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Richard Miller

Training the amateur voice

through warm-ups and exercises
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"Technique and expression must be the

supporting pillars of vocal art…Technique is of
no value except as it makes communication
possible…Unless the emotional experiences
and sentiments of a performer can be
externalized, they have no value beyond
personal therapeutic ones."
Richard Miller
Training Voices in the Choral Rehearsal
S y s te m a tic A p p lic a tio n o f E x e rc is e s in 4 M a in A re a s

P o s tu re B re a th M a n a g e m e n t: F re e L a ry n g e a l F u n c tio n : R e s o n a n c e B a la n c in g :
5 A re a s e ffic ie n t c o o rd in a tio n o f b re a th w ith htoa nrme o n ic p a rtia l re la tio n s h ip s

N o b le & A x ia l In h a la tio n A id e d b y a g ility e x e rc is e s V o w e l d iffe re n tia tio n

G a rc ia p o s itio n O nset A id e d b y s o s te n u to e x e rc is e s V o w e l e x e rc is e s

P h o n a tio n V ib ra n t v o ic e s

R e le a s e

Im m e d ia te re n e w a l o f b re a th
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 “Noble & Axial”

 Garcia position to aide in above
 “Quietude of the torso”
Onset Exercises

Immediate Silen
renewal t

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e of t

Vibrant ------------tone
Onset Exercise Example

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Cardinal Vowels
 Onset exercises should
incorporate all cardinal vowels
 Avoid glottal attacks, use
fricative consonants
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Breathe the vowel
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Free Laryngeal Function:
Agility & Sostenuto

Abdominal wall remains stable
 Quiet laughing patterns (5-4-3-2-1)
 Simple legato passages in middle range
 In combination with onset exercises, develops
appoggio technique without long explanations
Resonance Balancing
 Vowel definition: tracking the vowel
 Flexible system: lips, tongue, mouth,
jaw for each vowel
 Raise zygomatic arch
 Vowels should never loose integrity;
over-modifying them should be
Richard Miller

Vocal training is essential to emotive


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