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Ingls 6 lesson 3 Rodrigo

Listening skills
Listening for detail
Language input
Making excuses
to refuse an invitation
!"# $art !
Im going to a soccer match
I%& sorr' ( I can%t
I )ave to *ork
I%& +us' tonig)t
I%& too tired
Lynn: Say, Miguel, what are you doing tonight? Do you want
to go bowling?
Miguel: Id love to, but I cant. Im going to a soccer match
with my brother.
Lynn: Oh, well maybe some other time.
Miguel: re you doing anything tomorrow? !e could go then.
Lynn: "omorrow sounds #ine. Im going to wor$ until #ive.
Miguel: So lets go around si%.
Lynn: O&. #terward, maybe we can get some dinner.
Miguel: Sounds great
Listen to the rest of the conversation.
When are they going to have dinner? Who are they
going to meet after dinner?
Discuss. Use the Opinion expressions we
saw last class:
Do you think it is OK for co-workers to
date? Why or why not?
Speaking- post listening
In y opinion...! I think that...
I "elie#e that...! to y ind...
It is....
Serious! conser#ati#e!
F!nny! ori$inal! modern! old%
"ashioned! unethical!
#aking e$c!ses.
%hich ones are goo& %hich ones o 'o! !s!all' !se&
1. I can&t. 'y parents are #isitin$ fro out of town.
(. I& "usy that ni$ht.
). I& sorry. I can&t find a "a"ysitter.
*. I& not feelin$ well.
+. I ha#e to work.
,. I -ust $ot a new puppy. I ha#e to stay hoe with it.
.. I ha#e class that ni$ht.
/. 'y fa#ourite 0# show is on that ni$ht.
1. I ha#e to $et up early the next ornin$.
!ould you li$e to....?
'es,I would. (o,I wouldnt.
Im sorry, I cant. Im busy that night
I have to ) wor$, study,...* Im too ) tired, busy..*
Listen and res+ond:
Would you like to....
...go to the beach?
...come with me to see a friend at hospital?
... Go to the cinema? football? after class? to the US?
Grammar "oc!s (
Ingls 6 lesson -#" Rodrigo
.ixation exercises
Language input
.uture for&s
!"# $art /
Ing 6 U15 Rodrigo
the workplace of the future
Lynn: Say, Miguel, what are you doing tonight? Do you want
to go bowling?
Miguel: Id love to, but I cant. Im going to a soccer match
with my brother.
Lynn: Oh, well maybe some other time.
Miguel: Are you doing anything tomorrow? !e could go then.
Lynn: "omorrow sounds #ine. Im going to work until #ive.
Miguel: So lets go around si%.
Lynn: O&. #terward, maybe we can get some dinner.
Miguel: Sounds great
Grammar "oc!s )

When we want to express that someone is planning to

do something, bt is not entirel! sre abot it"
I am going to #isit m! ant next wee$" % I am planning
to #isit her"

When we sa! what we $now will happen

be&ase o' what we see or hear"
(harles is going to $ill himsel' i' he dri#es
li$e that"
)oo$ ot* +o,re going to 'all*
We se the .resent (ontinos as 'tre 'or
appointments and 'or a&tions that are de'initel!
planned" We sall! gi#e the time"

Vicky is leaving for Paris next week.

I cant go out tomorrow because my parents are


Are you going to the cinema on Saturday

0 0
se t)e present continuous to talk a+out .0RE ARRANGEMEN01
2 A TIME AND PLACE is decided34
/a %call client in 2io.
1)p 3ha#e lunch with "est
1.p 3dentist appointent
(0p 3$o to 4n$lish class
.a 3$o to the $y special
spinnin$ class
1)p 3ha#e lunch with
10a 3eetin$ at work
1/p 3happy hour at pu"
1*p 3$ot to the all% "uy a $ift for
father&s day.
11p 3cinea with friends
1, p% #isit client
We lo#ed the
'tre 'orms"
Gi#e s more
Sure! no problem.
"xtra handouts. #e$ll correct
them together%%%%
I/m going to do all
o' the exer&ises on
the wee$end
I/m doing all o'
them on Satrda!

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