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Pemeliharaan dan Pemuliharaan

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Disediakan Oleh: En. Shafie Bin Buyamin
3.1: Keseimbangan Alam
Animal and plants depend on each other and on
abiotic (non-living) of environment

Need carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and water

Constantly recycled between the air, land and
living things
The Carbon Cycle
Plant take in carbon dioxide to make carbon
compounds by photosynthesis
Animal eat plant
Chemical reactions in animal and plants produce
carbon dioxide as waste
Animal release carbon dioxide when breathe
Plant at night release carbon dioxide
Breakdown of dead animal/plants release
carbon dioxide
The Water Cycle
Rain into rivers, sea
Water evaporates, rises to form tiny
droplets in air, form cloud and fall as rain
Plant/ animal release water through
respiration / transpiration
The Nitrogen Cycle
Natural circulation of nitrogen within
atmosphere, the soil and water, and the plants
and animals of the earth
Living things require nitrogen
78% is nitrogen gas
Nitrogen combine with other element
To form organic compounds
(fixed nitrogen)
How Food Webs Help to Maintain Balance
in Nature
Food webs controlling the number of
organism at every trophic level in a food
Trophic level: feeding level
Change in number of organisms in any
trophic level cause change in other
Food Web
The Effects of Natural Disasters on Balance in Nature
Natural phenomena that cause massive destruction
and damages to the environment
Effect balance in nature
1. Flood
2. Drought
3. Volcanic eruption
4. Earthquake
5. Tornado
Ways to Maintain Balance in Nature
Control human activities
Volcano Eruption
3.2: The Effects of Environmental Pollution
Presence of chemical, mineral, radioactive
or biological substances that alters the
natural environment
Effects to human health and environment
The Source of Environmental Pollution
1. Fossil fuel
- Car engines and factories
- Release harmful gases: sulphur dioxide,
nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, carbon
2. Disposal of by-products, wastes, toxic
substances, radioactive substances,
smoke and heat from factories

- Destroy environment
3. Uncontrolled use of chemical fertiliser,
pesticides and fungicides in agriculture
- Disturbed the balance of nature
- Predator eat small animal that contact
with chemical
- Poison passed to them
4. The noise, smoke and poisonous gases
from vehicles and machinery
- In city area
- Example: smog (mix of smoke - asap
and fog - kabus)
- Poison passed to them
Smog: Jerebu
5. Solid waste
- People dispose billion tons of rubbish
(plastic, food leftover)
- Damage environment
6. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
- Destroy ozone layer
- Use in refrigerants in air conditioner,
refrigerator, make plastic foam insulation,
aerosol spray-cans
The Effects of Environmental Pollution
Harm crops
Cause life-threatening illness
Water and soil pollution threaten
production of food
Ocean pollution: endanger marine
Global Warming
Caused by used of fossil fuel
Produce carbon dioxide when burnt
Increase of carbon dioxide lead to global
Increase of average temperature of the
Dense layer or carbon dioxide traps the
Suns heat (greenhouse effect)
Carbon dioxide
Ozone Layer
Ozone layer on atmosphere within the
Ozone gas is poisonous
Made from 3 oxygen atoms combined
Ozone layer absorb most of the Suns
harmful ultraviolet radiation (U.V)
Ozone layer damage by
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Used in refrigerants in air conditioner,
propellants in aerosol spray can
CFCs breakdown the ozone molecules
If more ultraviolet radiation reaches earth,
increase risk of skin cancer and cataract.
Damage other living organisms
Thinning of Ozone

Cream / lotion
3.3: Preservation and conservation of the
Environmental and Pollution Control
Preservation: Maintain the present
condition of the Earth
Example: National Park
Conservation: Sustainable use and
management of natural resources
Example: Trees as the renewable
Fossil fuel as non-renewable
National Park
Environmental Pollution Control
industrial waste
Excessive use of fossil fuel
Use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers
Release of smoke from vehicles
Thermal pollution
Domestic waste
3.4: The Importance of Proper Management of Natural
Resources in Maintaining Balance in Nature
Depend on natural resources
Uncontrolled logging ruins ecosystem and
cause land erosion
Fossil fuel are non-renewable: never be
Proper ways to manage the natural
resources to balance in nature
3.5: Responsible Attitudes to Preserve and
Conserve the Environment
Stop open burning
Recycle waste materials
Plant more trees
Keep the environment clean

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