Nonverbal Messages

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.. the process
of communication through sending and
receiving wordless cues between people.
1. Forming and Managing Impressions

2. Forming and Defining Relationships

3. Structuring conversation and Social

4. Influence and Deception 5. Emotional Expression
1. Body Messages (What meanings are communicated with body movements? What
meanings can your general body appearance communicate?)

2. Facial & Eye Movements (What meanings do facial movements communicate?)

3. Spatial & Territorial Communication (How do you communicate using

4. Artifactual Communication

5. Touch Communication

6. Paralanguage & Silence (What meanings do variations in paralanguage and
silence communicate?)

7. Time Communication
Body Messages:-

Emblems body gestures that
directly translate words

Illustrators non verbal behaviors
literally illustrate verbal messages
Affect displays communicate
emotional meaning (movement
of the face)

Regulators behaviors that
monitor, control, coordinate the
speaking of others
Process where you regulate your
own body movement & gestures to
comm. desired meanings
5 types of body movements :-

Adaptors nonverbal behaviors that
are emitted without conscious
Self-adaptor self touching
movement (rubbing nose)

Alter adaptors movement
directed at the person with
whom you are speaking (
straightening their tie)

Object adaptors gestures
focuses on objects
Process where you regulate your
own body movement & gestures to
comm. desired meanings
Body Messages:-
Alter adaptors
Object adaptors
Body Appearance

Height & weight

Hair length, color and style

General attractiveness
Body Messages:-
Process where you regulate your
own body movement & gestures to
comm. desired meanings
communicates the degree of
pleasantness, agreement and
sympathy felt
Facial & Eye Movement
a) Facial
Facial Management Techniques
1. Intensifying to exaggerate a feeling

2. Deintensifying to underplay a feeling

3. Neutralizing to hide a feeling

4. Masking to replace the expression of one
emotion for another
Facial & Eye Movement
b) Eye Communication
the eye are regarded as the most important nonverbal
messages system
Functions of eye movement:-
1. To seek feedback
2. To signal the openness in comm. channel
3. To signal the nature of a relationship
4. To change the psychological distance
5. To help others maintain privacy
6. To signal lack of interest
Facial & Eye Movement
eye movement
Spatial distances:- the way in which you treat (use) a
1. Intimate touching to 18 inches

2. Personal 18 inches to 4 feet

3. Social 4feet to 12 feet

4. Public 12 feet to 25 feet
Spatial & Territorial Communication
Spatial distances:-
Territorial :- the ownership or possessive reaction to a
particular space or object
Primary territories
Areas that you call your own
Secondary territories
Areas thats not your but you
have occupied
Public territories
Areas that are open to public
Spatial & Territorial Communication
3 types of territories:
1. Central markers reserves a territory

2. Boundary markers set boundaries between
your territory and others

3. Ear markers identify your possessions
Human use marker to signal their ownership
Spatial & Territorial Communication
3 types of markers :
messages that are
1. Color communication

2. Clothing & Body Adornment

3. Space Decoration

4. Smell Communication
1. Attraction messages
2. Identification messages
Artifactual Comm.:-
Color + Clothing + Space Decoration
Color + Clothing + Space Decoration
Color + Clothing + Space Decoration
- the communicative function of touch and touching behavior
1. Positive emotions

2. Playfulness

3. Control

4. Ritual

5. Task-relatedness
g of
Touch Communication
1. Judgment about people
you make judgment about anothers personality on the basis of the
person paralinguistic's cues

2. Judgment about comm. effectiveness
how fast you talk influences how others perceive you
Paralanguage the vocal but nonverbal dimension of speech
* It has a lot to do with how you say something.
Paralanguage & Silence Communication
1. Allow for thinking time
2. Hurt others

3. Respond to personal anxiety, shyness or threats
4. Prevent comm.

5. Communicate emotional responses
6. Say nothing when you have nothing to say
Silence the absence of sound but not communication
Silence may be used to:-
Paralanguage & Silence Communication
1. Formal time arbitrary & culturally established (Time
zones created)
EX: second, years, semesters

2. Informal time general terms ( forever, soon,

Within cultures, some people have "looser" meanings of time - it is all
EX: "be back 'in a little bit'" - When is "a little bit"
The use of time, how you organize and react to time
a) Cultural Time = Deals with how cultures perceive and use time

Time Communication
People compartmentalize time
Time Communication
People schedule several things at a time

--The right time according to your culture & society, to do a
variety of important things.
-- How our body reacts to time, physiologically
b) Social Clock
Some people are morning people, others are not.
Sometimes changes with age.

E.g: from middle school - college, people tend to sleep later, and wake
.Three (3) orientations:
1) Past orientation
Place high regard on the past

2) Present orientation
Live in the present for the present.
E.g 1: less $$ -- tend to be happy with what they have.

The idea that "we want everything quickly"
E.g 2: drive-thru everything or "buy now, pay later"

3) Future orientation
Focus on future
E.g: more $$ -- tend to look down on other orientations as lazy, unmotivated.

c) Psychological Time = How people feel, think, or perceive
time and how it influences their daily communication

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