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Presenter Info
Kris Dunn
CHRO at Kinetix (RPO, Recruiting)
Founder of Fistful of Talent , The HR
Hoops Junkie
Steve Boese
Co-Chair HR Technology Conference
HR Exec Magazine Technology Editor
Host of HR Happy Hour Show and
BBQ Aficionado
Tell Us ThoughtSpot Doesnt Get
HR/Talent We Double Dare You!!
Know any great talent?
Get them a gig with
ThoughtSpot and you
will win money. Big
ThoughtSpot just
announced a 20K
referral bonus.
The World Keeps
Talking About Big
Why Should HR Care?
A complete history of employees and
their experience, skills, work projects,
education, certifications, licenses,
awards, performance, compensation,
benefits, attendance, work products,
competencies, comments,
conversations, connections
All of the same information for all the
people that used to work for you
All of the same information for those
people who want to work for you
All of the same information for those
people that you want to recruit
How all or some or one of those pieces
of data youve gathered actually
influence, impact, and drive business
outcomes for your organization
THINK ABOUT THIS: Here are some
possible ways BIG DATA will change
your workplace
HIRING: Rich candidate profiles automatically
matched to job requirements, hiring manager
preferences, team dynamics, and cultural fit
elements reduce the bad hire syndrome.
RETAINING: Sophisticated algorithms assess
myriad data points to predict high performing
talent at a high risk of loss. Systems learn what
rewards and incentives to offer.
COACHING: Deep insight into high performance
characteristics and the likelihood of success drives
decisions on feedback preference, development
opportunities, and internal succession. Employees
can generate dynamic career paths based on
multiple factors.
PLANNING: Workforce planning systems
incorporate real-time variables like weather,
traffic, social signals, and worker health and
alertness to better align talent with demand.
ALIGNING: Data informs talent strategy like never
before. The impact on talent from business
decisions becomes much more clear.
Youre busy, youre under-staffed, and under-budgeted.

But thats ok, (you saw Moneyball, right?)
You I dont have the
expertise to keep up with
The Universe Waaahh
Snap out of it, you can compete
with the Big Boys.
By being more aggressive,
smarter, faster, willing to take
chances, and thinking
differently about data and
tech and what they mean.
You Have to Have Access
to Data Before You Can
Do Great Things

So Lets Talk To Someone Who Can
Break It Down

ON THE HORN: Jon Avrach
The Search Universe
Fixed Arbitrary Schema

The 3 Types of Data Sources Youve Got
to Get Under Control
User Data
Data Sources
Data warehouses
and data marts
Why HR and Recruiting
Pros Need to SHIFT/LEAN
Comes to Using Data
To Be Strategic, HR has to Stop
Reporting and Start Predicting
The HR Standard for reporting
has traditionally been about
what has happened in the past
Too little focus has been placed
on predictive use of data
You might not have true
predictive analytics, but how
comfortable are you and your
team at using data to
directionally predict the future
and identify gaps?
Cops Report and Enforce
Assassins Use Leverage To Get Change
Youve got data
People like ThoughtSpot
give you increased visibility
and access to data
are you reporting on, how
do you position the data
and how do you use the
data to drive behavioral
change in your
For Business
Intelligence (BI) and
Big Data
#1 Predicting Turnover
#1 All Time post on the HR Capitalist
Turnover Calculator
Most of us are reporting turnover,
but were not predicting it.
Reporting turnover is a start.
Turnover is the biggest lever you
have to getting organizational
change that is friendly to talent
often from leaders that are hostile to
HR and recruiting.
Always start any data play using
turnover with no less than a years
worth of data.

3 Ways to Experiment with Turnover
1. Project Turnover for Next
Month/Quarter based on annualized run
2. Pick the variable(s) you think has the
most juice and add it as an influencing
factor (example You think a mix of age,
tenure, comp-ratios and size of last
increase impact turnover. You study and
implement it into your reporting.) Note
that the best way to find influencing
factors is to study whats happened in
the past.
3. Buy a solution that has a turnover
predictor (starting to trickle into
Have you ever had a hiring manger
Was awful at interviewing and
making hiring decisions, and/or;
Couldnt keep good talent once she
onboarded it?
You know who your best hiring
managers are in interviewing,
marketing the company to
candidates, making the right
offer and giving them what they
need once theyre part of the
It only stands to reason you
should be reporting on that...

How to Calculate Hiring Manager
Batting Average (HMBA)
On HMBA A miss is a miss
Use the rolling stats of at least a years
worth of data
Unlike raw turnover reporting, HMBA gets
to quality of interviewing, quality of match
(not overshooting or undershooting) as
well as micro-culture considerations on
individual teams
THE FORMULA <All employees hired by
manager over time period still with
company>/<All employees hired by
manager over time period, including those
who have left>
Want to launch this piece of big data? Go
back over the last 3 years of hiring data and
put it together. If you want to be PC, report
it out by department, then report the
actual HMBAs to the department head,
along with your recommendations, of
#3 Salary Cap Utilization
When it comes to managing headcount
dollars and FTEs, there are 3 universal
1. HR Departments report FTEs more than
they report $$$
2. Business leaders long for max
autonomy. FTE reporting is the
opposite of this
3. Most people are familiar with the
sports world concept of a salary cap.
In moving to reporting on company and
departmental salary caps, smart HR
departments focus on flexibility and
consultative solutions, which make
them an assassin instead of a cop.

How to Report Headcount Via
Salary Cap Utilization
Salary Cap (per department or by manager with large spans
of control) = Budget Salary Dollars for month/year
(recommend month to month breakout)
Salary Cap Utilization = % of Salary Cap spent for month.
Report month and chart trend. Report headcount if needed
but eliminate budgeted headcount just report actuals
Call it the Salary Cap
Makes HR consultative via flexibility with the following topics
merit increases, equity increases, offers above budgeted
amount, retention of high priced talent vs. performance
expected, etc.
Can you reinvent your department with the same cap
You want to do something new? What are you willing to
give up?
You want to give an average of 8% on merit increases in your
department? Are you willing to lay people of to do it? Will
your business run the same? What will you get back related
to performance?
Advanced Play Turnover Factor baked in to reduce salary
cap for open position float.

#4 Revenue Per Employee (RPE)
Think all the talk about a set of 20 metrics is
white noise?
Cut to the chase and report the biggest data
lever you have at your disposal Revenue Per
Employee (RPE)
RPE seamlessly merges whats most important
to most of you the performance and
effectiveness of people with whats most
important to the people who employ you the
financial health of the business as noted by top-
line revenue.
Use to drive attention and partnership with any
autonomous business unit or product line
delivering significant revenue.
Best practice in presentation appears to the left
bar chart for revenue by quarter with line
graph of total headcount.

Ways To Use Revenue Per Employee (RPE)
To Do Your HR Bidding (evil laugh)
Is RPE going up or down in various
divisions/product lines/territories? Why?
What do you believe in from an organizational
performance perspective as a HR/recruiting
pro? Performance Management? Training?
Tech Deployment? Better hiring? Better firing?
What you believe in becomes your angle as an
organizational consultant to the leaders of your
company. If we want RPE to go up with the
same or added headcount, heres what we
need to do
RPE (just like turnover, HMBA and Salary Cap
utilization) is about the state of the business
and what you can do to fix areas that indicate
they are broken. Its not about HR metrics.

#5 Health Care Claims Per Capita
Its a touchy subject, but after fixed employee
costs, health care costs are one of the biggest line
items HR departments manage and present the
most downside risk.
Reporting Health Care Claims Per Capita (HCCPC) is
easy simply take the total $$$ in health care
claims vs. your plan and divide by the number of
Break it out by Division, Geography, etc. Just make
sure the breakouts represent big groups. Trend it
out by month and show the trend line.
The resulting awareness helps in two ways: 1) It
gives you leverage so there are no surprises if you
have to reduce the quality of the medical coverage
to stay even, and 2) It helps fund (with no budget)
remedial, mid-stream solutions within the plan
year designed to reduce total claim $$ (examples of
products in the past Tele-Doc, etc.


Whats Next Once You Have
the Data and are
Broadcasting the Data?
Step 1 - Scoreboard the Data and Make
People Change Their View of HR
The Data weve focused on
isnt about HR, its about the
You dont win unless youre
willing to keep score and tell
the world whos winning.
The business will respect you
more in the morning if you
dont treat them equal.
Report on winners and losers,
but be quick to offer help to
those who arent winning.
Step 2 - Use Experiments and A/B Testing to Prove the
Things You Want to Spend Money On Actually Work
Your reporting on data sets
the baseline.
Smart talent pros with
confidence understand that
provides a perfect opportunity
to experiment.
Do experiments, measure the
Get early wins that give you
more rope to experiment in
the future and get you
Step 3 Get Strategic with Departmental Leaders by
Consulting on Their Teams Weaknesses
The reporting you do in public
doesnt have to include
individual manager level.
The reporting you do in private
MUST include and focus on
individual manager level.
Youre looking to share the data
with the leaders, prove you
understand the business and gain
their trust to help them fix the
Consulting 101 Data-driven,
then recommendations.

Step 4 Use Individual Scores to Apply
Pressure Whenever Its Needed
Lets face it theres a lot of people
out there who dont care about
Those people cause a lot of harm to
the business and create employee
relations issues everywhere they go
Even if they get decent business
results, the way they manage should
show up in the way you measure the
business (think turnover, HMBA, etc.)
Sometimes you have to play
Hardball instead of Moneyball
thats what scoreboards and you
developing relationships with leaders
based on data are for.


Thank you to our webcast sponsor:
Win $20,000 by referring talent to ThoughtSpot! Check out the details at . Have further questions? Email them

Twitter: @kris_dunn

Twitter: @SteveBoese

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