Modes of Presentation: 1) Extemporaneous 2) Manuscript 3) Impromptu 4) Memorization

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1] Extemporaneous

2] Manuscript
3] Impromptu
4] Memorization
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A talk is a voyage with a purpose, and it must be charted.
the person who starts out going nowhere, generally gets
Dale Carnegie
A speech is like a love affair, any fool can start one but to
end it requires considerable skills.
Lord Mancroft
When speakers use a lot of numbers, the audience almost
always slumbers
Charles Osgood

Thought provoking quotes on presentation [speech]
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presentation is a form of face-to-face communication,
and plays an important role in sharing information and
guiding actions within organizations. Presentation is
more formal type of communication and hence requires
a definite strategy such as
goal setting
situational knowledge
communication competence
anxiety management
All these require adequate preparation to ensure effective

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What makes presentation hold the interest and
attention of audience?
Your manner of presentation, your vocal inflections, your
perfectly timed pauses, your facial expressions and your
gestures. all these are part of an expert delivery. even a
dull and drab topic will turn out to be interesting if
presented well, whereas a really interesting topic may
appear to be dull because of poor delivery. Having
something to say is not enough; you must know how to
say it. A good presentation combines certain degree of
formality with the best attributes of good conversation-
directness, spontaneity, animation, vocal and facial
expressiveness, and a lively sense of communication.
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Modes of Presentation
There are four modes of delivery (presentation) which can
be used for making presentation:

1. Extemporaneous
2. Impromptu
3. Manuscript
4. Memorization
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Extemporaneous and Impromptu

Extemporaneous is an ad-lib, with little presentation or no
forethought. Both impromptu and extemporaneous
speaking are public speaking styles where a person has
limited time to prepare a speech.
Impromptu is more spur of the moment and extempore
has more time of limited preparation.
In speech competition, both events give competitors a topic
, give a time limit for preparation ,then the speaker must
deliver the speech within a certain amount of time.

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Advantages and Disadvantages
Impromptu speaking tends to have more more random
topics [ film titles quotes, proverbs, names etc] while
extempore is news oriented. Impromptu has less time to
speak [2 min for preparation and 5-6 min for presentation]
while extemporaneous speech has more time to prepare[
30 min for preparation 8-10 min for to speak.
1. the presentation of ideas is direct, spontaneous and
attention seeking
2. There is greater room for the accommodation of new
ideas that may occur while speaking
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Advantages and Disadvantages
3. The linguistic material can be changed to generate the
desired effect or impact.
4.This mode permits an effective use of all means of non-
verbal communication.
1. if preparation is inadequate speaker can get lost and
finds oneself uncomfortable
2. if one relies too much on note cards and starts reading
out from them instead of just consulting them for
references, then speech looses its spontaneity
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Advantages and Disadvantages
1. The presentation lacks organized development of ideas
because of the shortage of time.
2. there is no supplementary material[ no data .no
statistics, no illustrations, no figures] to substantiate the
3. the presentation may turn out to be a failure if one has
insufficient/inadequate proficiency in the language one

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In manuscript presentation material is written out and
you are supposed to read it out aloud verbatim. you are
not supposed to memorize the speech and then recollect
this is generally used in highly formal situation which
require strict adherence to a time limit and the use of
appropriate to-the occasion phraseology.
political leaders often use this mode so that they are
reported correctly by media persons. The speech of high
dignitaries[ such as prime minister and president]
broadcast on the radio or telecast on the television are
read by them with the help of a teleprompter.

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Advatages and disadvantages
1. Its a permanent and accurate record of whatever you
have to say.
2. there is no chance of tempering with facts and figures.
3. language gets polished because you can write and
rewrite your material until you feel satisfied on all
1. there is not much scope for non-verbal communication.
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Advantages and disadvantages
2. In the absence of effective reading skills, you fumble
over words. Lose your pace, and miss punctuation
3. Adaptation is rather tough, if the need rises , to give a
different twist to your material.

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In this mode also the entire speech is written. It is
memorized and delivered word by word. This mode is
generally used by a novice or the person who, owing to
the utter lack of confidence suffers from stage freight.
This type of delivery stands somewhere between
extemporaneous and manuscript presentation. Speech
is written beforehand , then committed to memory, and
finally delivered from memory.
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Advantages and disadvantages

1. its very easy for such speakers to maintain eye contact
with the audience.
2. the speaker can easily make use of appropriate non-
verbal communication to add extra value to speech
3. It is possible to finish the speech in allotted time.
1. Memorization requires too much time
2. No flexibility or adaptation is possible during the speech

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Advantages and disadvantages
3. The speaker gets frustrated if s/he forgets a word ,
sentence, or a whole paragraph.
4. There are chances of making it dull and monotonous
presentation because you go exactly by whatever you
have memorized.

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