How To Write On Power Point: Font Size

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Font size:

Letter height (in mm) = reading distance (in mm) : 200

Width font = 2/3 x height letters
Bold letters = 1/6 x high letters
The distance between 2 point = 1/5 x height letters
The distance between the 2 words = 2/3 x height
The distance between the 2 lines = 1 x high letters

In one slide, if aired at the same time, should the
number of lines between 8-10 lines

Type of
Distance effects Temperature
Blue Far Cold Soft
Green Far Very cold Very soft
Red Near Hot/ warm Disturb
Orange Very near Very hot Disturb
Yellow Near Very hot Stimulate
Brown Very near Neutral Stimulate
Purple Very near Cold Aggressive
If writing letters do not use red color
The bright letters on a dark background
is better
For example: font color white, blue or
green background
If using red letters will increase the strain
on the eyes
The dark letters on a bright background
is better

It is thus suggested using a black marker,
blue, or green, and do not use a red
Information must be clearly
Images must be informative
The color image is much more attractive
than a colorless
Images can clarify the description of the
Moving pictures are more informative
than static images
Show important information only
Font size of at least 20
If it is not possible table is divided into 2
parts or using animation
Different information is made with
different colors will be much better
No need to comment on the contents of
the table too much
To show the trend (up or down) using a
line graph with different colors

To demonstrate the comparison, use the
bar graph
Teachers arrange the seating of students
according to their characteristics,
subjects and learning activities to be
carried out
The volume and tone of voice teachers
should be clear
The oracle of the teacher should be polite
and understood by students
There is an adjustment between speed
and learning ability of students
Teachers should be able to create neatness,
discipline, comfortable, and safety in the
learning process
Teachers provide reinforcement and feedback
on student responses and learning outcomes
Teachers respect students' opinions
Teachers use decent clothes, clean, and tidy
Beginning of each semester the teacher submit
syllabus subjects
Teachers begin and end in accordance with
the allocation of instructional time
Prepare students psychologically and
Asking relevant prior knowledge
Describes the learning objectives and
basic competencies to be achieved
Describing a scope of material and
activities according to the description
explaining the syllabus
a. Exploration
Involve students in finding information
Using the appropriate approach and learning
Facilitate interaction between students,
between teachers and students, the
environment, and other learning resources
Actively involve students in learning activities
Facilitate students in activities in the laboratory,
studio, or field
Habituation students reading and writing
through a variety of specific tasks
Facilitate students through the provision
of assignments, discussions, etc. to
come up with new ideas both orally and
in writing
Give an opportunity to think, analyze,
solve problems, and act without nervous
Facilitate students in cooperative learning and
Facilitate students to compete in a healthy remedy for
improving learning achievement
Facilitate the students to make exploration report orally
or in writing individually or in groups
Facilitate students to present their result, individually or
in groups
Facilitating students to do exhibitions, tournaments, or
festivals depend on products which be produced
Facilitate students engage in activities that can foster
pride and self-confidence
Give positive feedback and reinforcement
in the form of oral, written, gesture, or
award to student success
Confirm the results of exploration and
elaboration of students through a variety
of sources
Facilitate student reflection to obtain the
learning experience has been done well
Facilitate students to gain meaningful
experience in achieving basic
a. As a guest speaker and facilitator
b. Help resolve the problem
c. Provide a reference so that students can check the
results of exploration
d. Provide information for further exploration
e. Provide motivation to students who are less or have
not active participated
Teacher activities:
a. With students and or own make a summary or conclusion
b. Do assessment and/ or reflection of the activities that
have been implemented in a consistent and programmed
c. Provide feedback on the process and outcomes of
d. Planned follow-up in the form of remedial learning,
enrichment programs, counseling services, or give
indivdu task or group in accordance with student learning
e. Submit lesson plans to the next meeting
The assessment was conducted to measure the students'
achievement level of competence and is used as a
reference in the preparation of student progress reports
and in improving the learning process.

The assessment is done in a consistent, systematic, and
programmed using tests and non-test in the form of written
or verbal, performance observation, attitude measurement,
assessment work in the form of a task, project or product,
portfolio, and self-assessment.

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