Mental Health

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At the end of the sessions students will be

able to:-

1-Discuss mental health
2.concepts of mental health
3.Discuss Characteristics of mentally
healthy people.
4. Factors Affecting Mental Health
1 AL-barrak 2008
2 AL-barrak 2008
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines
health as:
... A state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being & not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity .

Mental health is more than the absence of
mental illness: it is vital to individuals,
families and societies
3 AL-barrak 2008

Another definition
Mental health is a term used to describe
either a level of cognitive or emotional
wellbeing or an absence of a mental
From perspectives of the discipline of
positive psychology or holism
4 AL-barrak 2008
Mental health is described by WHO as:-

... A state of well-being in which the individual
realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with
the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a
contribution to his or her community (WHO

This core concept of mental heath is consistent
with its wide and varied interpretation across
5 AL-barrak 2008
Mental health

"It is achieved by successful psychosocial
adaptation to stressors from the internal or
external environment without undue

6 AL-barrak 2008
This successful adaptation is evidenced
by thoughts, feelings, & behaviors, that
are age appropriate & congruent is a
state of peace of mind with local cultural
7 AL-barrak 2008
However, the state of mental health is
relative rather than absolute.

It can be seen on a continuum with the
mental health at one end & mental
illness on the other end.

Mental health Mental illness
8 AL-barrak 2008
People can be on different points on this
continuum. Even for the same person,
her position on this continuum can
change toward either side according to
the experiences & stress she is
exposed to at any moment.
9 AL-barrak 2008
10 AL-barrak 2008
1. A positive attitude towards self

This means an objective view of self,
knowing its strengths & limitations &
accepting both.
11 AL-barrak 2008

2. Growth, development & self-actualization:

This entails successful achievement of each
developmental task, seeking new growth &
new challenges.
12 AL-barrak 2008

It implies maintaining an equilibrium &
balance between various life processes
(between what is expressed & what is
repressed, between outer & inner
conflicts , drives , a regulation of one's
emotions & reactions without falling
13 AL-barrak 2008

It refers to the individual's ability to
perform in an independent & self-
directed manner, & accepting
responsibility for the outcomes.
14 AL-barrak 2008
perception of reality

This means perception of the environment
without distortion, as well as the
capacity for empathy & social
15 AL-barrak 2008
6. Environmental mastery

It suggests the ability to achieve a
satisfactory role within group, society
or environment with a reasonable
feeling of controlling his situation.
16 AL-barrak 2008

17 AL-barrak 2008
1.Feel comfortable about themselves

they are not overwhelmed by their emotions
(fear, love, anger, worry, )
Accept life disappointment
Can laugh at themselves
Neither underestimate or overestimate their
Accept their own failures, & still respect
They get satisfaction from simple things
18 AL-barrak 2008
2. Feel right about other people
Able to love & consider others
Have satisfying & lasting relationships
Expect mutual like & trust with others
Respect individual differences in people
Feel as part of group
Have a sense of responsibility for their fellows
Do not push & are not pushed by others
19 AL-barrak 2008
3. Able to meet the demands of life
accept responsibility & put their best
Manage problems as they arise
Plan ahead without fear of the future
Welcome new ideas & experiences
Set realistic goals & make use of their
20 AL-barrak 2008

- attainment and preservation of one's
personality. It goes beyond our homes,
school church, hospital and all societal
institutions that would help develop
stable emotional reactions and
desirable behavioral pattens in
individuals of all ages.
1. Hereditary Factor
2. Physical Factor
3. Socio-Cultural Factor
a. Home and Family
b. School
c. Community
Other Factors Affecting Mental Health
1. Physical Health
2. Intelligence
3. Family as a MOdel
4. Habit TRaining in Childhood
5. Ethical and MOral upbringing
6. Personal efforts to practice mental
The Importance of Emotions to Mental
Emotions- feelings of Love, excitement,
anger, and frustration.
Define mental illness
A mental illness is a clinically
diagnosable disorder that significantly
interferes with an individual's cognitive,
emotional & or social abilities.

There is no health without mental health

27 AL-barrak 2008
Mental health and mental illness

mental health mental illness
28 AL-barrak 2008
29 AL-barrak 2008
Distinguishing mental health from mental illness

Mental health providers define mental disorders by signs,
symptoms and functional impairments.

Signs are what objective observers can document, such as
agitation or rapid breathing. Symptoms are subjective, or
what you feel, such as euphoria or hopelessness.

Functional impairment is the inability to perform certain
routine or basic daily tasks, such as bathing or going to
30 AL-barrak 2008
In mental illness, signs and symptoms
commonly show up as:

-Behaviors, such as repeated hand washing
-Feelings, such as sadness
-Thoughts, such as delusions that the television is
controlling your mind
-Physiological responses, such as sweating
31 AL-barrak 2008

Why is it important to diagnose people
and attach labels that could be
32 AL-barrak 2008
Other factors also are considered.
Among them:

How long you've had symptoms
How severe your symptoms are
How upsetting the symptoms are to you
How the symptoms disrupt your life
33 AL-barrak 2008
Mental health for each person is affected
by individual factors and experiences,
social interaction, societal structures
and resources, and cultural values. It is
influenced by experiences in everyday
life, in families and schools, on streets.
The mental health of each person in turn
affects life in each of these domains
and hence the health of a community or
34 AL-barrak 2008

-Hogan, Ann Mary(2003). Mental health
nursing reviews & rationales. Prentice Hall

-American Psychiatric Association. (2000).
Diagnostic and statistical manual of
mental disorders (4th ed.) Text revision.
Washington, DC:American Psychiatric

35 AL-barrak 2008
Web sites:
36 AL-barrak 2008

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