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About Emerson

Emerson (NYSE: EMR) is a diversified global

manufacturing and technology company.
It offers a wide range of products and services in the
areas of process management, climate, technologies ,
network power, storage solutions. Recognized widely
for its engineering capabilities and management
Emerson has approximately 129,000 employees and
250 manufacturing locations worldwide. professional
tools, appliance solutions, motor technologies and
industrial automation.

Emerson Reports Second Quarter 2010 Results

Second quarter sales up 1 percent, to$5.1 billion. EPS
from continuing operations increased 10 percent, to
$0.54. Strong operating cash flow of $632million, up 27
percent. Full year EPS guidance raised to $2.40to $2.55.


U.S. Employee Count: 15,000

Global Employee Count: 100,000

Global Operations: More than 100 countries

2009 Global Sales: 29.3 billion

2009 Global R&D Investment: 4.6 billion

Key Therapeutic Areas:
Cardiovascular Disease, Central Nervous System ,
Internal Medicine and Metabolic Disorders.
Oncology, Thrombosis and Vaccines.

U.S. Web Site:

Global Headquarters: Paris, France

Global Website:


Data steward refers to the lead role in a data governance project. Data
stewards take ownership of the data and work with the business to define
the programmes objectives.
A data steward is responsible for the data quality for data governance to
be effective and successful in its objectives, the right combination of
processes, technology and people need to be in place.
The role of a data steward is that of maintaining data controlling data
governance and master data management initiatives. Data stewardship is
required for data implementation and data management to succeed.
A Data Steward can also be given a Data quality budget for driving the data
quality initiatives.
A Data Steward should be positioned well in the organizationin terms of
levels and hierarchy. A Data Steward can bereporting to CEO, COO or to


The benefits of appointing a data steward can include:
Consistent use of data management as an effective
Efficient mapping of data between systems and
Potentially lower costs associated with migration to
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Facts presented in the case
Emerson Process Management supplies attempted to build a
data warehouse to store customer information.
Technical clichs in the accommodatting customers
information, then hired a data administrator Nancy Rybeck.
Build a department of data stewards.
Responsibilities of the data stewards.
Seth Cohen is the first data quality control supervisor at Sanofi
in New York. Data stewards at Sanofi need to have business
knowledge because they make frequent judgement calls,
acoording to Cohen including the ability to determine to
determine when you dont need 100 % perfection. They also need
to be politically astute, diplomatic and good at conflict handling
because the environment may not be friendly always.

Emerson is the one of the leading electric company in U.S which has its contacts all over the world, they are having
customers from more than 85 countries, so for having records of their cusomers they are having data warehouse to
store customer information but they failed to do so because custer information involves their name,address etc but
their problem was regional names and the language where for instance a single name can be understood as different in
different countries.
So,they hired a qualifed person Nancy Rybec as data administrator however after appointing him he made several
changes in their data warehouse and appointed 6-10 permanent employees as data analyst,asdata stewards for
establishing and maintaining the quality of data entered in their OS.
Earlier it was notlike that most of the companies were having find and fix approach they are only look on those
matters when there is a problem or they appointed some personals for only that period to improne their data resource
creating data quality team involves gathering people with unusual mix of business, tecnology, and diplomatic skills . In
ryback`s office these analyst helped to improve data base management system and they also rsearced with customer
relationship, their location, and corporate hierarchies also they trained overseas workers to fix data in their native
language and how maintain data base system and how they have to act on crisis
Reyback`s as already plays major role establishing all those things and maintaining standard communication between
all those members and doing the logical design for data warehouse table it finally decreased 75 % duplicate rate miss
spellings and also missing information but even though they have achieved all those things the again lack behind in
search of proper information

Same happened in the case of Sanofi-Synthelabo Inc. Its one of the largest pharmaceuticals company in the world they
also appointed Seth cohen as data quality control supervisor for ensuring the data quality of customer knowledge base
that sanofi was being to build. He made a thorough change in Data Stewards job he needs 100% perfection in their job.
Where in the mean time Sanofi purchased data about doctors that include therir name and date of birth but also in
this they failed to get exact information so data stewards job also need politically astute , diplomatic and good at
conflict resolution.

SWOT Analysis
Emerson electronics is one of leading and biggest electronic goods producing
company established in 1890.
It is having its operation all around the covering more than 85 countries.
It is also placed in Fortune 500 .
Sanofi is also one of the top 5 pharmaceuticals producing company.
It is also a big MNC working all over the world.

Though its MNC its still struggling to effective data resource management
+There still finding to have a proper IT
Sanofi being a good company they are failing to have proper data warehouse
Their own IT department is not supporting their Data Stewards

They can overcome their problem by having innovative Data Stewards
They can also keep up with the work by regular updates to the technology and should continue the

Even sanofi can also have a very good team to build their own data resource instead of purchasing
from others.

In their own company other team should help them to overcome the immediate crisis they can make a
simple data storage sysem so that all can have easy acess over it.

If they do not have proper data resource or warehouse the can not have information of all their clients
and customer all over the world.
Being a MNC it may affect their progress if they do not have proper contact over their customers.

Sanofi is also build their own data resource which should coonect the doctors and finally leads to the
customers oterwise it may risk in the future

Problem Definition/ Identification
or What is being evaluated?
Emerson was facing problem earlier with how to manage their
huge data resource all over the world having contacts with more
than 85 countries and their customers .Then finally they came
up with some ideas and they appointed Rybeck and as per Sanofi
Cohen these people helped their company to overcome the
different situation in their respective companies and finally
arranged every thing, but both of them suggest that even though
they done their maximum effort to overcome the situation still
they failed in their work and suggests that its not a one-shot
deal its an ongoing process every now and then they should
look after their data resource, they should come up with some
innovative ideas to update day to day information to their
warehouse and making as simple as it is so that even customers
also can have easy access through it.

From the above passage, it can be inferred that, except for a few
companies like Emerson and Sanofi and few other companies, most of
the companies recognize the importance of data quality, But many of
them just treat it as a find and fix effort, to be conducted at the
end of the project by someone in IT. Most of the companies are unable
to distinguish between a database administrator and a data analyst (
who are referred to as data stewards at Emerson).
It has been observed that certain companies find it as a find and fix
effort, some others casually assign the job to business users who deal
with the data head-on and while still others may throw resources at
improving data only during major problems. But even after the
existence of data stewards, there were malpractices happening Most
of the business divisions (75) customer records yielded 75 percent
duplication rate. And, although may report to IT case of Emerson and
at the pharmaceutical sanofi. Not job for someone steeped in tech
knowledge or a technophobe.
I think there may not a well existing

Alternatives Application of
concepts and facts
By appointing parmanent DATA STEWARDS to their company with many resistance in
Emerson and Sanofi these Data Stewrds come up with some good and innovative work
while Emerson was struugling to collect information of customers of 85 + countries not
only the names of those customers but also information regarding quality and accuracy
of cusomers data, including postal address,shipping address,and province code.
Data Stewards also helped them build data base administrotor(DBA) and also
over coming the probliems such as research regarding customer relationship,train
overseas workers to fix data in their native language and serve them to to build data
administration anddatabase arictect for new requirements and bug fixes these thing
helped EMERSON to keep up with their work and have agood customer relationship.

In the case of SANOFI they also appointed Seth Cohen as data quality control supervisor
he did a great job in finding and purchasing some valuabli data base of doctors so
through them they can reach the customers he belives that judgement is the big part of
the Data Stewards job including ability to dtermineand seaking 100% efficiency having
some kind of internal problem intheir own they come up with a good result.

I would consider the last alternative. A main contact
should be established which is absolutely accurate and
highly efficient. Should mention about the methods
followed at Sanofi which is highly required such as
good judgement and requirements of being politically
astute, diplomatic and conflict resolution.

As discussed above, the role of data stewards is relatiely new, and its
creation is motivaed by the desire to protect the valuable data asset of
the firm . As more and more data are collected the should store it and
process it and disseminated by organisation new and innovative ways
must be developed to manage them.
Data stewards also should depelop some new skills so that they easily
seek for more information they should be diplomatic and innovative
and also have conflict resolution skill to manage data base system in
their organisation it also makes the firm grow bigger and strong and
involment less resource
The data coolection sysem is a never ending process so the should be in
touch with improoving technology to develop themselves as well as
their cuctomer relations. Customers were not treated good in earlier
days the regular chant wasProfit is the life blood of bussiness. But
now it is changed ascustomer is the life blood of business.with out
them we cant do any thing as we all know that data stewards always
seeks data conformity for more accuracy.

Case Study Questions
1. Why is the role of a data steward considered to be
innovative? Explain.
The role of a data steward is considered to be innovative because its
standardization of customer names ensures the quality and
accuracy of customer data which consist of the postal address,
shipping addresses and province codes. Innovation can help the
business do well and helps in developing better efficiency in
storing customer information. Additionally, data stewards can
conduct web research for enhancing the customers database
with additional information such as customers size, board
memberships and others. It is a non-traditional role that does
not fit clearly within any functional area, for instance, it is not
technical, but needs to know technology. Furthermore, it is also
not functional but it needs business knowledge.
Moreover, companies recognize the importance of data
quality, it create a data quality team that requires
gathering people with an unusual mix of business,
technology and diplomatic skills. It is also treated as a
succession of small projects rather than as an ongoing
function. The need for data stewards only appeared as
companies started to cross-integrate information that
was previously housed independently, which has
happened only recently. The role of the data
stewardship gives the opportunity for a company to set
the focus on managing their crucial information
Reasons could include:
Data steward plays a major role to ensure senior representative able to get data that have
been entered accurately and collected systematically. They also enhance the information
reporting process by collaborate with the various department and program use to
produce data and information. Data stewards are considered to be innovative because it
cannot be traditional classify in any functional area which is most companies put
someone in charge of data only when something goes wrong. Although companies
recognize the importance of data quality, but still many companies treated data quality as
a find-and-fix effort that is done at the end of a project by an IT worker. Other
companies try to maintain their data quality by having business users who use the data
deal with the effort, while others simply wait to throw resources at improving the data
when a major problem occurs. To fix this bad habit of many firms, here comes the roles
of the data steward who views maintaining data quality as a continuous process to
maximize the value of your data by planning and designing the database carefully and be
monitored all the time. Data steward is playing an innovative role because they are not
only dealing with the data but they concern about the security of the data as well. Data
steward is doing jobs such as establishes procedures to verify and validate the data and
always having a data back-up plan, as well as an approach to permanently storing the
As specified in the case data steward is not just responsible for the
database management in an organization its more about the
presentation of the content. Data steward in each business unit reviews
the data and correct errors before the data are put into the operational
systems. They also research customer relationships, locations of
customers and the corporate hierarchies. Along with this they also
facilitate the training of overseas workers to fix data in their native
languages. They also serve as the main contact with the data
administrator and database architect for new requirements and bug

To perform all these tasks in a competitive environment data steward
needs to have proper management skills about when to present what in
which way. They should be sure about the data content and the time of
its execution. So they need to be innovative in order to execute such
analytical functions.

2. What are the business benefits associated with the data steward
program at Emerson?
To accomplish this, Emerson has done something unusual: It has started
to build a department with six to 10 full-time "data stewards" dedicated
to establishing and maintaining the quality of data entered into the
operational systems that feed the data warehouse.

The business benefits associated with the data Steward program at
Emerson could include the standardization, accuracy and quality of
data, reducing the duplication of data and transaction errors. Beside
that it will integration across business units and geographic locations,
providing a clear picture of worldwide operations and the last one is
data stewards provide a single point of contact, streamlining
communications and routing of new requirements.

The business benefits associated with the data steward program at
Emerson are standardization, accuracy and quality of data, reducing
the duplication of data and transaction errors. It means that the data
analysis in each business unit review data and corrects errors before the
data are put in the operational systems. Besides that, data stewards are
able to manipulate data in real time, capture knowledge for future use;
can manage operations with their partners and simplify the
development of operations to save time and costs. It is affecting in
managing the business data to increase the efficiency of the business.
The business can incorporate with the business units and locations,
given a clear picture of worldwide operations. They can also research
customer relationships, corporate hierarchies, and train overseas
workers to fix data in their native languages. Data stewards provide a
single point of contact, streamlining communications and routing of
new requirements. Moreover, with a successful data stewardship, it is
possible to properly implement a company master data management
Benefits could include:
Reduce the problem of data duplication and transaction error by standardize the data in
Emerson and focus on the accuracy and quality of data.
At Emerson, data stewards ensure that data integrity is maintained during database
conversions and do the logical design for the data warehouse tables. This ensure Emerson
has their data correct, up-to-date and maintained.
A clear picture of worldwide operations is provided by integration across business units
and geographical location.
Data stewards at Emerson review data and correct errors in each business unit before the
data is put into operational systems. They research customer relationships, locations, and
corporate hierarchies, train overseas workers to fix data in their native languages and
serve as the main contact with the data administrator and database architect for new
requirements and bug fixes.

Data stewards provide a single point of contact, streamlining communications and
routing of new requirements.
For example, Emersons customer records no longer have duplicated records,
misspellings and fields with missing data. Also by having data stewards on staff, Emerson
is engaging in preventative maintenance - meaning that because their data quality and
integrity is consistently maintained and updated, they are preventing major problems
from occurring in the data.

Data steward helps in creating quality data, by unusual mix of
business, technology and diplomatic skills. Data steward
facilitates the process of establishing and maintaining the
quality of data entered into the operational systems that feed the
data warehouse. This provides great processes and standards to
the activities performed and make the search engine more
prominent and effective.

It helps in smooth functioning of the business with clear
patterns and absolute solutions regarding data issues as per its
security and availability. Due to deployment of data stewards,
Business gets more systematic and scientific and the things
become much easy to understand and locate. Business becomes
more productive and decision making process becomes much
easier and less time consuming.

How does effective data resource management contribute to the strategic goals
of an organization? Provide examples from Emerson and others.
Management at Emerson can contribute to the strategic goals of an
organization. Since the Emerson has the effective data resource management,
therefore, Emerson is able to analyze who its customers are, where they are
located, how much and which products are they purchasing, its can expanded
the business to regional or global and its will increase their profits. Besides
that, by using the data Stewards, its able to arrange the allocation of resources
to where they are most needed, in terms of the quality and accuracy of the data.
Moreover, the data resource management reduces the transaction errors and
returns and increases the customer satisfaction from the accurate and updated
data. Other example that has the effective data resource management
contribute to the strategic goals of an organization is OneSource Information
Services, who are in the business of providing information, effective data
management is critical to its success and survival.
Data resource management is a managerial activity that applies information
systems technologies like data based management, data warehousing and
other data management tools to the task of managing an organization data
resource to meet the information needs of their business stakeholders.

For example, the management at Emerson is able to analyze who its customers
are, where they are located, how much and which products are they
purchasing, etc., which can lead to regional or global sales teams.

The data stewards prioritize the allocation of resources to where they are most
needed, in terms of the quality and accuracy of the data. Accurate and updated
data leads to less transaction errors and returns, increasing customer

For companies in certain industries, such as One Source Information Services,
who are in the business of providing information, effective data management is
critical to its success and survival.
Data resource management at Emerson is able to analyze who its customers
are, where they are located, how much and which products are they
purchasing, and all these are helping the company to plan & determine their
strategy such as how to be successful in building a strong relationship with
their customer. By having so called data stewards, the allocation of resources
can be done systematically and accurately which lead to customer satisfaction.
Another example that shows effective data resource management contribute to
the strategic goals of an organization is the Cisco System Inc.. It is a company
that designs and sells networking and communications technology and
services. Although it sells product to their customer, it does not have their own
manufacturing plant which means all their product is getting from numerous
of suppliers. Hence, the Cisco System Inc. needed a data stewards and a reliable
database system. When a customer placing an order, employee of Cisco Inc.
will search within their database their most suitable supplier that meets the
customer demand. Here is where the data stewards function that is to provide a
standardized and accurate information about all the supplier to make sure all
the process goes in the right way.
Data are the heart of any organizations. These are the most strong and
important resource for any organization. If data are arranged and
managed carefully and systematically then it helps organizations to
review its ongoing strategy and make new strategies as per the demand
of the situation. Datas are the informations which facilitates the
process of decision making and strategies formulation. In a competitive
environment data resource management is so much important because
it decides about the efficiency and effectiveness of policies and plans of

For example, Emerson enjoys the advantage of superior business
decisions due to proper data resource management it maintains.
Similarly as for sanofi, it enjoys explained and clear version of data
which makes the performance of activities much easier and relevant.


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