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Basic structure of Computer

Input Unit
Output Unit
Storage Unit
Types of Storage
Primary storage(Main Memory)
-RAM(Random Access Memory)
-ROM(Read Only Memory)

Secondary storage(Auxiliary Memory)

Primary Memory-constitute that devices that hold
instruction & data for rapid & direct access by computers CPU
-It is non-volatile i.e that holds data & instruction even when
the computer is turned off.
-It is generally used to store the Basic Input Output
-It is volatile i.e when the electrical power is terminated , any
data that it contains is lost.
-It is Read/Write memory unit in which the information is
retained only as long as there is regular power supply.
Secondary Memory
It represents the external storage devices that
are connected to the computer.

Central Processing Unit
Five Basic Operations of Computer
Software- is a collection of computer programs and
related data that provide the instructions for telling a computer what to do
and how to do it. In other words, software is a conceptual entity which is a set
of computer programs, procedures, and associated documentation
concerned with the operation of a data processing system.

Types of Software

System Software- is a set of one or more programs designed
to control the operation and extend the processing capability
of computer system.
Application Software-is a set of one or more program
designed to solve a specific problem or to do a specific task.
System Software
Application Software
Operating System
It acts as an interface between the user and
the hardware.
A user cannot run an application program on
computer without OS.
OS is essential s/w that is for computer to
become operational.
In the absence of OS neither i/p devices will
be able to provide data to computer nor
memory will be able to store anything nor will
o/p devices be able to show the result.

Architecture of OS
Main Functions Of OS
Process management functions: takes care of creation & deletion
of processes, scheduling of system resources to different
processes requesting them & providing mechanism for
synchronization & communication among processes.
Memory management processes: It takes care of allocation &
deallocation of memory space to program in need of resources.
File management : It takes care of file-related activities such as
organization, storage , retrieval , naming ,sharing & protection of
Security: It protects the resources & information of computer
system against destruction & unauthorized access.
Command Interpretation: It takes care of interpreting user
commands & directing system resources to process the
Types of languages
Machine language
Assemble Language
High-level Language
Machine Language
Advantages of Machine Language
i) It makes fast and efficient use of the computer.
ii) It requires no translator to translate the code i.e.Directly
understood by the computer
Disadvantages of Machine Language:
i) All operation codes have to be remembered
ii) All memory addresses have to be remembered.
iii) It is hard to amend or find errors in a program written
In the machine language
iv) These languages are machine dependent i.e. a particular
Machine language can be used on only one type of computer

Assemble Language-This is another language in which
operation codes and operands are given in the form of alphanumeric symbols instead of 0s and
ls. These alphanumeric symbols will be known as mnemonic codes
Advantages of Assembly Language
i) It is easier to understand and use ,as compared to machine
ii)It is easy to locate and correct errors.
iii) It is modified easily
Disadvantages of Assembly Language
i) Like machine language it is also machine dependent.
ii) Since it is machine dependent therefore programmer
Should have the knowledge of the hardware also.

High-level language-High level computer languages give
formats close to English language and the purpose of developing high level languages
is to enable people to write programs easily and in their own native language
environment (English).
Advantages of High Level Language
Similar to English with vocabulary of words and symbols
Therefore it is easier to learn.
They require less time to write.
They are easier to maintain.
Problem oriented rather than 'machine' based.
Program written in a high-level language can be translated into many
machine language and therefore can run on any computer for which there
exists an appropriate translator.
It is independent of the machine on which it is used i.e.Programs
developed in high level language can be run on any Computer

High-level language
Disadvantages of High Level Language

A high-level language has to be translated into the machine
language by a translator and thus a price in computer time is
The object code generated by a translator might be inefficient
Compared to an equivalent assembly language program

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