Methodstudy Operations Management

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Method Study

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Method study

Methods engineering /work design

Breakdown of operation into components

ystematic ana!ysis of each component

"!iminates #n$necessary operations

According to BI

% It is systematic recording & e'amination of e'isting methods of

doing work and de(e!oping more effecti(e methods)
Procedure for
Method Study
techniques for
Method Study
Macro Motion
1.Operations Process Chart
2.Flow Process Chart
3.wo !anded Process
".Multiplle #cti$ity Chart
S%MO Chart
1.Flow &iagra'
Recording techniques
Symbols used in charts
1.Operation Process Chart
A!so ca!!ed -#t!ine process chart
Bird4s eye (iew of who!e process
Records on!y ma5or acti(ities and inspections
Uses on!y two symbo!s i6e6 operations & inspection
+onstr#cted by p!acing symbo!s one be!ow another
0is#a!i7e se8#ence of operations & inspections in process
Know where operations se!ected fits into the entire process
Macro Motion Charts
2. Flo Process Chart
3i(es se8#ence of f!ow of work
-perations, inspection, storage, de!ay and transportation are
+onstr#cted same as operation process chart
,hree types
96 Materia! type
:6 Man type
;6 "8#ipment type
Red#ce id!e time and de!ays
Red#ce distance tra(e!!ed
Red#ce prod#ction cyc!e time
,o re!ocate inspection stages
&istance in 'eter Sy'(ol Process description
9< Mo(e to cabinet
$ 3et !oaf of bread
$ Remo(e two s!ices of bread
$ *ay s!ices on tab!e top
$ +!ose !oaf of bread
$ Rep!ace !oaf on she!f
$ -pen b#tter
$ pread b#tter on top s!ice
$ Inspect sandwich
$ Mo(e to ser(ing area
9< er(e sandwich
Process chart for ma!ing a cheese sandich
".#o handed process chart
Most detai!ed type
Acti(ities of workers hand recorded in re!ation to one another
+onfined to work carried o#t at a sing!e workp!ace
0is#a!i7e comp!ete se8#ence of acti(ities in repetiti(e task
t#dy work station !ayo#t
$.Multiple acti%ity chart
Acti(ities of more than one s#b5ect each recorded
+ommon time sca!e to show inter$re!ationship
t#dy id!e time
.etermine no6 of machines hand!ed by one operator
.etermine no6 of operators re8#ired
i'e Operator Machine 1
Machine 2
= ec *oad c!othes & detergent in
machine 9
Being !oaded Id!e
id!e R#n Id!e
$ Remo(e c!othes from machine
Being #n!oaded Id!e
$ *oad c!othes into machine : Id!e Being !oaded
$ *oad c!othes & detergent into
machine 9
Being !oaded R#n
$ Id!e R#n R#n
$ Remo(e c!othes from machine
Id!e Being #n!oaded
$ >ang c!othes Id!e Id!e
Multiple acti%ity chart for doing three loads of laundry
S&MO Chart

IM- ? Im#!taneo#s M-tion +hart

Recording techni8#e for Micro Motion st#dy
im#!taneo#s motions are fi!med and recorded on a common time
sca!e and ana!y7ed
,herb!ings performed by different parts of body of one or more
operators recorded
"'pensi(e e8#ipments re8#ired
#sed when sa(ing from st#dy is high
Micro Motion Charts
'(ample for S&MO charts
#ggested by 1rank o 3i!breth
,echni8#e for recording and timing an acti(ity
.i(ides h#man acti(ities in a gro#p of mo(ements or micro motions
@ca!!ed therb!ingsA
>e!ps to find best pattern of mo(ements for an operator that cons#mes
!ess time and re8#ires !ess effort
'(ample for therblings
1.Flo diagram
.rawing of working area & showing !ocation of (ario#s acti(ities
hows the ro#te fo!!owed and se!ects the optim#m one
t#dy different !ayo#t and se!ecting optim#m one
t#dy traffic and fre8#ency o(er different ro#tes
*ayo#t of workp!ace is drawn to sca!e
Re!ati(e positions of the mechanica! too!s, storage & inspection benches
are marked on the sca!e
Path fo!!owed by the s#b5ect #nder st#dy is tracked by drawing !ines
"ach mo(ement is seria!!y n#mbered & indicated by arrow for direction
.ifferent co!ors are #sed to denote different types of mo(ements
2.String diagram
ca!e !ayo#t drawing
!ength of a string is #sed to record e'tent & pattern of mo(ements of a
worker within a !imited area6
Mo(ements diffic#!t to trace on f!ow diagram can be shown
hows the ro#te fo!!owed and se!ects the optim#m one
t#dy different !ayo#t and se!ecting optim#m one
t#dy traffic and fre8#ency o(er different ro#tes
A *ayo#t of workp!ace is drawn to sca!e
Pins are fi'ed into boards to mark !ocations of workstations
Pins are a!so dri(en at t#rning points of the ro#tes
A meas#red !ength of thread is taken to trace the mo(ements
,he distance co(ered by ob5ect is obtained by meas#ring the remaining
part of the thread and s#btracting it from origina! !ength
*+, -.'S#&O+S/

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