Changing Environment 1

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Challenges faced by a manager in 21


Are Managers sonly responsible for an
organizations success or failure?

Managerial Challenges
Tata Nano Singur Controversy

Consumer Boycotts

Terrorist attack on Mumbai
Hotel Taj , Oberoi, trident
The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic?
Omnipotent View of Management
Managers are directly responsible for an
organizations success or failure.
The quality of the organization is determined by the
quality of its managers.
The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic?
Symbolic View of Management
Much of an organizations success or failure is due to
external forces outside of managers control.
The ability of managers to affect outcomes is
influenced and constrained by external factors.
The economy, customers, governmental policies,
competitors, industry conditions,
technology, and the actions of
previous managers
Managers are held accountable for an
organizations performance yet it is difficult to
attribute good or poor performance directly to
their influence on the organization
Parameters of Managerial Discretion
Defining the External Environment
External Environment
Those factors and forces outside the organization that
affect the organizations performance.
Components of the External Environment
Specific environment: external forces that have a
direct and immediate impact on the organization.
General environment: broad economic, socio-
cultural, political/legal, demographic, technological,
and global conditions that may affect the organization.
The External Environment
Fundamental Changes Facing Managers
How the Environment Affects Managers
Environmental Uncertainty
The extent to which managers have knowledge of
and are able to predict change their organizations
external environment is affected by:
Complexity of the environment: the number of components
in an organizations external environment.
Degree of change in environmental components: how
dynamic or stable the external environment is.
The Changing Organization
How The Managers Job Is Changing
Changing technology

Changing Security Threats

Increased emphasis on organizational and
Managerial ethics

Increased Competitiveness.

How The Managers Job Is Changing
The Increasing Importance of Customers
Customers: the reason that organizations exist
Managing customer relationships is the responsibility of all
managers and employees.
Consistent high quality customer service is essential for
Doing things differently, exploring new territory, and
taking risks
Managers should encourage employees to be aware of and
act on opportunities for innovation.
Stakeholder Relationships
Any constituencies in the organizations environment
that are affected by the organizations decisions and
Stake holder analysis
Do a stake holder analysis for you organization
Organizational Stakeholders
Why Manage Stakeholder Relationships?

Why Manage Stakeholder Relationships?

It can lead to improved organizational performance.

Its the right thing to do given the interdependence
of the organization and its external stakeholders.

Managing Stakeholder Relationships
1. Identify the organizations external
2. Determine the particular interests and
concerns of the external stakeholders.
3. Decide how critical each external stakeholder
is to the organization.
4. Determine how to manage each individual
external stakeholder relationship.
Assignment-Stakeholder analysis refined.

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