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Working in the industry

This unit I have done is unit 1 its about

working in the music industry and the roles
in the industry any other thing to do with
music and me inGenral
The first two different types of
organization in the industry.
GC1: The job roles of the production companies they
produce music for artists and they help artists by
writing and arranging song for artists. PRs is an
organization that gives royalties to producers and
songwriters. Some of the organization that relates to
the music industry are the agencies. The agencies work
in the music industry to help musician singers, sound
engineers, DJs and producers find jobs. For example a
musician will be called by an agent to go and play
keyboard for a certain famous artist.

The job roles for sound engineers
and artists management.
GC2: The job roles of a sound engineer is to make sure the
sound is perfect, sound engineers are trained with good earing.
They make sure al the speakers are working .As a sound
engineer you would operate microphones, Amplifiers and
control decks to balance the sound levels. Before an event
happens sound engineers would come and normally sort the
sound out before anyone turns up. They are paid quiet a small
amount of money. They choose suitable microphones to buy.
They upload ,setup, dismantling and loading equipment at each
venue when on tour
The role of an artist's management is they find bookings
for the Artists to go and perform they chooser the right
decision for the Artist. They will call instrumentalist to
sure they turn up to an event on time and also inform
instrumentalist to turn up to any rehearsals session they
might have. The manager must hire publisher as an
employee Determining the Artists business status and
recommending and negotiating with a business entity,
mapping out a career Goals. They can make suggestion
for an improvement on a recording like helping with the
instrumentals (if the manger has experience musically).
The skills and training you will need as sound
engineers and artist management
GC3:The training and skills a sound engineer should have is good
hearing, the reason why is to hear if the sound is good quality a
good sense of time ,pitch and rhythm so that could balance the
sound more carefully. They should also have good
communication and people skills so that if a person is on stage
and they want their sound up they can communicate with the
person by the persons facial expression. They should also have a
passion for music and sound and also have patience and
concentration because when doing live sound you would have to
concentrate so that the sound would not go wrong because
when the sound goes it could effect the Audience. Awareness of
health and safety so this means the sound decks should be clean
no food and drinks around because because when drinking near
sound desk u can get it ruined. You will need good practical skills
and experience .Example of getting a experience is going to
college and study sound engineering , music technology or
technical theater. You could take short courses as well.
The training and skills skills you would need
as an artist management is is GCSE grade c in
business studies, IT, English , math's and
music ,The reason why is because they are
associated to being an Artists management.
You should get along with people a lot. Their
are many further education sand higher
education courses in Artist management and
music. Business studies are really good to
pick because they are relevant to music
business. You can do a degree in music
business and management academic entry
requirement vary, and you would normally
need relevant practical experience.
How I have worked this year and
what I would do in the future.
GC4: In the future when I finish my music degree I
would like to open up a record label and have 3
producers working their including me , have artist
coming to the label for recording producing quality
music songwriting for them, arranging the writing
for their song. Training their vocals before they start
their recording. I will have film directors working in
the label so that when I've finish producing them
they would get a discount on a music done by my
Label. and if this label becomes successful I will start
setting different kinds of business in the music
T his year has been pretty Eventful .I have learnt so
much this year, before I stated college I wasn t really
sure if I was doing the right course. When I never new
nothing and I wasn't really sure if I was go goanna stay
in the college but hopefully I was enrolled on to a level
course in music technology, I have learnt so much
music wise. I have improved on my logic so much not
only producing on logic but learning how to mix and
master. Now I've even taken up keyboard lessons that
how series I am about this music. Now I do not
struggle on logic the way I used to before. being in
college has also made me more independent than
before I was in school. My concentration was really
bad before as well but now am improving on it. Doing
performance for six weeks also made me realize that I
have to take my drumming seriously since then when I
get home am always on the drums every 30 minutes a
day words cannot explain how much I have learnt his

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