ASPIRIN (Bayer) : A Drug Information

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What Px Should Know

Dispensing and Medication
Rem Alfred Felix P. Sorillo
Adamson Univerity
Uses of Aspirin
Analgesic, Antipyretic
At dose antithrombotic = Tx of Angina
Ischemic stroke, MI, CABG, PTCA

Dose and Dosing Sched
Pain, fever
325650 mg q46h PO or PR (4g/d max)
Arthritis: 36 g/d PO in dose
81325 mg PO daily
MI: 81 (preferred)325 mg PO daily
Dose and Dosing Sched
1015 mg/kg/dose PO or PR q46h up to 80
mg/kg/24 h
Kawasaki Dz
80100 mg/kg/d q6h, 35 mg/kg/d after fever

Side effect
GI upset

Available Dose
Tabs 325, 500 mg
chew tabs 81 mg
EC tabs 81, 162, 325, 500,
650, 975 mg
SR tabs 650, 800 mg
effervescent tabs 325, 500
supp 125, 200, 300, 600
Pregnancy Category: C
Breastfeeding: Monitor Px, use with caution

Avoid in viral illness in pedia px (eg.
Chickenpox) Reye syndrome
Aspirin + NSAIDs
Non-selective NSAIDs may antagonise the
antiplatelet effects of aspirin and reduce its
cardioprotective effects. Some NSAIDs
(particularly coxibs) are also associated with
an increased thrombotic/cardiovascular risk.
Combined use of NSAIDs (including coxibs)
and aspirin, even in low-dose, increases the
risk of gastrointestinal bleeds.
Aspirin + Food
Food delays the absorption of aspirin but does
not affect the overall amount absorbed.
Aspirin + Sampalok (Tamarindus
Tamarindus indica fruit extract caused a 3-fold
increase in the serum levels of aspirin.
Aspirin + Warfarin and other oral
High doses of aspirin (4 g daily or more) can
increase prothrombin times. It also damages the
stomach wall, which increases the risks of
bleeding. Low-dose aspirin (75 to 325 mg daily)
increases the risk of bleeding when given with
warfarin by about 1.5- to 2.5-fold, although, in
most studies the absolute risks have been small.
Increased warfarin effects have been seen when
the salicylates methyl salicylate or trolamine
salicylate, were used on the skin.
Aspirin + Alcohol
The combined effect of aspirin and alcohol on the stomach
wall is established. Aspirin 3 g daily for a period of 3 to 5
days induces an average blood loss of about 5 mL. Some
increased loss undoubtedly occurs with alcohol, but it
seems to be quite small and unlikely to be of much
importance in most healthy individuals using moderate
doses of aspirin. In one study it was found that alcohol was
a mild damaging agent or a mild potentiating agent for
other gastrointestinal damaging drugs. It should be
remembered that chronic and/or gross overuse of aspirin
and alcohol may result in gastric ulceration. Other
salicylates would be expected to have similar effects to

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