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General Chemistry

Fall 2012
Chemistry: The Central Science
General Chemistry Syllabus
A study of
Matter - Atomic and Electronic structure
Chemical bonding
Chemical reactions
Chemical energy
Kinetics and Equilibrium
Meetings (5 credit hours)
Check your my courses tab
Dr. Dan DeLaCruz Contact Information
Office in RH 201
Office hours Mon. Tue. Fri. - 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Office Phone 573-651-2162
General Chemistry
Class Textbook
Chemistry Atoms First 2012
by Burdge and Overby
Any student caught cheating (as defined in the student
handbook) will be given an F for the class

General Chemistry Grade Scale
4 hour exams (100 pts each) 400 pts
Final exam 200 pts
Laboratory 200 pts
Homework 100 pts
Quizzes 100 pts
Total number of points possible: 1000 pts

Final grades will be assigned as follows: 90.0 100.0% A
80.0 89.9% B
70.0 79.9 % C
60.0 69.9 % D
0 59.9 % F

A laboratory grade of at least 50% is required for a grade of C or greater.

General Chemistry Exams
Four hour exams worth 100 points
Calculator allowed the last 15 minutes of exam
Schedule a makeup exam if you miss an exam. Makeup
exam will be more difficult than regular exam. It will take
place towards the end of the semester.
Final Exam 200 points
Multiple Choice comprehensive final exam

General Chemistry Laboratory
Purpose of lab is to reinforce concepts learned in
lecture with hands on experimentation
Print out handouts from CH185 website before
coming to class
Attend lab for which you are registered
Need goggles, proper clothing and shoes
General Chemistry Weekly Tasks
Homework covering the weeks chapter due by 8:00
AM on Wednesday.
Quiz covering the weeks chapter will held every Friday
of each week.
For your online homework During
sign up, and throughout the term, if you have any technical
problems or grading issues, send an email to
Each student will be allowed TWO quiz drops. Any missed
quizzes will count towards a drop. Any missed quizzes after
that are worth 0
Any missed homework assignments CAN NOT be made up

General Chemistry Recitation
Purpose of recitation is to review material covered in
Will focus on problems similar to exam problems
Group work to complete a worksheet
Exams will be held in recitation

Success in General Chemistry
Why are you taking General Chemistry?
What grade do want in General Chemistry?
How many hours a week do you expect to study for
General Chemistry?

Success in General Chemistry
Unit 1 - Matter
Atomic and Electronic Structure
Definition of Chemistry:
A simple definition of chemistry is: the study of matter and the changes it
Physical States of Matter
Pure Substances and Mixtures
Separation of Mixtures
Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter
DOT Placards
Measurement of Matter
Measurement definitions are different between
countries and in time
1 foot = Length of King Henry I foot in ~1100 AD
1 inch = 1/12 of 1 foot or length of three kernels of barley
International System of Units (SI)
1 meter = Length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum in 1/299792458 of a second
1 second = the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition
between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom
1 kelvin = the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water
1 mol = the amount of substance of a system which contains as many
elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon 12

Measurement units commonly
used in Chemistry
Quantity Name of unit Symbol
length meter m
mass gram g
time second S
temperature Celsius C
amount mole mol
volume milliliter mL
density gram/milliliter g/mL
Memorize this list
Prefixes in Metric System
Memorize this list and meanings
Prefix symbol
Tera- T
Giga- G
Mega- M
Kilo- k
Deci- d
centi- c
milli- m
nano- n
pico p
Dimensional Analysis
Dimensional analysis uses ____________ _________
to change one unit into another.
1000 mm = 1 m
1 kg = 1000 g
L = 1 L

How many mm are in 34.2 m?
Dimensional Analysis
How many yards are in 34.2 m?

1.0936 yd = 1 m
3 ft = 1 yd
12 in = 1 ft
2.54 cm = 1 in
100 cm = 1 m

Dimensional Analysis
How many seconds are in 2.44 yr?

365 days = 1 yr
24 hr = 1 day
60 min = 1 hr
60 s = 1 min

The average speed of a nitrogen molecule in air at 25C
is 515 m/s. Convert this speed to miles per hour.
(Given 1 mile = 1.6093 km)
Temperature Conversions:
K = C + 273.15
F = 9/5(C) + 32
C = 5/9(F 32)
If a weather forecaster predicts that the temperature for
the day will reach 31C, what is the predicted
temperature (a) in K, (b) in F?

A _________ is a cube 1
dm long on each side.
A __________ is a cube 1
cm long on each side.
1000 mL = 1 L
Dimensional Analysis
How many mL are in 30.1 L?

1000 mL = 1 L

Dimensional Analysis
How many L are in 5.0 gal?

3.7854 L = 1 gal

Dimensional Analysis
How many cm
are in 0.43 L?

1000 mL = 1 L
1 cm
= 1 mL

Physical property of a substance

density can change with _________________
(a) Calculate the density of mercury if 1.00 10
occupies a volume of 7.36 cm
(b) Calculate the volume of 65.0 g of the liquid
methanol (wood alcohol) if its density is 0.791 g/mL.
Measurement uncertainty and exact numbers
Defined values

Measurement uncertainty and inexact numbers
Measured values

Scientific Notation and Calculators
Convert 3.4 x 10
s to s.
Limit of Measurement and Significant Figures
What is the measured
width of the memory

Significant Figures
1. 534

2. 504

3. 0.023
Significant Figures
4. 74.300

5. 230,000
How many significant figures are in each of the
following measurements: (a) 3.549 mol, (b) 203 10

cm, (c) 0.00134 m
, (d) 92.10
C, (e) 6530 kg?
Significant Figures in Calculations
Multiplication or division
Area = (6.221 cm)(5.2 cm) =

| |
\ .
Significant Figures in Calculations
Addition or subtraction
230,000 people + 54 people =

6.221 cm + 3.1 cm =

2340 g + 7.65 g =
Carry out the following operations and express the
answer with the appropriate number of significant
a. 15.3 cm x 6.1 cm x 8.112 cm =

b. 674.1 g 501 g =

c. (0.0045 x 20000.0) + (2813 x 12)

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