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Muscle L yr 2

Types of skeletal muscle fiber&

sources of ATP


which serves as the immediate source of energy for :
(1) The movement of the cross bridges for muscle contraction and for muscle

(2) the pumping of Ca2+ into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Fatty acids, muscle glycogen and blood glucose are also used as energy sources

Skeletal muscles respire anaerobically for the first 45 to 90 seconds of moderate-to-heavy
exercises because the cardiopulmonary system requires this amount of time to sufficiently
increase the oxygen supply to the exercising muscles. If exercise is moderate, aerobic
respiration contributes the major portion of the skeletal muscle energy requirements
following the first 2 minutes of exercise.
ATP- is is the immediate source of energy for muscle contraction. Tbe muscle store
ready-made ATP in muscle but its enough for a few twitches, ATP "pool" has to be
replenished as needed.

3 sources of ATP production:
creatine phosphate
glycolysis ( no O2 is req)- yield 2 ATP
oxidative phosphorylation ( req O2). Yield -36 ATP molec.

Creatine phosphate
. Creatine phosphate derives its high-energy phosphate from ATP
. The phosphate group in creatine phosphate is attached by a "high-energy" bond like
that in ATP.
. and can donate it back to ADP to form ATP.
. Creatine phosphate + ADP creatine + ATP
. The pool of creatine phosphate in the fiber is about 3- 10 times larger than that of ATP
and thus serves as a modest reservoir of ATP.

Glycolysis ATP
Pyruvic acid Lactic

No O

During contraction
During rest
Muscle contraction
Myosin ATP ase
Muscle fiber

Fig: 7.16. Three ways a muscle fiber can derived ATP:
1. Phosphorylation of ADP by creatine phosphate 2. Oxidative phosphorylation of ADP in
mitochondria 3. Phosphorylation of ADP by the glycolytic pathway in the cytoplasm.
Muscle glycogen
Energy source for muscle contraction. Structure of ATP and creatine phosphate. During
contraction, ATP is hydrolyzed and the energy of the broken bond transferred to myosin
ATP may be used faster than it can be produced through cell respiration the rapid renewal
of ATP is extremely important. This is accomplished by combining ADP with phosphate
derived from another high energy phosphate compound called phosphocreatine, or
creatine phosphate.

Within muscle cells, creatine phosphate concentration is more than 3-10 times the
concentration of ATP and represents a ready-made reserve of high-energy phosphate that
can be donated directly to ADP.

During resting period, the depleted reserve of creatine phosphate can be restored by the
reverse reactionphosphorylation of creatine with phosphate derived from ATP.

Creatine is produced by the liver and kidneys, and a small amount can be obtained by
eating meat and fish. In addition, some athletes take creatine monohydrate dietary
supplements, which have been found to increase muscle phosphocreatine by 15% to
40%. Most studies indicate that this can improve muscle mass, strength and performance,
particularly of high-intensity exercise.
Type I vs. Type II Fibers
Several different types of muscle fiber can be found in most skeletal muscles: Type I and
two (in humans) & subtypes of Type II fibers. Each type differs in the myosin it uses and
also in its structure and biochemistry.

Type I Fibers
loaded with mitochondria and depend on cellular respiration for ATP production.
fatty acids the major energy source, resistant to fatigue, rich in myoglobin and hence red
in color activated by small-diameter slow-conducting, motor neurons. also known as
"slow-twitch" fibers.
dominant in muscles used in activities requiring endurance (leg muscles) and those that
depend on tone, e.g., those responsible for maintaining posture.
Type IIb Fibers

few mitochondri,a rich in glycogen and depend on creatine phosphate and glycolysis for ATP
production. fatigue easily with the production of lactic acid. low in myoglobin hence whitish
in color, activated by large-diameter, thus fast-conducting motor neurons also known as "fast-
twitch" fibers.
dominant in muscles used for rapid movement, e.g., those moving the eyeballs.

The other subtypes of Type II fibers have properties intermediate between those of Type IIb
and Type I.

Most skeletal muscles contain some mixture of Type I and Type II fibers, but a single motor
unit always contains one type or the other, never both.
In human, the number of Type I vs Type II fibers can be changed with exercise and drug
treatment. Perhaps training in humans does not alter the number of fibers of a particular
type but may increase the diameter of one type (e.g., Type I in marathoners, Type IIb in
weight lifters) at the expense of the other types.
The natural resting muscle length produces a higher tension during tetanus than muscle
length that is less or greater than the resting muscle length. If the muscle is shortened to
about 60% of its resting length ( l
), the muscle fiber develops no tension, because the Z
lines almost touch or are near to the myosins, so further contraction cannot occur . When
the muscle is stretched to the point that there is no overlap of actin and myosin, no cross
bridges can attached to the thin filament and so myosin cannot contract. ( ie., at lengths of
170% of optimal length ( l
) or beyond, the fiber develops no tension when stimulated.
ENDs here

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