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Presentation @ selemium tool

Jagdish Patel
Sr. QA Engineer
A brief overview of functional, regression and compatibility

An introduction to Selenium tool

Understanding various concepts related to Selenium

Practical examples


Topics for today's presentation
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
Measures the quality of the business components of the system.

Verifies that the system behaves correctly from the user / business perspective.

Verifies that each component or business event performs in accordance to the
specifications, responds correctly to all conditions that may be presented by incoming
events / data, moves data correctly from one business event to the next in the order
required to meet the business objectives of the system.

Functional testing
Copyright 2008: Gateway Group of companies.
Testing of a program that has been modified in order to ensure that additional bugs have
not been introduced. When a program is enhanced, testing is often done only for the
newly added features. However, adding source code to a program often introduces errors
in other routines. Hence the old and stable functions must be retested along with the new

Regression testing
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Part of software non-functional testing, conducted on the application to evaluate the
application's compatibility with the computing environment like:

Browser compatibility (Firefox, Netscape, Internet Explorer,Safari, etc.)

Operating systems (MVS, UNIX, Windows, etc.)

Database (Oracle, Sybase, DB2, etc.)

Other System Software (Web server, networking/ messaging tool, etc.)

Computing capacity of Hardware Platform (IBM 360, HP 9000, etc.)

Bandwidth handling capacity of networking hardware

Compatibility testing
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
A test case is a set of test data and test programs (test scripts) and their expected
results. A test case validates one or more system requirements and generates a pass or

A test suite is collection of test scenarios and/or test cases that are related or that
cooperate with each other.

Test Case & Test Suite
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Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications. The tests can be
written as HTML tables or coded in a number of popular programming languages and can
be run directly in most modern web browsers. Selenium can be deployed on Windows,
Linux, and Macintosh.

Selenium was developed by a team of programmers and testers at ThoughtWorks Inc.

It is released under the Apache 2.0 license and can be downloaded and used without

What is Selenium?
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Reduce the time in regression testing

Platform independent

Browser compatibility

Open source

Light weight

Check periodically to see if the site is on-line and works correctly

Why should we care?
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Get everything at:

Additional requirements:

JDK 1.5 or above:

Ant 1.7:

Where to get Selenium
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Selenium Core

Selenium IDE

Selenium Remote Control

Selenium Grid

Selenium core concepts
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How Selenium Works
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Browser support
Platforms supported by Selenium
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Browser Selenium IDE Selenium RC Selenium Core
Firefox 3 Record and playback tests Start browser, run tests Run test
Firefox 2 Record and playback tests Start browser, run tests Run test
IE 6 not supported Start browser, run tests Run test
IE 7 not supported Start browser, run tests Run test
Safari 3 not supported Start browser, run tests Run test
Safari 2 not supported Start browser, run tests Run test
Opera 9 not supported Start browser, run tests Run test
OS Support

Platforms supported by Selenium..
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
OS Selenium IDE Selenium RC Selenium Core
Windows Works in Firefox 2+ Start browser, run tests Run test
OS X Works in Firefox 2+ Start browser, run tests Run test
Linux Works in Firefox 2+ Start browser, run tests Run test
Solaris Works in Firefox 2+ Start browser, run tests Run test
Programming Languages support

Platforms supported by Selenium..
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
Language Selenium IDE Selenium RC Selenium Core
C# Generate code Library ("driver") support

Java Generate code

Library ("driver") support

Perl Generate code Library ("driver") support

PHP Generate code Library ("driver") support

Python Generate code Library ("driver") support

Ruby Generate code Library ("driver") support

Selenium Core
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
Selenium Core is a test tool for web applications. Selenium Core tests run
directly in a browser, just as real users do. The test cases/suites can be
tested on various browsers like: IE, FireFox and Opera and also on
multiple platforms like: Mac, Windows, Linux etc.

Selenium Core uses a unique mechanism which allows it to run on so many platforms
Written in pure JavaScript/DHTML
We must have 'write' access to the machine our web application server is running on to
install Selenium Core.
Selenium Core..
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
Platform and Browser Compatibility:

Internet Explorer 6.0 and 7.0
Firefox 0.8 to 2.0
Mozilla Suite 1.6+, 1.7+
Seamonkey 1.0
Opera 8 & 9

Mac OS X:
Safari 2.0.4+
Firefox 0.8 to 2.0
Camino 1.0a1
Mozilla Suite 1.6+, 1.7+
Seamonkey 1.0
Not yet supported: OmniWeb
Selenium Core..
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Firefox 0.8 to 2.0
Mozilla Suite 1.6+, 1.7+
Opera 8 & 9

Selenium Core..
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We need to extract the Selenium Core zip file into the 'DocumentRoot', 'htdocs', or 'webroot' folder
of our webserver.

We then try to open the TestRunner.html page on our website, which should be in the
folder/directory. core/core/TestRunner.html

Installing Selenium Core
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Selenium uses javascript and iframes to embed a test automation engine in your
This technique should work with any javascript-enabled browser
Because different browsers handle javascript somewhat differently, we usually have to
tweak the engine to support a wide range of browsers on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

How does Selenium Core Work
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Running Selenium's Test Suite
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Test Suite
Application being
Test Cases
Steps of the test
Execution Control
Run All Tests
Run Selected Test
Step through
Control Speed of
Highlight Elements in
the Execution
View the DOM of the
current Page being tested
Summary of the Test
View the log of the
current execution
To use Selenium Core, we need to make it available from the same web server as the application
you want to test.
That means that we can't use Selenium Core (pure DHTML/JavaScript) to write a test of This is because Selenium Core is pure DHTML/JavaScript, and so it is bound by
JavaScript's security restrictions.
Specifically, JavaScript enforces (This is a JavaScript security requirement. If we can't/won't
modify the webserver we want to test, Selenium Core may not be the right tool for us;
We may just want to use Selenium IDE or Selenium RC instead.
Limitation of Selenium Core
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
Selenium IDE is an integrated development environment for Selenium tests. It is
implemented as a Firefox extension, and allows us to record, edit, and debug tests.
Selenium IDE includes the entire Selenium Core, allowing us to easily and quickly record
and play back tests in the actual environment that they will run.

Selenium IDE is not only recording tool: it is a complete IDE. We can choose to use its
recording capability, or we may edit our scripts by hand. With the autocomplete support
and the ability to move commands around quickly, Selenium IDE is the ideal environment
for creating Selenium tests no matter what style of tests we prefer.

Selenium IDE
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.

The root of web
application you want to

The list of actions in the
actual test case to execute
The log of the events
that were executed,
including any errors or
warning that have
Try the test in the Web
based TestRunner
Reference of the currently
selected command
Record test actions
Specify commands,
including asserts
Easy record and playback
Intelligent field selection will use IDs, names, or XPath as needed
Autocomplete for all common Selenium commands
Walk through tests
Debug and set breakpoints
Save tests as HTML, Ruby scripts, or any other format
Support for Selenium user-extensions.js file
Option to automatically assert the title of every page

Selenium IDE..
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
How to create a test plan in Selenium IDE

Install Selenium IDE 1.0-beta, a Firefox plugin.
After installing Selenium we need to restart your Firefox browser for the
plugin to be activated.
Now we should see a new added menu item named Selenium IDE under the
Firefox 'Tools' menu.
We open / browse the site for which we want to prepare a test case.
We start Selenium IDE from Firefox Tools->Selenium IDE.
We browse some pages.
We click red button to stop recording.

Selenium IDE..
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
Creating a Test Suite
A Test Suite in
Selenium is just an
HTML file that
contains a table of
links to tests
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type"
<title>Test Suite</title></head>
<table id="suiteTable" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="1"
<tr><td><b>Test Suite</b></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="hotel.html">hotel</a></td></tr>
<a href="Restaurant.html">Restaurant</a></td>
<a href="Meeting.html">Meeting</a></td></tr>
<a href="Vacancies.html">Vacancies</a></td></tr>
Selenium Remote Control (RC) is a test tool that allows you to write automated web
application UI tests in any programming language against any HTTP website using any
mainstream JavaScript-enabled browser.
Selenium tests run directly in a browser, just as real users do. These tests can be used
for both acceptance testing (by performing higher-level tests on the integrated system
instead of just testing each unit of the system independently) and browser compatibility
testing (by testing the web application on different operating systems and browsers

Selenium-Remote Control
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
Selenium RC comes in two parts.

1 A server which automatically launches and kills browsers, and acts as a HTTP proxy
for web requests from them.
2. Client libraries for your favourite computer language.

The RC server also bundles Selenium Core, and automatically loads it into the browser.

Selenium-Remote Control..
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.

Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
The Selenium Server is written in Java, and requires the Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) version 1.5.0 or higher in order to start. You may already have it installed. Try
running this from the command line:
java -version
You should see a brief message telling you what version of Java is installed, like this:
java version "1.5.0_07"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_07-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_07-b03, mixed mode)
If you see an error message instead, you may need to install the JRE, or you may need to
add it to your PATH environment variable.

Selenium-Remote Control..
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
C:\Program Files\Java>d:
D:\>cd jag*
D:\jagdish>cd se*
D:\jagdish\seleniumtool>cd se*
D:\jagdish\seleniumtool\SELenium core>cd..
D:\jagdish\seleniumtool>cd seleniumrc
D:\jagdish\seleniumtool\SeleniumRC>cd selenium-re*
beta-1\selenium-server-1.0-beta-1>java -jar selenium-server.jar -htmlsuite *firefox c:\testsuite\Chagallhotel.html
Selenium-Remote Control..
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
Selenium-Remote Control..
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
(+) Java (JUnit)
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*;
import junit.framework.*;
public class ChagallTest extends TestCase { private Selenium browser;
public void setUp() { browser = new DefaultSelenium("localhost",
4444, "*firefox", "");
browser.start(); }
public void testGoogle() {"");
browser.type("q", "ld");"btnG"); browser.waitForPageToLoad("5000");
assertEquals(" ", browser.getTitle());
public void tearDown() { browser.stop();
Programming a Selenium RC Test
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
(+) C# (NUnit)
using Selenium;
using Nunit.Framework; namespace MyTests {
public class ChagallTest { private ISelenium browser public void
SetUp() {
browser = new DefaultSelenium("localhost",
public void testChagall() {
browser.Type("q", "ld"); browser.Click("btnG");
Assert.AreEqual(" ", browser.GetTitle());
} public void TearDown() { browser.Stop(); }
Programming a Selenium RC Test
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
(+) PHP (PHPUnit)
require_once 'Testing/Selenium.php';
require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php';
class ChagallTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
{ private $browser; public function setUp() {
$this->browser = new Testing_Selenium("*firefox", "http://");
$this->browser->start(); }
public function tearDown() {$this->browser->stop();}
public function testChagall()
{ $this->browser->open("/webhp?hl=en");
$this->browser->type("q", "ld");
$this->assertRegExp(" ", $this->browser->getTitle());
} }

Programming a Selenium RC Test
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
Live Demo of an example

Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.

Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.

Anand Tiwari

Thanks to...
Copyright 2008, Gateway Group of companies.
Customer Needs
Describe the main attributes of the product
Link the product attributes to customer
Cost Analysis
Indicate the financial advantages for the
Compare quality and price with those of the
Strengths and Advantages
Summarize the special features and
advantages of the product being introduced
Next Steps of Action
Explain the steps that now need to be taken

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