management managing projects
Select to manage
projects from the right
side of the screen.

You have the options to:
add, edit, archive and
delete projects.

Please consult with the
testing team before
making any
1. Project management editing the project
When editing/creating
a new project, you will
be required to enter a
name for the project, a
description and set up
the bug tracker for the

If the project has
different branches,
this can be set up from
the branches tab.

If the project is
dedicated for just a
team (dev or testing)
this can be set up from
the team tab.
2. Requirements
You can create different
requirement of the
product from the
requirements tab.

Here you can gather all
the desired test cases for
the respective
requirement, in order to
have a better tracking of
each testing stage.

The tests should be
decided by both the
testing and dev team,
2. Requirements adding tests
Selecting the assign more
tests tab, you can access all
the test cases from the
respective project.

You can use the filter
option in order to choose
your desired tests (best
filter seems to be the suite

After deciding upon the
tests, right click them and
add them to the
3. Test cases
You can add test cases by
right clicking the test cases
tree and select to add suite
(you can add suite inside an
existing suite, creating a

Please name the test case
suite according to the
correct area that the tests
are covering.
3. Test cases creating tests
When creating a suite, you
are able to edit all the test
steps inside that suite.

In order to add test steps,
just add an action followed
by the => sign, in order to
enter the expected result.

You should have an empty
paragraph between steps.

If you want to have
preconditions, just select
to treat the first paragraph
as precondition.

4. Test lab
The lab is the section where
the tests can be run, in order
to have traceability of what
has been tested.

Due to the fact that we have
shared accounts, please enter
in the name section of the
lab: the project, the date and
your name
4. Test lab
After creating a lab, you can
assign the tests to your
respective user.

You can filter the tests, as in
the requirements section.

Also, you can add the tests
from a requirement to the
test lab that you have
4. Test lab
After selecting all your tests,
select to operate on them.

A test runner will be opened,
where you can select to pass,
fail or skip the test (if you will
fail the step, the defect
window will be opened, in
order to enter a defect/bug).

Also, you will be able to
record all your work, in order
to keep a better track of your
5. Test report
After finishing running the tests,
in the test lab, you must
generate a report.

To do this you should right click
the desired test lab, select print
and select to export it as you

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